My GF broke up with me (pics added) Update pg 10

Originally Posted by BlastaMasta8

Originally Posted by bright nikes


OYM where she work @?

Hit me up though man sounds like you strugglin. Tacos and beer on me, we'll stop by all the stripclubs on Valley afterwards
Deja Vu>

Forget them strip clubs, you need a trip down south to Adelitas
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Yo fam, you can just tell shes hurting as well..probably more than you are..just give her time. Stop hitting her really think after 3 long %$% years shes gunna just sit there and forget about you already? Females are more emotional than us men. Like i said before, let her live for now...if she really loved you fam, she will return, if not then it wasnt meant to be. One day you guys gunna run into each other and chances ate, shes gunna miss you more than you did. Hit the gym hard and listen to some good music, focus on your scholastics and better yourself. I know its hard fam, ive been thru it

Get paid, forget about her.  Focus on your goals, and use this as motivation.  Whether you are trying to get her back or not, either way the best thing to do is not contact her at all.  Stay up, OP.  *+%% will get easier by the day. 
Originally Posted by bright nikes


OYM where she work @?

Hit me up though man sounds like you strugglin. Tacos and beer on me, we'll stop by all the stripclubs on Valley afterwards

LOL @ the strip clubs on Valley. You just need time homie. Maybe a NT summit in pomona would help.
Keep it movin. She may be tellin the truth maybe not. It realy doesn't matter. She told you that cuz she wants you to leave her alone. Work on you.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD


I couldn't take it anymore.. i send her a text. She replies "Im at work and im dating someone. Please stop."

i dont even know how i feel
Forget her, something is going to happen between her and her BF and she's going to regret you.

I'm not telling you that in hopes of starting over with her, that's just how it is. When it comes to relationships and breaking up, you just got to move on man, there will be plenty of beautiful girls out there, no worries dude
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers wrote:

Originally Posted by 951guero


Forget them strip clubs, you need a trip down south to Adelitas

summit in tj
   get your passsports ready nt.


but seriously OP. I was/am in the same situation that youre in. I went the simp route (
) but I reversed it and now she's out of my life and I've never been better. time heals ALL wounds and you're no different.....if you need any advice or help hit me up on the PM bruh.

we could all watch a donkey show, eat a few tacos, and talk about shoes and skeezers

i think everyones gone the simp route once with a female.  some learn from it and that valuable lesson learned benifits them in life.  some people become everyday simps and simp over their ex and simp on whatever new girl they meet.
I don't think he's a simp for calling or texting her. It's not like she's some random chick. They had history so his feelings are understandable. He broke down and called. Got it out of his system so now he can move on. Sometimes that's what it takes. He's not a simp tho. Where did that word even come from?
Simp is the short form of a simpleton, or better yet a derivative of a being called a sucker.

It's supposed to be used within a context, but if gets thrown around way too loosely in today's age.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I don't think he's a simp for calling or texting her. It's not like she's some random chick. They had history so his feelings are understandable. He broke down and called. Got it out of his system so now he can move on. Sometimes that's what it takes. He's not a simp tho. Where did that word even come from?

what i mean by "simp route" in my case was constantly trying to be around her and asking her to take me back.  I showed her weak and simple i was over by finally realizing it and stopped talking to her, life has been MUCH better. yes it's hard, youre gonna think about her day in and day out but we cant let situations like that control what we do.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Yo fam, you can just tell shes hurting as well..probably more than you are..just give her time. Stop hitting her really think after 3 long %$% years shes gunna just sit there and forget about you already? Females are more emotional than us men. Like i said before, let her live for now...if she really loved you fam, she will return, if not then it wasnt meant to be. One day you guys gunna run into each other and chances ate, shes gunna miss you more than you did. Hit the gym hard and listen to some good music, focus on your scholastics and better yourself. I know its hard fam, ive been thru it
realest #@*$ i read in the entire thread right.  plenty of fish in the sea my mans, just have your bait ready.  you can use this time to better yourself, keep fit, stay motivated, and just go have fun man.  how old are u?? 3 yr relationship is a long time in this day and age especially if u're young... avoiding all contact with her is necessary, just dead all contacts with her and focus on yourself. 

i doubt she's seeing someone already if u guys have been dating for 3 years. 
*Don't text her in a week. She'll hit you back up within that week.

*Don't text her when she texts you. If she's really sorry, she'll hit you back up in another week.

Then the ball is in your court. You can go for it or leave it.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian


say the truth, did you cry?

tell the truth fam


I sent the text
I go drink some water
Go back to my room and see I got a text
I was excited that she wrote back
I read it,
I stare at the message for a minute in shock
A tear rolls down my face
Then im furious, then disbelief, I text her "I dont believe you, Ima go see you at work"

but now i just deleted her number (I dont know it by memory) so i cant contact her... Im doing better now..
You been going out 3 1/2 years and you dont know it by memory? you must have dialed it or texted it a million times and you dont know it? ducktales
Take it in stride its all Politcs As Usual.. I have been in 2 2 year relationships in the last 4.5 years and in a 4 year before those.. So trust me you have plenty more to go... and so do i we are young these things happen repeatedly happen to us until we find the right one... Its just how it is in 2010 in 1979 you could find one girl and stay with her your entire life (like some of our parents).. It no longer works like that in MOST cases
waqy to damn soon. def. a rebound ... keeep yo head up man, if u need a nt crew to mess with the new dude let us know. i stay in harbor area hoods all day
Originally Posted by MECKS

waqy to damn soon. def. a rebound ... keeep yo head up man, if u need a nt crew to mess with the new dude let us know. i stay in harbor area hoods all day

i say we put the new dude in the trunk of your car, take him up to pv and throw him off one of those high ledges over there.

sounds like a plan for this week?
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by MECKS

waqy to damn soon. def. a rebound ... keeep yo head up man, if u need a nt crew to mess with the new dude let us know. i stay in harbor area hoods all day

i say we put the new dude in the trunk of your car, take him up to pv and throw him off one of those high ledges over there.

sounds like a plan for this week?
im down for the cause

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian


say the truth, did you cry?

tell the truth fam


I sent the text
I go drink some water
Go back to my room and see I got a text
I was excited that she wrote back
I read it,
I stare at the message for a minute in shock
A tear rolls down my face
Then im furious, then disbelief, I text her "I dont believe you, Ima go see you at work"

but now i just deleted her number (I dont know it by memory) so i cant contact her... Im doing better now..
You been going out 3 1/2 years and you dont know it by memory? you must have dialed it or texted it a million times and you dont know it? ducktales
the only numbers I know by heart are the ones that knew before I had a cell phone unless it's some easy #

if she has a dude already was probably cheating on you to begin with OP

Its good that you erased her # man.... thats the best way...

Some ppl on here saying dont listen to love songs n all thats but sometimes thats actually better... it makes u think about it more and more and the more u think about it the more you get tired of thinkin bout it until you stop thinkin bout it.

ON A SIDE NOTE............

I got a question for all those sayin smash the friend.....

So i kinda went through what OP is goin through a while back. When i was with the ex we went out for some hookah wit her friends and she had a cute friend who i met.
Now her friend also works were i work but she dosent work in my same department. I saw her friend the other day and she was lookin real good. Now ive never really talked to her friend... matter fact  dont even member her name, but i know if i go up to her she will recognize me.

Should i start the convo with "hey ur (Insert ex's name here)'s friend right?"
or should i say "hey were do i recognize you from besides work?"

My question is how do i go about pursuing her friend? Wouldnt she be on that "na i cant date you cuz u dated my friend" type stuff? Honestly i dont even no if they that good of friends which im guessin the not. Im sure they will hang out every once in a while but not like friends that b talking all the time n all that.
How would i get the digits while also avoiding her telling my ex that i got her digits and that i even asked for them in the first place? Help me out fam.
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