My dad took away all my Pokemon %*! VOL. this is BULL$&*#

Mar 22, 2010
My dad thinks I'm a failure because I don't have any friends, social life, or job. He thinks Pokemon is for children, and that I'm too old to be interested in it because I'm in college
. He thinks my lack of a social life is because I'm only interested in Pokemon. When in fact, it's the other way around. I play Pokemon all the time because I have no social life so I have nothing better to do, and I don't have any money so Pokemon HG is the only game I could afford to buy in the past year or else I would play more games. The Pokemon world is the only place where I feel free and can live my life

My dad has taken away my Pokemon games a few times before but my mom has always stood up for me and got him to give them back. Well now he's brainwashed my mom into believing his idea that Pokemon is for children. He showed my mom an episode of the anime and she says I'm too old be playing with little cartoon animals. They don't understand Pokemon at all. So they took away all my Pokemon games, posters, and my Pokemon shirt I've worn for 10 years. So this really sucks. What should I do?
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