I guess I'm wondering why this is even a topic on this web site, especially if nothing can be said without you guys saying you can't say that, or threatening to boot cats for saying what I said. If you don't true opinions(I speak from the heart) what are you looking for when bringing up such a topic. I am very confused.
This topic exists to clarify our forum rules, because some people have been attempting to post abbreviations for racial slurs and that is NOT allowed here. People are entitled to their opinions, but the rule isn't subject to negotiation. As you can see, some people are interested in clarification and this post has been left open to facilitate that. We've taken the time to address people's questions and concerns in explaining the policy, so no one will accidentally violate the rules and find themselves banned.
If people absolutely cannot tolerate the policy, they're welcome to find another message board that better caters to their needs. We will not, however, suddenly reverse our stance to permit the use of racial slurs or any derivatives/variations thereof simply because a handful of people gripe about it.
Wow .. feels like 50 e-lives ago. What forums were those ? Theystill around ?