My job took all of our black employees off schedule for next week

Before you do anything like call HR, just walk right in the store sometime next week when you know the VP is gonna be there to confirm your suspicions. They can tell you not to come in as an employee, but not as a customer.
What you guys numbets looking like ... do you know your number s do you care. Can you explain technical running aspects of the shoes. What the goal each day period quartet....
Maybe the one who are working explemify this.
Former finishline manager
Tyrone and tyree got that day off tho
Thanks for the heads up OP. I aint letting my girl go outside all next week.
^ :smh:

How many black employees are off next week?
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how the **** do you expect there to be 15 black people working at a mid sized sneaker store that probably barely has 20 employees total. :rolleyes

the fact that they had to leave early the day prior and stuff like that is hella suspicious at the very least.
Very true.

However, even in 2013, a lot of stuff IS about race, regardless of what they want to tell you.  To deny that is to be pretty naive.  
very true hell its blatantly obvious despite the anonymity of this thread about the subject matter. So you know it could be a possibility.
I agree with going in as a customer and maybe shaking the vp's hand and let him know you work there or something along those lines
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