My NBA playoffs 2010 possibilities


Dec 28, 2007
I'll start with the easts first of the big 3 is the Cavs. There starters could be Mo, West, lebron, smith, and shaq with big help off the bench from big z,Parker, szczerbiak, varejao, Gibson, and maybe Moon* from the heat. They have six reliable 3pt shooters, great bigs, good close and mid range shooters, goodpasser, but a weak d. Then there's the magic with Nelson, Carter, Lewis, bass, and Howard with a good bench of pietrus, barnes, Anderson, gortat, andredick. They have knock down shooters, good bigs, and a decent defense. I see the magic better then the cavs right now. I didn't forget about Boston who inmy eyes are the team to beat with a possible starting rotation of rondo, Allen, pierce, KG, and sheed. They have Perkins, Davis, house, and powe of the benchand maybe but not likely Maurbury. They are the best team if they are healthy and I see them winning the 2010 finals the 2 teams on the rise are the raptorswho have derozen, Jack, and turkolu added to their roster could be a 4 or5. Also the hawks have the same starters with added help off the bench from Crawfordand teague the Miami heat could be a huge contender at the 4 seed if they resign moon, pick up odom, and trade wright and haslem for c booze. They would havechalmers, Wade, odom, boozer, JO with cook, head, jones, Quinn, magloire, and Anthony. The west has 4 power houses from LA, Dallas, Denver, and SA. LA addsartest but losses odom but they are still the team to beat. Dallas picks up Marion, mullen, and Ross to help get them back to the finals. The nuggets did notchange much but they have the energy from birdman and mr big shot supporting melo to put him in the talks with wade and lebron who have made it to the finalsfrom the 03 draft class. The spurs add very inmportant youth in Jefferson and Blair meanwhile they picked up mcdyess to to try to get them back to the finalsone last time for Timmy d. Those are my predictions thanks for reading and let me know what u hink is gonna happen this season. Sorry if my grammer is badI'm on my iPhone in my car and haven't reviewed my post.
Knowing how much hate there is on NT about the Cavs, many will disagree. Smith aint gon be starting for the Cavs btw
Originally Posted by chr1scross

Knowing how much hate there is on NT about the Cavs, many will disagree. Smith aint gon be starting for the Cavs btw

it's never too early for a prediction, smith probably won't with varajeo and big z
Perk is most likely gonna start with Sheed coming off the bench. Doc said it's not set in stone though.
those aren't predictions, you're just stating the obvious. predictions come when you fill out the bottom 4 playoff teams in the east and the bottom 3in the west.
Ok east 1 celtics 2 magic 3 cavs 4 heat 5 hawks 6 raptors 7 Bulls 8 Pistons 9 76ers. West 1 Lakers 2 Spurs 2 Mavs 4 Nuggets 5 blazers 6 nuggets 7 jazz 8rockets 9 grizzlies. I put in the 9 seed also I know there's only 8 that make playoffs so ppl don't try to flame me

, as long as they get back Odom, they reign supreme.
, we saw what they were capable in the playoffs. With the additionof Lawson and Afflalo, Chaucey will have more energy come playoffs.
, Jason Kidd will help Marion put up All-Star numbers again. As longas Dirk and Josh stay healthy, they will go deep in the playoffs.
, Richard Jefferson is not the answer to their youth problems.However, his addition strengthens their already solid and experienced core.
, this team is capable even without Oden, but if he proves scoutsright, this team will hover around the 3-5 spot for the next decade (barring any financial woes).
, this team is slowly combusting, Milsap is not the same playerBoozer is. Maybe the team will be better once the Boozer trade is complete.
, this team is going to be in debt for ages if they don't pulloff some trades. They still have solid players, but injuries and team management has really hurt their chances.
, Phoenix definitely gets the nod in this race because they have two-time MVPSteve Nash and Amare. But with a healthy Monta Ellis and a emerging star in Anthony Randolph, who knows what can happen (I'm also bias).

, Lebron will do what he does best. If help doesn't come beforethe end of the season, Cleveland should say bye to Lebron.
, losing Hedo was a big blow because he is the playmaker for theteam. Their offseason additions haven't been too shabby. I'm seeing another Orlando vs. Cleveland Conference Finals.
, Rasheed is a solid addition to this group, but this might be theirlast year to do some damage with Rondo, Pierce, and Allen's contracts up in the air after this season.
, this team has a good solid young core, they just have to resignMarvin Williams. This team can easily make it to the second round.
, Wade will continue to carry this team until a sign-and-trade orfree agent help comes (Boozer or Odom).
, Derrick Rose is has a lot to learn, isn't that scary? Theirdraft picks aren't that great, but they'll definitely be in the playoffs.
, their backcourt is in limbo at the moment, and that can make orbreak their season.
, Calderon, Derozan, Turkoglu, Bosh, Bargnani? Sounds like a solidfive to me.
, here's my wild-card pick. If Gilbert comes back 90% healthy, andeveryone plays accordingly, they might even be ranked higher.
@ bhz.
you better space up that paragraph, cuz most people aint going to read that cluttered thing.
i like andrew's predictions, but there would be a few picks i would change.
how about we add some more wildcard picks
Originally Posted by BangDak

@ bhz.
you better space up that paragraph, cuz most people aint going to read that cluttered thing.
i like andrew's predictions, but there would be a few picks i would change.
how about we add some more wildcard picks
more wildcard picks...washington was just a throwup, but toronto is more realistic. i need to make a change
Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

6-8 seeds are wide open in the West.
the clips def have a shot if everyone is healthy and motivated. DeAndre and Blake can make a monster front court
if healthy, washington can get to maybe the 6th seed even.
seeds 6-8 in east: wizards-atl.-philly (if williams gets resigned)wildcard picks:toronto, ny (bias, yes
), bobcats
seeds 6-8 in west- hornets-jazz-suns. wildcards: clipps (if healthy), warriors.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

more wildcard picks...washington was just a throwup, but toronto is more realistic. i need to make a change the clips def have a shot if everyone is healthy and motivated. DeAndre and Blake can make a monster front court

I know im in the minority but whatever....

I just cant see the MAGIC being better than the CELTS or CAVS next year.....

Yes theyre a quality team, but they had that NOBODY BELIEVES thing going for them last year and many people including myself underestimated them....

Theyll def have a lot of teams gunnin for them next year, and BRON is going to be on a mission and i think theyll lose to a healthy celts team....

Not much of a limb, but i just dont see them making it out of the EAST again...
Originally Posted by 410FRESH

I'll start with the easts first of the big 3 is the Cavs. There starters could be Mo, West, lebron, smith, and shaq with big help off the bench from big z, Parker, szczerbiak, varejao, Gibson, and maybe Moon* from the heat. They have six reliable 3pt shooters, great bigs, good close and mid range shooters, good passer, but a weak d. Then there's the magic with Nelson, Carter, Lewis, bass, and Howard with a good bench of pietrus, barnes, Anderson, gortat, and redick. They have knock down shooters, good bigs, and a decent defense. I see the magic better then the cavs right now. I didn't forget about Boston who in my eyes are the team to beat with a possible starting rotation of rondo, Allen, pierce, KG, and sheed. They have Perkins, Davis, house, and powe of the bench and maybe but not likely Maurbury. They are the best team if they are healthy and I see them winning the 2010 finals the 2 teams on the rise are the raptors who have derozen, Jack, and turkolu added to their roster could be a 4 or5. Also the hawks have the same starters with added help off the bench from Crawford and teague the Miami heat could be a huge contender at the 4 seed if they resign moon, pick up odom, and trade wright and haslem for c booze. They would have chalmers, Wade, odom, boozer, JO with cook, head, jones, Quinn, magloire, and Anthony. The west has 4 power houses from LA, Dallas, Denver, and SA. LA adds artest but losses odom but they are still the team to beat. Dallas picks up Marion, mullen, and Ross to help get them back to the finals. The nuggets did not change much but they have the energy from birdman and mr big shot supporting melo to put him in the talks with wade and lebron who have made it to the finals from the 03 draft class. The spurs add very inmportant youth in Jefferson and Blair meanwhile they picked up mcdyess to to try to get them back to the finals one last time for Timmy d. Those are my predictions thanks for reading and let me know what u hink is gonna happen this season. Sorry if my grammer is bad I'm on my iPhone in my car and haven't reviewed my post.
Smith is not under contract nor is Wally S and the Cavs led the league in defense last year.

Plus it's way too early to predict 2010 Playoffs.
East First Round
(1) Magic 4- (
Bobcats 0
(2) Cavaliers 4 - (7) Wizards 2
(3) Celtics 4 - (6) Raptors 2
(4) Hawks 4 - (5) Bulls 3

East Second Round
(1) Magic 4 - (4) Hawks 2
(2) Cavaliers 3 - (3) Celtics 4

Eastern Confernece Finals
(1) Magic 4 - (3) Celtics 2

West First Round
(1) Mavericks 4 - (
Rockets 1
(2) Lakers 4 - (7) Clippers 3
(3) Spurs 4 - (6) Hornets 3
(4) Nuggets 4 - (5) Blazers 3

West Second Round
(1) Mavericks 2 - (4) Nuggets 4
(2) Lakers 4 - (3) Spurs 3

Western Confernece Finals
(2) Lakers 3 - (4) Nuggets 4

NBA Finals
Magic 4 - Nuggets 3
Originally Posted by IwearJORDAN4LIFE

East First Round
(1) Magic 4- (
Bobcats 0
(2) Cavaliers 4 - (7) Wizards 2
(3) Celtics 4 - (6) Raptors 2
(4) Hawks 4 - (5) Bulls 3

East Second Round
(1) Magic 4 - (4) Hawks 2
(2) Cavaliers 3 - (3) Celtics 4

Eastern Confernece Finals
(1) Magic 4 - (3) Celtics 2

West First Round
(1) Mavericks 4 - (
Rockets 1
(2) Lakers 4 - (7) Clippers 3
(3) Spurs 4 - (6) Hornets 3
(4) Nuggets 4 - (5) Blazers 3

West Second Round
(1) Mavericks 2 - (4) Nuggets 4
(2) Lakers 4 - (3) Spurs 3

Western Confernece Finals
(2) Lakers 3 - (4) Nuggets 4

NBA Finals
Magic 4 - Nuggets 3

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