Nov 28, 2002

I absolutely loved the first one. I am so amped to see this this weekend. Anybody else? I'm not even a big Nic Cage fan, but he was badass in the first oneand the blonde was smokin! Here are some teasers and trailers.
I'm having a DVD night Thursday showing the first movie and then me and several friends from church are going to see this one Friday or Saturday night.Should have at least a dozen or so people excited for each.
I saw the first movie due to boredom and I really liked it a lot. Will definitely catch this one this weekend.
First movie me and my chick watched so she's making sure we see this one.

The first one was really good even though I thought it was going to suck.

I hope this one doesn't dissappoint.
edit: TO KLJ: im not sure really. the first one is nice to understand the thought process nick cage goes through
when finding clues and stuff and some lines are pretty funny. I guess you should more than likely see it...
you wont be disapointed anyways. torrent it asap than watch NT2 this weekend!

Im def seeing this movie. asap. i was planning on going tomorrow during the day but i dont know if i can now..
ill see before monday though! i loved the first one and am pretty sure #2 will be just as good, if not better.

Man movie is going to be so Tight... Anyone wanna try to do some National Treassure stuff, LOL j/k I heard they may be coming out w/ a 3rd too depending on howwell this one will do
yea National Treasure was one of those movies that was always on cable and that you just are too lazy to change the channel because you know there prob mightbe something better on the tv but maybe not and you don't want to risk that chance so you just settle. I def want to see this but I also want to see WalkHard
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Will I have to have seen the first one to understand the sequel?

Probably won't be tied into the first movies plot but you won't know who all the characters are.

I'm seeing this tonight at midnight WOOO!!!
Like those above said, when I run across it on TV, I just can't change the channel. I always watch the rest of it. I didn't see the first one until itcame out on DVD. I rented it for the hell of it and absolutely loved it...ended up watching it twice that day. I am super hyped for this one!
I came in this thread assuming it was a joke... I don't think there is actually a legitimately good movie with Nicholas Cage. The whole premise of thefirst one was utterly ******ed, I can't believe you guys are serious...
Originally Posted by ebayologist

I came in this thread assuming it was a joke... I don't think there is actually a legitimately good movie with Nicholas Cage. The whole premise of the first one was utterly ******ed, I can't believe you guys are serious...

I can't wait to see this.
the first one was good, but i have a feeling that this one isnt gonna be too great. I may go see it anyway just cause i did enjoy the first one so much. Illcheck the NTCritics reviews to see how it all checked out first.
Its been a great year for movies in my opinion. And this would be a perfect movie to end the year with.

Why'd I get Married?
I Am Legend
American Gangster
Simpsons (eh, its the simpsons yo)
Knocked Up
Resident Evil Extintion
Room 1408
National Treasure was definitely a surprise hit.

I did not expect much at all when I first saw it, but i really enjoyed it.
Today's the day. I'm making it a double feature after work today. National Treasure and then we're gonna sneak in to Dewey Cox.
i saw the first one on a little weekend vacation in some hotel and i loved it. can't wait for this one.
Saw it today, and I THOUGHT it was alittle better than the first; however, you don't follow Gates that well with the clues in this one. But it was a greatmovie. I loved how Disney brought it back by showing a cartoon of Goofy before the movie
. NOW, on to the third!~

***EDIT POSSIBLE SPOILER Maybe part three has to do with page 47 hmmmmmm just a thought
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