Myspace or Facebook...

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i have found that fb/myspace preference is a direct correlation of maturity.

fb over here.
judging from your statement, i'm surprised you said fb then. i'm jp though.

facebook here...

both are getting kind of boring frankly.
I recently got a FB account and I'm addicted. All my old high school classmate are on there and I spend hours reconnecting. I had myspace and it sucked.Who wants to see pictures and videos floating across the screen with crazy wild wallpapers and music.
Originally Posted by REDBRIM

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Both are lame

90% of people on these need to step outside and have a real social life.


yeh i agree with the people that are online all the time...but don't try and act like your that cool not to have one....i have found people on there that ihave not talked to in years and have hung out with them.....
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

myspace is less gimmicky to me
Yep. Facebook is necessary for college. After that, it has little over myspace. Both can be abused but I appreciate the customization on myspacewith the music and all. Those apps on facebook are stupid. I don't go crazy for either, but when it comes to keeping in touch with people, I prefermyspace.
i have friends and family on both...facebook lets me know what's going on with people or what kinda events are going on. Myspace is for *!*%!#*around...putting music on your page and stuff like that. I like both of them.
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