My iPhone screen is cracked really bad!!!!

You might as well go buy a used 8g. Its $250 now. Can get it from their stores now.
why aren't there any pics?

you'd think an iphone owner would have some sort of camera laying around
Not to thread jack, but I have a hairline crack on mine and wanted to know if there was anything I could do to fix it. It still works fine and everything, itjust has a little crack on the screen...
There lieing. Go to the nearest Applestore near you make an appointment and they should give you one fixed for free. Happen to me but my crack wasnt that big.
happened to my girl...she was like "ima call u after the genius give me an estimate and u tell me if its too much, k?"
i wait around like "its been 6 hours wth didnt she call"(no stalker)
next day were out @ dinner im like "sooo how much did they make u pay, cuz u could get a refurb for 250"
"ummm those nerds just gave me a new one, i left like it was a hook up and they were gonna get in trouble, but they said they do junk outs all thetime!!!"
go to apple store homie!
okay I just cracked my phone today and the Apple store wanted me to pay $250 for a new one, wth how is everyone getting theirs replaced for free??? One of theworker told me they don't cover "accidental blah blah blah", it has to be something wrong within iphone for me to get a new one for free.

I need a good excuse or something, help me out please.
I did go to the apple store and they told me the warranty doesn't cover cracked screens only technical malfunctions and it would be 250 for areplacement...but I checked ebay and they sell just the outer screen cover ( which is the cracked part of my phone) and I was wondering if I could swap it outmyself and it would save me over 230 dollars
^^ if you know how to do i...i dropped my phone into the toilet today but i had it in case so it really didnt get messed up. Do you think anything willhappened to it?
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