My cousin got caught selling 1K worth of weed in much time will he be facing?

You came with just about no details
Hard to say what hes gonna get because if he was fuxxin with some piff? u can get up to the 1000dollar range in alittle under 3 ounces. If u talkin some regs? u can get a pound (16 0's) for a little over a 1000. And to the people who will come in here SMH at thesenumbers for some reason ,explain.
He might do a little time but if this is his first offense then it shouldn't be much, if any. Tell him to get a good lawyer as well.
I don't know about NY but when i was 18 in NJ i got caught in a raid with a pound of dro, it was my first ever charge and i did roughly 7 day lockdown incamden county jail let out on eletric monitering, 6 week outpatient and 12 months probation.
Originally Posted by digital022

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

he wont do any time if he snitches and tells the cops where he got his weed from.

thats how you move up the chain to get the big guys. DEA type dudes.


Acoording to the Norml website, he's facing a felony sales charge.

25 g to 4 oz (first felony) class E felony possible 1 - 4 years, if second felony 3-4 years (mandatory ½ jail sentence) possible $5,000 fine

He better get a good lawyer.

...unless he snitches. he is in trouble no doubt. but not near as much if he tells them where he got it from.
Tell him to bail out get a paid lawyer( if u need one hit me up I give u the number to mine) if all goes well he could be doing a yr maybe 2
1k? that's like 2 pounds.

did he give up the connect? first time offense? it depends on a lot of things.

2 pounds is pretty serious, might as well do 20. same difference i believe.
Originally Posted by romeo0o

1k? that's like 2 pounds.

did he give up the connect? first time offense? it depends on a lot of things.

2 pounds is pretty serious, might as well do 20. same difference i believe.
not even , 1k is less than a p in nyc.
Originally Posted by romeo0o

1k? that's like 2 pounds.

did he give up the connect? first time offense? it depends on a lot of things.

2 pounds is pretty serious, might as well do 20. same difference i believe.

Please tell me where i can cop 16 ounces for 500 dollars of any kind of weed
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

Originally Posted by digital022

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

he wont do any time if he snitches and tells the cops where he got his weed from.

thats how you move up the chain to get the big guys. DEA type dudes.


Acoording to the Norml website, he's facing a felony sales charge.

25 g to 4 oz (first felony) class E felony possible 1 - 4 years, if second felony 3-4 years (mandatory ½ jail sentence) possible $5,000 fine

He better get a good lawyer.

...unless he snitches. he is in trouble no doubt. but not near as much if he tells them where he got it from.

Wow NY is garbage in this aspect. 25 grams is a felony? 25 grams is a 100 dollar citation in Boston.
Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by romeo0o

1k? that's like 2 pounds.

did he give up the connect? first time offense? it depends on a lot of things.

2 pounds is pretty serious, might as well do 20. same difference i believe.

Please tell me where i can cop 16 ounces for 500 dollars of any kind of weed

word! I will hop in my car and make that trip right now lol
A grade only.

If dude was still a minor, he'd probably get off and just spend the night in bookings. Which was what happened to my boy a while back.

The QP wasn't bagged up or nothing so he can say it was his first time or whatever. What I don't understand if why you would sell to a stranger.

Strictly family and friends. No referrals. That's how you stay moving. P's at a time.
Originally Posted by xilegacy

Originally Posted by fivefivenine

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

holding 1,000$ worth of weed at once is not lightweight.

I only hear cats holding 200-300$ worth of weed. and these are vets.

dude was on a serious push.

Now that I think of it. I want him to get the book smack on him. Pushing illegal drugs ain't something law enforcement should just brush off. Put him away, he'll learn his lesson.

vets holding that much?

where are you from?
vets around here are dudes growing 50+ plants every few months.
i know at least 10 guys off the top of my head that sell QP's all day.
1000$ ain't lightweight but it's barely a baby step above it, no where close to serious.
This david guy is a bit clueless in the drug thing.
laugh.gif NYC a oz is 300-400 of good stuff, so do the math, and it could be about 4 oz a bigger amount, bigger discount. He is facing jail time for sure with that much, a year or less i'm guessing. Cops don't care much if you have quarter or even a oz or two. I seen people walk away with that, but he got caught selling so it's different. Again it really depends on the cop, most rookies are *@#@#!%@ and will bust you for anything. What they go after hard is the white stuff or prescription drugs.

Ok ... Lets clear this up !!! ... The two dudes above me have the closest clue ... thats for sure ...

One things for certain .. If its his FIRST OFFENSE than he will be walking away w/ an ACD + fine .. Thats just the basics, unless it was complete trash weedwhere you can copp a P (16 oz) for 800-1000 then he might be facin probation + fine ... But if it was decent bud then he walking away w/ an ACD = stay out oftrouble for one year = basically probabtion w/ no PO.

I got caught with 3 ounces my first offense and received an ACD ... and even though you are only supposed to be granted one ACD, I got caught a little overyear later w/ 2 ounces and a stack 2 G's and still came of w/ another ACD ..

The only thing that might screw this up is if he was INDEED SELLING TO THE COP .. than he might get hit w/ intent to distribute. Tell him get a lawyer and nota legal aid .. If they offer a plea to a lesser charge of misdemeanor possession w/ out intent than snatch it .. its an ACD .. At most probation for one year..
ACD is usually granted for first offenses unless they find something classified as evidence, say cash and they want to keep it. You'll lose the cash,they'll grant the ACD.

One time, they gave me ACD and I had my public defendant speak to the DA to get the ACD passed as time served so I didn't even have to stay out of troublefor a whole year. Some public defendants actually do want to help and put in work. It's crazy.
Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

Originally Posted by digital022

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

he wont do any time if he snitches and tells the cops where he got his weed from.

thats how you move up the chain to get the big guys. DEA type dudes.


Acoording to the Norml website, he's facing a felony sales charge.

25 g to 4 oz (first felony) class E felony possible 1 - 4 years, if second felony 3-4 years (mandatory ½ jail sentence) possible $5,000 fine

He better get a good lawyer.

...unless he snitches. he is in trouble no doubt. but not near as much if he tells them where he got it from.

Wow NY is garbage in this aspect. 25 grams is a felony? 25 grams is a 100 dollar citation in Boston.

Boston is nuts. I think jail time isn't given unless you get caught with 40+ LB's or something. It's so sick.
Originally Posted by NooEra

^ word u smokin that good good then for 5gs a LB
i know right. son dosen't know what he's talkinabout

but anyways o's usually run around 300, give or take 50 or so dollars, he was prob pushing 4 ounces, thats not too bad. its just herb, he's gonna be onprobation for a long !$$ time, the most jailtime he's facing is like... a month. one of my boys got caught up a month ago with about that amount, just hadhis court date this tuesday, i chilled with him yesterday, he was still sellin his grapes like nothin ever happened. (although he did go to jail for 2 dayswhen it happened last month im not sure what the charge was, i think it was driving while drugged) your cuzzo should be fine
Originally Posted by airmaxes

Attends NYU, but still taking this dumb risk? the hell did someone that dumb get in NYU? i got rejected.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

just got a text from his sister

dude got caught selling 1K of weed to an undercover cop in NY

She just found out couple hours ago but this supposedly happened a few days ago..

He's only 19-20 years old and attends NYU and has been released and has court date on the 19th

thing is, he told his uncle, and his uncle accidentally told his parents (dude was drunk
) and they are just going to show up in court and surprise him

to my understanding i THINK it was weed, but either way im for sure certain she said it was worth over 1K

my question, how much time will he be locked up and how much in fines? anyone have an estimate?

Wouldn't his "sisters" and "brothers" be your cousins as well?..And let me guess. "His Uncle" is really "Yourfather" who happens to be posting to this thread right now. I'll look out for your son in the news blotters mah man. happy trails...
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