Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by SteppedOutAdream

There were more pics of the cake there? lol nah it's all about trust and I'm a faithful gf real talk.
You can't have your cake, and eat it too...
Nice cake but its funny how this thread has turned out. It went from cakes to myspace pics and then people hating on the poor girl. By the way did youever consider making cakes professionaly. They look pretty good.
Originally Posted by SteppedOutAdream

There were more pics of the cake there? lol nah it's all about trust and I'm a faithful gf real talk.

does your bf know your on here?
Dudes gassin' this ladyboy young lady up like crazy...

Y'all are some thirsty cats.

Do y'all thing though!

Edited...I felt bad. Have a good weekend!
I don't post regularly on NT but I do view it regularly so I knew what I was getting into, no harm done. I posted specifically to get feedback on a cake Imade to show appreciation for my bf, our love for shoes as well as baking, no other reason. Overall, the majority of the responses were good, thanks for that!=)
Originally Posted by SteppedOutAdream

I don't post regularly on NT but I do view it regularly so I knew what I was getting into, no harm done. I posted specifically to get feedback on a cake I made to show appreciation for my bf, our love for shoes as well as baking, no other reason. Overall, the majority of the responses were good, thanks for that! =)
damn you've been a member since '04?
DAMN, dudes wild'n in this thread. i dig her. she good in my book.

if you ever in north carolina, dont hesitate!
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