MySpace thread..FAQ and tips...

Some of my files on my custom player play and others don't. Could anyone PM me or get @ me on AIM and help me out. I didn't think it was this complicated, unless I'm just a ******.
anyone know how to make your whole page flip horizonatlly? like have your main pic on the right side and the comments on the left?

also, is there anyway to get rid of the details where it says your zodiac sign and your status..

feel free to add me..
at: 1/01/01 1:23 am[/i]​
to flip your page, put this in the "about me" section:

table {direction:rtl;}
table table table {direction:ltr;}

and to get ride of the zodiac sign and stuff, just leave that whole section blank/no answer and it wont show up.


Ya, just find a comment box then look in the code for anything that says "Click here to get your own comment box" or anything like that then just delete that off the code then that advertisement shouldnt show up anymore.

If you need help, ill paste my code on here.
Looking for Buck, or Jedi dunk SB in size 8.5-9.5.
and Brooklyn Projects Circas.
umm anyone else using ripway keep getting a message saying their DLs are temporary locked because usage has been exceeded? this is annoying because i only have like 3 songs on my player which i uploaded a couple days ago and when i go to my page the songs wont play on the webjay player.. im wondering if anyone else viewing my page can still listen to my songs or is there anyway to stop other ppl from DLing so my ripway usage doesnt go up everyday when i aint even home????
dat mainstream be sugar-coated and watered down..

The same thing is happening to me with ripway and my webjay player. Only 2 of my songs play out of 8. The 6 that aren't playing are saying on ripway that they are temporarily locked. :rolleyes

I just wanted to know if there are any trackers that work. I used to use profilesnoop but it doesnt work any more.
Don't forget to join me with blingo.Blingo is a search engine with a twist. Each search on Blingo is also a chance to win a prize.
heres my comment box code
<form method="post" action="">"><input type="hidden" name="friendID" value="*******"><textarea name="f_comments" cols="30" rows="2">Comment here.</textarea>
<input type="submit" value="ya"></form>

Replace the stars with your own friend id, if you need help, just pm me.
Looking for Buck, or Jedi dunk SB in size 8.5-9.5.
and Brooklyn Projects Circas.
"Please Note: If you put pics or songs or links to files on pages, people will download them and increase your usage, even if you're not online."

yeah thas wut it says on the ripway page. i have only heard the songs on my playlist (like 3 songs) play once. that is it...
it never plays anymore because my "daily usage" is always exceeded.. which means my "downloads are temporarily locked" which means my songs never play.. so um.. @#%$ am i supposed to do? how do yall do it?
dat mainstream be sugar-coated and watered down..
^Exactly what is happening to all of my songs except 2. Someone that has been successful with this, let us know please!!
Collector's Kicks 1st Annual Rock your Kicks Fest 2006 is now in session.

For the whole month of July. True Sneakerheads from all over the internet will be invited to join us in posting pictures of themselves rocking their sneakers. This isn't a competition.... this is just a celebration of sorts because July 9th marks the 2nd anniversary of Collector's Kicks. Over the last 2 years prominent members of Collector's Kicks have brought you some memorable pics.... here are a few..

We at Collector's Kicks know the difference between those "Sneakerheads" that keep their kicks sitting in their closets and those that actually rock theirs. If you wanna join us in our RockFest as we call it... and represent that you are a true sneakerhead... feel free to join us and post a pic of you rocking your sneakers. And post as many as you want. Also... don't forget to Rep what Board you're from.....

Post Pics here
does anyone still have a myspace tracker that works ?
Here's mine. If anyone wants to add me, feel free.


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