answering the godamn question was is he innocent. If he wasn't then you shouldn't be celebrating.

why not? you wouldnt celebrate if a loved one got off murder charges? even if he kill someone, i'm sure that isn't a reflection of his character andthey know he doesn't really belong behind bars for life.

just because someone caused another persons death doesn't mean they are outright criminals who should be locked up forever.. sometimes you just get intosome $*@* and do something you don't mean to do
Like I said, there's no charge for self defense.

And there's videotape of my cousin getting jumped by 6+, some with weapons and they are trying to get him with "premeditated murder"...

I hope he learned a lesson about always bein in the hood.
why not? you wouldnt celebrate if a loved one got off murder charges? even if he kill someone, i'm sure that isn't a reflection of his character and they know he doesn't really belong behind bars for life.
No I wouldn't celebrate if a loved one got off on murder charges,would I be happy? maybe but would I celebrate NO.

One of two things can come out of situations like that,one is that heor she gets off ,gets outs and try to make a change so that they wont end up in that situation again.Two they could get off,get out,go back to their old waysand end up right back in the same situation or worst killed because the person he or she killed has a family/love ones and the cats in his community know whathe or she did and any minor situation could turn into a big one because they wont hesitate with him or her....they will beat you to the punch,just from areputation. Its nothing be bottle poppin,eating cake about.
He home, he home, he go home get the Patron and tell us that its on...
he did nothing wrong anyways. if 6 dudes are jumping me and i got a gun i'm poppin someone, it's common sense.

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