Jun 26, 2007
im goin 2 the mother land for the first time this feb for two weeks. what should i expect? what should i bring? how much money sould i save up? any otheradvise will be appreciated.
Im half Filipino and half African American...I never been there, but im hoping to go within the next 3-5 years

CONGRATS man, expect the sweltering heat smacking your face once you get out of your nice airplane
. seeing as this your first time, i'm guessing you're going with familyand be taken around by family. if it was me, I WOULDN'T TELL ANYONE because you become their personal mule and you don't experience the REALphilippines, but it's still good. my big advice, unless you in a relationship, get as much play their as possible, that US passport and american accentcome in handy
. i say drink all you can and eat all you can, can't gowrong with that. oh and don't look all flashy or you will look like a target, unless you're entourage carries heat
then it's alright
. the big difference that might catch you off guard are the BATHROOMS, buti'll let you discover that for yourself. 20+ hr flight SMH.
they got some nice sneaker spots. Nike Zone is the best

buy some fireworks!!

just ahve fun!

oh and what part are you going to?
_you're good with $1500-$2000.

_you will get cranky if you're not used to the heat/humidity.

_you will be the center of your cousins friends attention because you're from the US.

_don't be showoffish at the night clubs because you will get attacked with a broken beer bottle because that's what happened to me.
yea when i went with my aunt all i did was just go around boring places with her friends. went there the second time with my cousins and all we did was hit upthe clubs and shop. i say dont wear alot of nice things cause if they find out you are american they wont give a hoot what you wear. ask whoever is with you ifthey can take you around the clubs and such and such

for your info: CR means comfort room aka bathroom. be prepared to get laughed at when you call the CR a bathroom, not cool
I'm telling you, everytime I go to Valerio's Bakery and they're showing episodes of Game KNB and those other variety shows it makes me want to buya ticket and hop on a plane to Manila.
Be prepared for an up to 20 hr flight depending on where you live

just like said above, get as much play as you can because once those females hear your american accent, it's like an automatic panty dropper

I never got to hit up Embassy (nightclub), but i've heard good things about it. Rockwell and Powerplant are probably the most affluent areas in Makati,also hit up Glorietta Mall and Mall of Asia (wayy too big imo).

If you can check out Boracay, it's one of the top ten beaches in the world...I never got to go, but i did go to my mom's province which also had greatbeaches.

Also watch out for those "chicks with itlogs"
If you don't know how to speak tagalog and you have to talk in english to get around, expect to be made fun of a lot. The food there is real cheap so youmight be eating at Chow King or Jollibee for breakfast everyday.

Don't sleep in an air conditioned room that is when you exit it out of it the heat blasts you, causing you to get nose bleeds. I had that every day for aweek because I just realized it.

Don't ever stay in the house, always walk around and explore, because damn near everyone in phillippines are outside doing their thing.

Learn to take a jeepney which is the filipino taxi cab. if you learn how to ride these and get on and off one, head downtown where all the action is at. placeis an adventure everyday.

Don't try to dress too nice in casual wear, matter of fact just wear some shorts and a t-shirt all the time and sandals or something comfy.

If you try and bag filipina chicks, head down to the local university nurse college, cuz all filipina chicks are nurses over therem and they aint impressedwith how much money your clothes are worth, they are more impressed if you can sing well at karaoke with them at the mall. Some think that you having anamerican accent is cute. Go clubbing with them too.

Check the nightlife around phillippines. The clubs are pretty unique, they always got a live band playing at night while letting a dj play songs (expect anoutdated hip-hop playlist though, when the bands play is when things get crackin)

You'll see a few korean, japanese, and others alike around phillippines. After you stay there for about 2 weeks there you'd always point out if you seesomeone that is not filipino, like a white or black dude since you haven't seen one in a long time.

You'd also probably forget about internet, but if you need to go on NT go to the internet cafes which are like a 45 pesos ($1) an hour. Less if you findthe hole in the wall ones. Also if you meet a lot of friends over there, use friendster, not myspace. myspace aint as popular over there.

Go to the tropical areas, go eat a coconut, eat the cultural foods, hang with the family, just have fun.
Originally Posted by Exclusive0ne

im goin 2 the mother land for the first time this feb for two weeks. what should i expect? what should i bring? how much money sould i save up? any other advise will be appreciated. cousins are going there too on Feb. we're suppose to have a big family reunion....see some fools ive never even met, all my fam from theEast Coast is suppose to be there too....But my work wont let me leave.
Originally Posted by mrshoeman

CR means comfort room aka bathroom. be prepared to get laughed at when you call the CR a bathroom, not cool

how did i forget that, first time i went back i was like, WTF is CR? mycousins looking at me all
. oh and remember, there might not betoilet paper there, get your tabo game up. right for food, left for, you know
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Also watch out for those "chicks with itlogs"
word, i had a friend who went over and was talking game to a dude
. dudes in the philippines got the ill sixth sense, can see trannies from miles away, like i'm riding in the whip see a bunch of, what i assume tobe girls yards away, about to turn my head to look, and bam my cousin is like "don't look, dudes" i'm like
thank god i didn't look and have any unwanted thoughts.
This is a very informative thread. Please continue...

And at first I thought "chicks with itlogs" was referring to females wanting to get impregnated.
@ me.
I suggest not even talking in English. You may be followed or robbed for you money. Tell your cousins where you want to go and what places you want to see. Ican guarantee you that you will be very thankful for what you in your life compared to the many back in the Philippines. Enjoy the food and make sure to onlydrink water for a bottle...A lot of stuff out there could get you "mudd-butt". I want to go back and see the family, but with me trying to finish upschool and finding a full-time job, I don't think I'll be able to back to the P.I. for a while.
Aye what up....I just went to the Philippines just to see my parents' hometowns in the rural parts of the country, and we spent only one day in Manila. But yeah bring some comfortable clothes, insect repellent, and meds just in case you get sick. You'll def. have a great time in the country's capital.

I wanna go there again but in Manila only.
since you said it will be your first time, once you really get in the middle of it, you will feel weird. not bad weird, but good weird especially if you livein the states all your life. you look around and you're like wow, look at all these filipinos. it sounds crazy, but it's like you're not "thatfilipino dude", you're just "that dude". i don't know, that's just how i felt.
also when you are there you HAVE to go to the 100 islands i think its called? havent been there in awhile. you take a boat to these islands and its probablyone of the most prettiest sites ive ever been to. went there once with the fam and i took my ex another time and the poon fell into my hands when we got backto the hotel. haha
Honestly, is it really that easy baggin chicks there? Just cause of an American accent? I'm picturing ugly sloppy sloth like looking dudes getting TFC typechicks just cause their American. Do the filipino girls there look better than the ones here in the US? I haven't been there since I was a kid, and to behonest, I'm picturing girls that don't shave their legs and you know where else with a little mustache action going on with the upper lip. I just havethe impression the girls over there don't take care of themselves as well as the girls here so they don't look good. But I haven't been there insuch a long time, so I really can't say. Whats the real deal?
Originally Posted by dustblaaze

I just have the impression the girls over there don't take care of themselves as well as the girls here so they don't look good.

wow, i don't even know what to say to that, i'll hold my tongue, this is an informative thread not a flame war
. all i'll say is, did your mom live in the philippines and not take care ofherself, but then she came to the US and cleaned up and had you? can you see the logic here?
i went there back in 2000. and man was it ever hot as heck.
i bet that surpised you ninong. hahaha
Originally Posted by dustblaaze

Honestly, is it really that easy baggin chicks there? Just cause of an American accent? I'm picturing ugly sloppy sloth like looking dudes getting TFC type chicks just cause their American. Do the filipino girls there look better than the ones here in the US? I haven't been there since I was a kid, and to be honest, I'm picturing girls that don't shave their legs and you know where else with a little mustache action going on with the upper lip. I just have the impression the girls over there don't take care of themselves as well as the girls here so they don't look good. But I haven't been there in such a long time, so I really can't say. Whats the real deal?

Honestly, that's the first thing I thought before I got their, but as soon as I hit up Makati
Madd good lookin females, some of the clubs I went to had many dime import model status. A couple of the strip clubs i hit up had girlslookin like Christina Mendoza and Jeri Lee

Great thing about the Philippines is you don't see too many overweight people like you do back here in the states, probably due to diets and portion sizesin restaurants and a lot of walking. When I ordered a meal from a Mcdonald's, the large size cup is equivalent to the small cup here
Another reason why America is increasingly becoming more obese.

Overall, if you go to the more affluent areas, you will see nicer lookin broads, but I'm pretty sure you will see beautiful women wherever you go becausemost Filipino girls are.
Originally Posted by 2o4

Originally Posted by NinongBrown

Originally Posted by 2o4

i went there back in 2000. and man was it ever hot as heck.
i bet that surpised you ninong. hahaha

hold up, my man deadprez is filipino

haha ya pare

i'm calling ducktales, word to dblack, i'll wait until isee some DNA tests
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