My cry for help.

I just thought we would be able to work out all of our issues. I feel I let my son down by. It giving him a family like I had. Idk what to do I just want the pain to go away already.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

I just thought we would be able to work out all of our issues. I feel I let my son down by. It giving him a family like I had. Idk what to do I just want the pain to go away already.

No family is perfect man.  Just because it's different doesn't mean it won't work.
my dude, you cannot CANNOT, let a woman control your emotions like you are. it's tough, but you're a man talking about 'not being able to go on' just 'cause you want peace. she's a bird.. no woman is more important than your own life. I hope things work out for you.
My man you have to remove yourself from the image of you, her, and your son. Of course it is the ideal picture for yours and your son's happiness but honestly in reality it isn't.

As much as you love her, you have to also respect her wishes to be with other people. I know on one hand you want to be a man for your son and just deal with it, while on the other you really don't care what happens anymore. That nearsighted way of thinking won't get you anywhere brother.

Your priority has to be doing what is right for your son. Yes it's going to be hard seeing her with that other dude every time you go to pick your son up, but you have to just let it go. Pray on it. Wish those feelings away. I wouldn't advise seeing other women especially in your fragile state. Just let time take its course. But don't do anything you'll regret before time washes away the remnants of what was.

It's tough but it's doable. I believe in you bro.
Damn she ain't the one for you bro. To be honest  you just need to man up bro, of course it's going to hurt you loved the trick. But obviously she didn't love you enought to even be faithful and not run back to her ex. What makes you think she won't do it again? Hos gonna be Hos I say hire a lawyer and file a motion for Child Support for 50/50 placement and move on with your life. On to the next one
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

why do you allow yourself to hurt over someone who does not value you? do what you need to for your son. your time with her is over.

you have to get over it to be happy again. things will never ever be the same.

I know you don't wanna read that but you need to fam

Just worried about you and your son..
i see where you coming from, but you have to understand y'all had issues to begin with. thats why y'all broke up so she basically went to the second best thing and that was her prior lover, which didn't last long apparently and she came back to you. Then you accepted her back in you're life because you love her. IMO, i wouldnt have took her back i dont care if she was your first piece of apple pie or the loving was that good. you tyred to marry her she said no basically, then you gave mami space and she went with another dude and now shes with you. na buddy shes holding onto you for security reasons, you proably got you're own crib,car and house or you are a cool dude so cool that she wins every argument and you sleep on the couch. Drop her like a bag of poop. i understand you love her but your nothing but option 2, I'm just curious as too who's going to be option 3. drop her dude just reading this post makes me furious
I tried to give her a chance after the even went back not thinking she had Frieda go over n I offered to stay n the couch so they could lay on the bed, I painted her room took her out with my so and ah was so distant from me remaining loyal to dude so I left. She tried or a week n I fell for it cuz I love her I tried to forget what spleens but I just can't and never took her back after that she was doing her wanting to make no changes n I only asked her to love me. I told her when I graduate grad school on the fall everything will get better fr is and our son and I will give her the world. Just talking kills me cuz I would never have hurt her.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

I don't even know if this will help but I have been going through some personal stuff since last summer. I have tried to tackle this issue on my own I have spoken to fiends and family about it but nothing has worked. It's eating me alive killing me inside I feel my mind being eaten alive I can't eat or sleep and I feel as though I'm just dying. I just feel tired already and don't want to keep living like this. The issue was me and my sons mother took some time apart few months an during that time she hooked up with her ex while I was trying to come back and make things work. She ended up sleeping with him and now wants to work things out with me. But honestly her sleeping with hi is what is killing me inside becasue I tired to propose to her prior to the event and she said no. It's messing me up at work and a hook it's just I never would have done anything like this to her. I really just want the pain to end.

Taking advice from teenagers on NT is never a good solution.

Going to sleeping with other women isn't going to solve your problem, and I'm sure you already know that. It doesn't sound like things are going to work out with your girl because the trust issue is always going to be in the way. You need to have a civilized split with her with the agreement that you both need to do what is best for your son. Good luck, I wish the best for all of you.
it hurts now, but just let time heal you, dont let it get to you, you WILL find a better girl and you will look back on this and will win in the long run,
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Taking advice from teenagers on NT is never a good solution.

Going to sleeping with other women isn't going to solve your problem, and I'm sure you already know that. It doesn't sound like things are going to work out with your girl because the trust issue is always going to be in the way. You need to have a civilized split with her with the agreement that you both need to do what is best for your son. Good luck, I wish the best for all of you.

outside of maybe two people we all gave him the same advice you just said. Calm that Nters are teenagers crap down. Most of us are in our 20s. 
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

My man you have to remove yourself from the image of you, her, and your son. Of course it is the ideal picture for yours and your son's happiness but honestly in reality it isn't.

As much as you love her, you have to also respect her wishes to be with other people. I know on one hand you want to be a man for your son and just deal with it, while on the other you really don't care what happens anymore. That nearsighted way of thinking won't get you anywhere brother.

Your priority has to be doing what is right for your son. Yes it's going to be hard seeing her with that other dude every time you go to pick your son up, but you have to just let it go. Pray on it. Wish those feelings away. I wouldn't advise seeing other women especially in your fragile state. Just let time take its course. But don't do anything you'll regret before time washes away the remnants of what was.

It's tough but it's doable. I believe in you bro.

If you still have any suicidal thoughts, you need to get rid of that now. It hurts, yes, but all of us have gone through some sort of suffering at least once. Just know that this is an opportunity to grow and become a stronger person. Religious or not, now is the perfect time to pray and get closer to God 
Seriously the only thing you can do is actually talk to her and get it off your chest. Tell her about your issues and how you feel. If she dont know how you feel she's just gonna assume everthing is fine. All I can suggest is you talk to her.
AquaGrape2345 wrote:
I tried to give her a chance after the even went back not thinking she had Frieda go over n I offered to stay n the couch so they could lay on the bed, I painted her room took her out with my so and ah was so distant from me remaining loyal to dude so I left. She tried or a week n I fell for it cuz I love her I tried to forget what spleens but I just can't and never took her back after that she was doing her wanting to make no changes n I only asked her to love me. I told her when I graduate grad school on the fall everything will get better fr is and our son and I will give her the world. Just talking kills me cuz I would never have hurt her.

Move on plain and simple, be happy she didnt take you for youre money or did she? You have some type of degree, Now make things better for yourself ! As for her she would come back to you after someone is done with her. She would try to hit you up with the usual tex or phone call or maybe stop by your new crib only because her original plans didnt work out with her prior lover. so before you take her back in your life ask yourself is the drama,frustration and MIND GAMES worth it. Think of your self for ONCE and ask yourself is it  worth it? what do you bring to the table? and ask Yourself what does she bring?  if she only offer  pleasure and fake attention or love, then dont accept her because your just another option or security blanket. If the child is in your custody and you want to find someone special, like a lady friend, i would go to places where females chill with there kids, maybe a park or recreation center or maybe a daycare center.
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