Nate 41 pts? nahh lets talk about Mo vs Kobe...

I had switched to the game at the beginning of the 4th and they were down like 15, I turned back and they were down by 2 I was like
.. Then nate scoredevery basket from that point except for a 3 he had an assist on
Originally Posted by henz0

I had switched to the game at the beginning of the 4th and they were down like 15, I turned back and they were down by 2 I was like
.. Then nate scored every basket from that point except for a 3 he had an assist on
@You giving credit to a player on a New York team.
Dude was playing out of his mind. He is stille clearly the most skilled offensive player the Knicks have.
i didnt see all of BJ's 55 point night.

But, Nate's show in the 4th and OT was the most dominant performance I've seen all year.

Nobody could stay in front of him, hit everything and on the other end he was great as well and came up with every loose ball in sight
i was on the computer playing counterstrike and was wondering why my pops was yellin at the tv
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Imagine the after game speech.

D'Antoni had to feel crunchy.
oh of course.....cuz if he benches him again he's gonna look like da major bad guy.
My team cant even beat the damn Knicks. Mike Woodson won't have the Hawks going anywhere if we cant finish games. Hell, that's been the probably eversince he became coach anyways.
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