My Pup has Parvo.......

Jul 31, 2012
Bruh, this is like the equivalent of watching your child fight for his/her life. She's five months. She started vomiting this clear mucous Friday, and completely stopped eating since Saturday. I've been on extra grind the past 48 hours, giving her fluids and chicken broth. My father-in-law gave her some antibiotics yesterday. **** is TOUGH bruh. She's an apple headed Chihuahua mix. Couldn't have weighed more than 5-6lbs, but she's lost at least 3lbs in a few days. She had the worst diarrhea I've ever smelt in life yesterday evening. Vomited a little this morning, but finally left her cage and went and drank some water on her own. I pray she makes it through this. I put up a pic of her as a baby, and one of her sleep last week, before the virus kicked in. Sorry NT, had to vent.

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Hope she recovers brah.. Love dogs, couldn't imagine myself without my chihuahua. They are truly like kids in some ways.
I know the feeling of seeing your dog in poor health. It has your stomach in knots that you can't do much. I hope she pulls through and you two have many year of companionship.
Hope she pulls through bro. If it makes you feel better I had a pit that beat it when he was a few months old.
i have a 5 month old pup too, i cant even imagine this kind of heartbreak 

i sincerely hope things work out for you and your little buddy
My boxer turned 6 months a couple days ago... Couldn't imagine watching him go through this right now.

Hope she gets through it.
I feel for you bro my prayers go out to your dog

As a dog owner myself this is one of my greatest fears
Probably when I was 14 or so, I found a stray wire haired terrier mix on the train tracks and "rescued" him. He was with me for over a year and one day he got out of the yard and a neighbor called the pound to come and pick him up. Once he got in the pound, he contracted parvo and I only lost him for two days. He survived probably 7 days after I got him back home. Parvo is like the worst stage of AIDS for dogs. I wish I would have given him the parvo vaccine when I first got him.

Good luck with your pup. It's a shame to see them go through that.
My girls dog had parvo, she had to take it to the vet and got it some medicine. After about 2-3 days it got better, though. 
How do you think she got parvo? Was she exposed to other dogs?

I know that feeling bruh, my dog before last was a puppy and got parvo too 
I know exactly how you feel as my dog has cancer right now. It's so heartbreaking. If you can afford to take her to the vet, do so. Parvo is very serious but curable if treated soon enough and properly. She needs A LOT of fluids and meds. Hoping for the best for you and your little puppy.
Thanks guys. Well a small update: I've been giving her more water and electrolytes (Gatorade) every hour and a half. She hasn't wanted to drink anymore though, so I've had to use the syringe again. No bowel movement since yesterday evening. She hasn't vomited since very early this morning, which looked to be the chicken broth from last night. She also has started retaining fluids better, as she was able to go pee. Vet wanted $1,000+ to keep her, which is out of the question right now, so I've been providing a lot of water and Gatorade to keep her from getting dehydrated.
dawg, take your dog to the vet. whatchu waiting on?

and gatorade? no bueno. go to toysrus or babysrus and get pedialyte. it's for babies. tons of electrolytes and other ingredients safe for a babies stomach. gatorade has way to much sugar.
damn...thats of my favorite pitbul pups had parvo too and ended up dying a few years sad. :frown:
i know what your going through OP my teacup Chihuahua died after me having him 2 days of hook worms took him to the vet to get all of his shots and he died after they gave him the first one. I got him from a pet store and i just took him back and told him that he died from not having his shots and he immediately took all of the other pups to get their shots because he was about to be investigated cuz i wasnt the first one that had brought a puppy from there and took him to the vet to get his shots and it died they said but i ended up getting one of his brothers and he is good but i hope your dog gets over man it is kinda sad seeing em in pain and you cant do anything to help em.
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hope your puppy recovers asap. Went through some crazy times a year ago with my dog vomiting and having diarrhea constantly for a month until the vet finally said the gall bladder had to be removed. He lost so much weight and stopped eating so had no choice but to just go with the surgery. Vets do cost a lot but it really isn't a bad idea to get pet insurance. Make sure to keep giving your dog fluids and chicken rice if possible and if at all possible, take the pup to the vet asap. Hang in there bro.
This is why you should take your pets to the vet as soon as you get them..

This is the kind of stuff that happens when you try to be a cheapskate and cut corners, you wouldn't skip out on getting your kids their vaccines would you?

I'm sorry to be a ****, I lost my first dog a black lab to parvo when I was 13 I got the dog from a friend and never got it checked out..

I came home from school and he wouldn't eat, we took him to the vet and they wanted a couple bills to keep him alive, we had to put him down.

I feel more sympathy for the dog than you, she must be going thru hell..Gatorade? C'mon man you dont deserve a dog..
The cost is high but you could lose your dog if she doesn't get the proper care. My dog had the same symptoms about a month ago. Except my dog was also pooing blood. I took him to the vet and I ended up paying about $2100. He stayed there for 4 days and had to get a plasma transfusion. It's really hard to self diagnose a pet because they obviously can't tell you what's wrong or what hurts. See if they have a financing option that you can use.

DO NOT give your dog Gatorade. Like the poster earlier said, it has way too much sugar and other things that dogs should not be drinking. Pedialyte from your local supermarket is ok but it still can be harmful. Don't even think about pain killers or Pepto.

Hopefully she pulls through and if she does start researching on pet insurance. It usualy just costs about $20-$30 a month and could save you thousands.
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My boy dog caught parvo a couple times
every time he gives the dog a cap full of bleach in the dog's water
it bugged me out when I saw him do that but the dog would get better after a day or two
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