My college degree is worthless apparently.

Jan 12, 2003
 But really I'm mad as hell. I decided to move in with my brother to change my life around because making 42k after 6 years experience in the Environmental Health and Safety field with my degree in Environmental Studies just doesn't make since to me. I'd like to move back to the westcoast, Baltimore sucks to me but I really need to change my career first or it would be a pointless move.  Has anyone successfully changed their career around and actually became more successful in the process? Tips would help but ultimately I'm going to need a new direction.
What the... I am also doing that, but focusing in Public Health. I'm in CA though I hope that makes a difference. GL op
My situation is very similar. 8-9 years of experience and I have nothing to show for it. I am currently in the I.T. profession. I hate it everyday I come in here. I've decided to fly to NYC in 2 weeks and seek my admission into the Fashion Institute of Technology. I am going to see what will it take for me to get into their Fashion Merchandising Management program. I figure I'll make about the same amount of money as I do now but atleast I will enjoy what I do.

It's never too late.
i have not had to make a career change and God willing will never have to because I am very content with the field I work in and the company I work for. That being said.

Biggest obstacle I can think of is the paycut you will take, but in your case, that may not be an issue. If youre making $42K, 6 yrs in with a college degree.... damn... just damn. I have to imagine that you will make atleast $30-35K for an entry level position in most fields you decide to get into. While each industry and company is different, I cant imagine that it would take you more than a year or maybe 2 years tops before you are back to making $42K. This of course is assuming you can find a job.

Depending on where you want to move to in the west coast, that $30-35K is going to feel like peanuts. If you live in LA or SF on a $35 or hell... even $42K salary, money is going to be a bit tight.

You need to find something that you can tolerate doing for the rest of your life. I am probably in the minority, but I think its a pipe dream to look for a career or job that you absolutely LOVE. At the end of the day its work. No one truly loves work. If they had a job that paid me to get drunk, play video games, jerk off, and train jiu jitsu all day, then yea... I might actually love my job. Outside of something like that though, I cant think of any career path that wouldnt feel like work to me.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Wait, are you complaining about making 42k a year?

same thing I'm saying.  Especially in a working class city in goes alot faster out here on the west coast
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Wait, are you complaining about making 42k a year?
if i was only making $42K after 6 yrs of work experience in a job that required a college degree, i'd be complaining too.  $42K a year is not gonna be enough to pay down those student loans and still live comfortably.

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Wait, are you complaining about making 42k a year?
I think it's the experience factor that he's complaining about.

42k is an ok salary but after 6 years you would expect to be earning more than that if the job required a degree.
isn't there room to grow in that field though? and you got 6 years of exp? that seems like it would be golden if you wanted to really move up

funny though i just filed to double major in environmental science yesterday. way to warn me a day later
Originally Posted by Osek206

 But really I'm mad as hell. I decided to move in with my brother to change my life around because making 42k after 6 years experience in the Environmental Health and Safety field with my degree in Environmental Studies just doesn't make since to me. I'd like to move back to the westcoast, Baltimore sucks to me but I really need to change my career first or it would be a pointless move.  Has anyone successfully changed their career around and actually became more successful in the process? Tips would help but ultimately I'm going to need a new direction.
ouch. man if i was only making that much after 6 years i would be so angry at the world 
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

balloonoboy wrote:

Wait, are you complaining about making 42k a year?
if i was only making $42K after 6 yrs of work experience in a job that required a college degree, i'd be complaining too.  $42K a year is not gonna be enough to pay down those student loans and still live comfortably.

True, but in a field as specialized as environmental sciences there isn't much room to make that much money starting off doing something else.

And who's to say OP has any debt?

I think making drastic moves like this when you have a stable, decent paying career is ludicrous.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

balloonoboy wrote:

Wait, are you complaining about making 42k a year?
if i was only making $42K after 6 yrs of work experience in a job that required a college degree, i'd be complaining too.  $42K a year is not gonna be enough to pay down those student loans and still live comfortably.

True, but in a field as specialized as environmental sciences there isn't much room to make that much money starting off doing something else.

And who's to say OP has any debt?

I think making drastic moves like this when you have a stable, decent paying career is ludicrous.
i think ludicrous is a stretch.  depends on where OP is in life.  if hes got some scratch saved up, is single, nothing tying him down, why not make a move?  he doesnt have that much to lose.  now if he had a mortgage, 2 kids, car payments, etc... etc... then yea, he would be risking a lot to do an about face and go in a different direction.

I should have added that I did have a debt on a first car I purchased from a bogus dealer. Once I moved I paid the car off completely which was 7k and 13% APR. So I really only have 20k student loan. But I now live in this extremely lame city which I hate, but I have no rent/no car payment/ and a car to travel around. Any job in this current situation would help stack lots of money, but I would prefer not to waste my college degree and experience. 

Maybe it's me but I feel like the Environmental field especially in this working class city is full of "old fashion types". I'm many interviews I've had the interviewer seemed shocked that I had the experience,education, and knowledge. Coming from the northwest I've never had the same issues. The poster that mentioned Masters in Public Health, it's not a bad idea. Some of the salaries I've seem have been pretty legit in that specific field but 25-30k student loan added to my 20k, to maybe start off making 60k if your lucky is a 50/50.

@ the poster that wants to do fashion in NY, I also though about doing the same thing. I always wanted to design a ski jacket because many of them I see IMO suck. I'd be interested in doing something like that for sure. At least I'd enjoy the field maybe.
Did you start at 42K or did you slowly move up to that range after raises and etc? It sounds like your company doesnt have alot of room for growth so it might be a good idea to find something new.

I would like to change careers also. Thought about going back to school, but I hate school.
You're bugged out bro, there are dudes with masters degrees struggling with dominos grateful, without your degree 42k may not have been possible
Originally Posted by Twig1026

You're bugged out bro, there are dudes with masters degrees struggling with dominos grateful, without your degree 42k may not have been possible

Trues story. I know a chick with a masters working temp work cleaning schools and crap. be grateful man
42k is low, but then again I guess that I have high expectations and expect a lot of myself. Plus I live in NYC where if it wasn't for the fact that I can still live with my mom and able to save money, I'd be living check to check down to the last penny.

But then again 42k in Baltimore is decent.  My friend was making that working operations at T Rowe before he switched to MS over there.
OP, the Peace Corps, United Nations Volunteers and the likes, are looking for people with your credentials. It would be a life altering experience, and an excellent selling point for grad school and better jobs. Look into it. GL
screw what every else is saying.

keep grinding, and get the best YOU deserve.

everyones so comfortable with settling. if he's working hard and 42k aint enough it aint enough.
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Originally Posted by Twig1026

You're bugged out bro, there are dudes with masters degrees struggling with dominos grateful, without your degree 42k may not have been possible

Trues story. I know a chick with a masters working temp work cleaning schools and crap. be grateful man
not tryin to hate, but what do they have their masters in?  if its in something with a very narrow focus (ex. comparative literature) then that degree is borderline worthless when it comes to making money.  a degree like that is more for self enrichment.  its not exactly a 1 way ticket to a 6 figure income.  not all masters are alike.

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Wait, are you complaining about making 42k a year?
42k a year is NOTHING these days, but it could always be worse.
edit: wait, I just read you don't have to pay rent OP?.....42k/year isn't that bad actually. It will get better for you. Just keep doing what you're doing. You should be making atleast 60k in 4-5 years, ask your boss about it. If he says you most likely wont receive a pay increase in 4-5 years, I'd start looking elsewhere if I was you OP.
When I think of an environmental studies program, I don't think money. I think passion. I think grassroots campaigns. I think non-profits. I think academia. If you wanted money in that area, you should have majored in Environmental Engineering or Enviromental Science.
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