Originally Posted by anabolic dunk

if youre gonna hit up wowowee make sure u book your ticket in advance

make sure u give willie a $$$
^ Weren't you just here last week?

Been cloudy the past 2 weeks.

Bring me home CHIMICHANGAs from Taqueria El Sol!!!
let's see?...just like any other tourists, don't be too flashy, know the nearest emergency contact #'s like US embassy, police stations; ensureyour shots are up to date, have cash in handy in case u get hospitalized and save all records for insurance reimbursments, be prepared to pay the overstay taxsomething like that (immigration purposes)...first time i was there, i paid the gate for overstaying (more than 21 days) just google it for any changes. btwthis only applies to US citizens. understand the local language and customs, maintain situational awareness and watch ur six from time to time. the only girlsthat would really dig your flashy gestures are the ones desperately needing a quick ticket away. just be yourself, frankly i don't dig those chicks i meeton nightouts, what do you expect from them brods you meet on such places? pretty much all them gals in the central region are almost the same. the clubs aresoaking in cigarette smokes so if you're a non smoker, i'd stay away from one, got me a bad migraine after an hour of stay there one time. live bandsare american idol worthy, in fact they're all over, i've seen a couple one time in bahrain and them guys got it going on!!! you could'nt tell thedifference from the original. driving is not really recommended to a degree where i'm so used to driving no less than 40mph. water sports and boating is amust, we rented an outrigger and went island hopping (it was actually a shortcut, instead of a long drive) in subic. have tried their local delicacy dilis(anchovy in brine) which is a restaurant worthy appetizer and ginebra (st michael beating the $h1t out of lucifer) that was some strong alcohol!bootlegged dvdsare all over, cd's and games, i don't think them games are US spec compatible. tiangge is a must should u wish to bring some back,cheap knock offproducts, don't overdo it though coz customs will be on yo *** when they see it (from what i heard). bring enough towelletes, coz u'll sweat all thosepounds off! wet ones, off, tylenol, and imodium. hydrate often, unless u enjoy heat stress or worse heat stroke! lastly, pix, pix and pix!
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

^ Weren't you just here last week?

Been cloudy the past 2 weeks.

Bring me home CHIMICHANGAs from Taqueria El Sol!!!


Im moving back there for school.
Chimichangas.. Mmm... I should get me some of that before I leave...

Any DECENT Mexican food out there except for the expensive *%# Taco Bell?

Oh yea... I love how the Presidents family lives one block away from me, and I never knew that
. No wonder they were always sitting around their driveways drinking during theday time
School? Or some hot chick? Maybe escaping a court date?

Taco Bell is nasty.
I ain't gonna front though. I lived on the dollar menu during my stay in SF.

The only decent Mexican joints I can think of are Mexicali and Tia Maria's.
Haha... School amongst other things

Mexicali looked DEEECENT, but I never tried it...

You kno how it was in SF, killer Mexican places EVERYWHERE...

Been living on carnitas super nachos these past two weeks HAHA.
Originally Posted by fc1114

* If you're in Quezon City, spend some time in Katipunan, across from Ateneo. The Starbucks there is really nice for people watching. Avoid the Yellow Cab pizza, if it's still there. (Kingcrux knows this one)
What's wrong with Yellow Cab? KC31 bought pizza from there for all of us.
Then get fat #!@ hell...
All I can say is... #+*% all the cab drivers askin for "tagtag" (sp?) jus cuz we got stuck in traffic for a couple of stop lights...
You bastards...
The way my gf says it, it sounded like it was spelt with a T.
So far, all these bastards been askin for extra...
Our last cab ride, the guy got butthurt, since I only gave him 13P extra...

^ You probably know this already but just in case...

The job market in the Philippines is the worst I swear. I know people with MBAs and PHDs who can't even find a high paying job.

I graduated with a degree in International Business and I secured a senior position at an IT company. My starting pay was $600/month (which is above averagefor a first job). I know a lot of people get paid less than that now. Call centers offer the highest starting pay, around $350-$450/month, graveyard shift.Part-time jobs can get you $150-200/month.

It's better to start your own business. *%$# working from 8:30-6:30pm, M-F.
Yea... The whole start my own business thing, is gonna be tough cuz Im gonna start going to school. So thats a NO...

My uncles friend, owns a call center. Im supposed to try and hope to get a job with them... My other uncle, is friends with govt. officials, but they haventreplied to me yet, so Im stuck at the moment.
Just tryin to keep my options open, so I dont hit a dead end.

I plan to try and start a business here, but I need to get through school first... Im tryin to go to Benilde for fashion design. Not the best, but not theworst either.
^ PCRIZZZY should be able to help you out. He has connects at La Salle.

Steak Prods is like Marky Massive SF. They do events at various clubs. It'll fit your schedule.
man this topic just made me hungry... pointless i know... about the job ... that's funnny.. lotsa people wanna go out the hell of this country to look forone.. and your coming here to get one... ironic isnt it... hehehehe but i know its for schooling and stuff but life is hard, but hey were still here and havingfun... as long you get a discount at the nike shops i think you'll do fine.... hbehehheeh
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