My Revelation

Nov 26, 2007
So last night i joined in the fun and hopped on chat roulette i saw the normal dudes jerking off, black screens, occasional girl, occasional hot girl.
through out the night though i ran into at least 4 people call me the N word with the er. And they got kinda tight i didnt get offended... one guy was like ohyoure cool bro. here comes my revelation when they say it they are only saying it because they are looking for an offensive thing to say. I dot think theytruly mean it. Like listen if you see a bunch of dudes penises being wacked infront of you id think you want to say or do something offensive too. God blessthe boobies though
I realized this in college. White people love to use the N word. They absolutely love it. Whether they are using it offensively or not, if there isn't ablack person in sight, it is dropped without hesitation at any moment.
Let me get this straight.

People on the internet... are only saying things to offend or get a rise out of people, because they're just bored?

My mind has been blown.
^So it's okay just as long as they're not being offensive?
I'm not attacking you bro,just trying to understand the logic.
^He allows his white friends to say the N word around him. They feel like this black person represents all blacks so they are reckless when it comes todropping the word.
He means he has to tell the other people around not to get mad because they dont mean anything offensive by it. They are just saying it because when they arearound all their boys it is ok to drop it. It has become less and less offensive in the Northeast. IDK how it is in other places. But in the NE people donteven really bat an eye at it anymore unless it is obvious that they are saying it offensively.

And not for nothing. But you can tell the people who use it on a normal basis and those who say it randomly. Im Italian and although I try not to let it slipwhen im not around my boys (I have no white friends, So its not us in the basement spittin out the word just cuz theres no body around) it does slip but itcomes off as something I use normally so no1 around ever takes offense. It prolly helps that most people think im a light skinned PR but either way, its moreaccepted for EVERYONE to use it up here. I cant speak for everywhere else tho.

Edit: this is also seen mostly on XBL. These kids are just saying it to get a reaction out of people in the rooms. If you dont take offense to it (I dont seewhy you would its not like you will ever see them) they wont throw it around like that. And we all know not one of them would say it the way they say it onthere to anyones face. The internet gives people extra courage because they know theres no backlash. No1 can jump through the TV and punch you in the face forsomething you say online.
Originally Posted by JJschenley23

They aint being offensive to anyone^ thats what i mean
I'd slap all of ya'll for the rest of us black people with some sort of dignity.. your mama prolly owe you a fresh *+! whoopingor something. What's wrong with these kids?
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

I realized this in college. White people love to use the N word. They absolutely love it. Whether they are using it offensively or not, if there isn't a black person in sight, it is dropped without hesitation at any moment.

Not here to start anything but, I am white and when im with my friends the word is prolly being said in every other sentence...
Originally Posted by JJschenley23

^ Yea i verified my white homies to say the n word. Whenever they in public i gotta explain they down lol.

Man, you can't give out no passes, you dont have that jurisdiction...if your friend Chad decides to drop the word around a bunch of the wrong people, yourboy is gonna get teed off on. Possibly you too for intervening for dude. You need to find alternate friends, cuzzo...
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Let me get this straight.

People on the internet... are only saying things to offend or get a rise out of people, because they're just bored?

My mind has been blown.

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by JJschenley23

^ Yea i verified my white homies to say the n word. Whenever they in public i gotta explain they down lol.

Man, you can't give out no passes, you dont have that jurisdiction...if your friend Chad decides to drop the word around a bunch of the wrong people, your boy is gonna get teed off on. Possibly you too for intervening for dude. You need to find alternate friends, cuzzo...
Word, like don't these clowns realize that they don't have the jurisdiction to give out a pass on behalf of ALL Black people? It's aracial slur.. meaning even if I don't hear it and he's talking to/about you, it applies to me because we're of the same race. Getit? That @#@% ain't cool family..
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by JJschenley23

^ Yea i verified my white homies to say the n word. Whenever they in public i gotta explain they down lol.

Man, you can't give out no passes, you dont have that jurisdiction...if your friend Chad decides to drop the word around a bunch of the wrong people, your boy is gonna get teed off on. Possibly you too for intervening for dude. You need to find alternate friends, cuzzo...
Word, like don't these clowns realize that they don't have the jurisdiction to give out a pass on behalf of ALL Black people? It's a racial slur.. meaning even if I don't hear it and he's talking to/about you, it applies to me because we're of the same race. Get it? That @#@% ain't cool family..
Just to play devils advocate if you are friends with a white guy and you are say at a majority white party and you call out "what upcracker" because thats just how you playaround/talk normally with your friend. Every white person in there has a right to bash your face in?

Again tho, down south things might be different. More people prolly mean it in an offensive way when they say it down there so I could see how you would bemore on edge when someone says it. But most people up north dont take offense to the word anymore. It is basically the equivalent of Son or Fam up here if youare familiar with people. I mean you cant just walk in anywhere and be shootin off the word. But its not to the point where its an instant +#% whooping as soonas the word exits your mouth.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by JJschenley23

^ Yea i verified my white homies to say the n word. Whenever they in public i gotta explain they down lol.

Man, you can't give out no passes, you dont have that jurisdiction...if your friend Chad decides to drop the word around a bunch of the wrong people, your boy is gonna get teed off on. Possibly you too for intervening for dude. You need to find alternate friends, cuzzo...
Word, like don't these clowns realize that they don't have the jurisdiction to give out a pass on behalf of ALL Black people? It's a racial slur.. meaning even if I don't hear it and he's talking to/about you, it applies to me because we're of the same race. Get it? That @#@% ain't cool family..
Just to play devils advocate if you are friends with a white guy and you are say at a majority white party and you call out "what up cracker" because thats just how you playaround/talk normally with your friend. Every white person in there has a right to bash your face in?
Yes. That's fair enough.

I have a VERY hood white friend named, take a guess, White Boy (his choice). And if you call him Roger, he'll squab you.. he don't play about hisgov't name. But guess what, even though he's more of a sterotypical Nword than me, I bet he knows the line. We've NEVER had to even bring it up.And I'd never call him anything other than White Boy.

Again tho, down south things might be different. More people prolly mean it in an offensive way when they say it down there so I could see how you would be more on edge when someone says it. But most people up north dont take offense to the word anymore.

I'm from Indiana family... home of the KKK.. think about it...

It is basically the equivalent of Son or Fam up here if you are familiar with people.

No, it isn't..

I mean you cant just walk in anywhere and be shootin off the word. But its not to the point where its an instant +#% whooping as soon as the word exits your mouth.
Cuz ya'll lack integrity and a backbone. Period.
Originally Posted by JJschenley23

^ I mean seriously its just words. I dont care what ppl say or call me. There WORDS. He didnt rape ur sister, burn ur house down, or kill ur mother. Hes not harming u everyone says something racist get over it.
What? My ancestors got all of the above for being labeled and treated like Nwords instead of PEOPLE... you CAN'T be serious..
Originally Posted by JJschenley23

everyone says something racist get over it.

Do they? Sounds like a flaw in YOUR mindset...there is such a thing as "fighting words"...even the Founding Fathers know that, step your Constitutiongame up...
I'm fairly prejudice.. which isn't my fault.. but I'd NEVER allow myself to be racist, or homophobic, or any other bigot.
Some people use it like they've never seen a black person before. especially younger cats
JJschenley23 wrote:
^ Im saying every race is racist. U dont even know ur ancestors and we through the past let it go. We in current time. You cant fight every white person cause they dropped a N. Theres millions of different ppl from different races that use the N. Come on its words. The person aint directly talking to u making funny of u if he was its a different story.

You're fairly dense, aren't you? So you're...ok with that? That's' cool? just let +*%! go huh?
... nah homie, round here we stand up onours. The G in me don't forget a damn thing. I don't intend to fight every racist. But I bet I put the first brother I catch permitting that +*%! in atriangle hold.. I'm more interested in murdering the traitors than the opposition.. so to speak..
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