My boy got caught up in a World Ventures Scam

i heard about this world ventures thing, some dude i knew tryed to get me to join. i looked into it and found out it was a scam. i would never join, even if they claim you can make alot of money & drive luxury cars. it's all a front just so people could join.
It's the company that gives you the car for free when you recruit a certain amount of people. That's how it works .

Nah fam. If you maintain a certain sales quota, the company will give you $600/mo towards your bimmer, or $300 cash/mo. Once you lose that quota, that car is in your name and youre trying to come up with the note on your own.

I almost got roped into Prepail Legal in like '01 :smh:

OH you right but I knew it was something along those lines
hold up so they give u the leased beamer and stop paying u the 6bills?

my friend also joined and is highly stressed he cant finnd 6 people, the guy that put him on is seeing some bank but walks around with his laptop all day showing that 30 min clip,

i cant do this i wouldnt feel right selling this garbage, u literally have to catch people at a disparate moment and then they give u the money in hopes they see some too "like you are" 

another thing to note is who ever u under will eat off of you AND whoever is u eating off, so imagine the top dogs on states, this is the only way u seeing real bank if u the first one in your city/state and put 2 people on that put 4 peoples on that put 16  people on etc etc. its so shady, i only know so much because i was close to joining 
hold up so they give u the leased beamer and stop paying u the 6bills?

my friend also joined and is highly stressed he cant finnd 6 people, the guy that put him on is seeing some bank but walks around with his laptop all day showing that 30 min clip,

i cant do this i wouldnt feel right selling this garbage, u literally have to catch people at a disparate moment and then they give u the money in hopes they see some too "like you are" 

another thing to note is who ever u under will eat off of you AND whoever is u eating off, so imagine the top dogs on states, this is the only way u seeing real bank if u the first one in your city/state and put 2 people on that put 4 peoples on that put 16  people on etc etc. its so shady, i only know so much because i was close to joining 

Yeah the point is that they are not focusing on the products but getting people to join which is the real "product". He should be stressing about making sales not getting people to join. That shows you that this bs is a scam. If people stop joining, which is probably where this so called company gets 80-90% of their revenue from it would collapse.
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The big scheme down here in Miami is an energy drink called Verve by Vemma. Every time someone that I hadn't talked to in over a month hits me up I know what it's about. They sell this idea of a young people revolution lol. It's kinda sad how people can be brainwashed so easily. I let no man run muela on me, EVER.
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One of my boys tried to rope me into Amway like two years ago :lol:

Had these two Indian dudes at my house showing me videos and samples of some energy drink and ****

I even went to a convention for high earners with a few of them and got free Burger King on the way home. I knew it was a Pyramid Scheme by the end of the convention, so I hit the brakes on that immediately. I wonder if that friend is still tangled up in this mess.
This type of stuff is waist of time. Never catch me doing this type of stuff.
I aways feel some type of way after people I actually know try to get me on **** like this
I aways feel some type of way after people I actually know try to get me on **** like this

its sad

ppl will do anytihng for the almighty dollar

draggin fam n friends into glad ive never dealt with this
2 of my friends are a part of it, one joined over the Summer and another just joined apparently. He came at me trying to get me to join, but I let him know I already knew about it and was considering it. My first friend who joined, based on just her instagram and facebook (Because I haven't talked to her since she tried to recruit me. Pissed me off with how she went about doing it. Inviting 2 random *** people to MY house to help her pitch the idea to me, won't tell me what the hell she wants to see me for beforehand, and then acts irritated when i'm not interested. The ****? ) has stayed taking trips all over the place so it seems to be working out just fine for her. 

2 of my other friends are into a similar deal with Vemma. Both of them seem to be doing good as well, and have said they're making money off of it, but one of em's alienated so many people with the way he's gone about it. Badgering everyone to join and basically talking down to all of us and our lifestyles and how we're missing out on it. And then there was my classmate who I hadn't seen since freaking Middle School hitting me up on facebook about this great business opportunity, won't tell me what the **** it is, so I blow him off. Couple months later I find out he was part of Vemma with my other 2 friends.

Then there was Vector Marketing back when we all graduated. 

Hate when my friends join stuff like this, but there's really no way to get them out of it, because it's like they've been mind-controlled into it. Nothing you say will change your dude's mind. Just gotta let him do it on his own.
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Don't ever join any sort of MLM. No matter what they tell you, it's all a scam. 

The brainwashing that goes down ain't no joke either. It's basically a cult and

they worship the elite members of the company like they're gods or celebrities

of some sort. It's really crazy.
Some kid i know actually just started doing this :lol: .

He texted me tryna talk, he never texts me. He sent me the link and i never answered :rofl:
Lol like 20% of my instagram is on this crapp.... Ive had a few ppl who i barely speak to try to pitch this "Opportunty" lol...... The entire Bronx NYC is on it...
Yeah on instagram everyone's on that wakeupnow crap.

They post pics of hundred and 20 dollar bills and all that, trying to

get people to "wake up". 
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. That's a good rule to follow. 
So if somebody gets involved in this, how do they get out? They have to pay their personal debts off and that's it or.....???
So if somebody gets involved in this, how do they get out? They have to pay their personal debts off and that's it or.....???

My best friend was in it. He got out he told me you have to contact the person that got you in or something. I forget what he said
Word dude my boy talks down on college and 9-5 jobs I'm like fam you are selling cats a dream and u going broke .Me and dude can't even play gta online no more without him doing a sales pitch I had to fade him online with the hands tonight
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