My Boy ( 510Ballin) almost got both of us Robbed/Killed today... Edit: HA. Look whose on PG 7... -_-

were you guys in the town? anyways even if they were really trying to sell you a stereo dont fall for the junk. Them dudes in oakland stay putting bricks inboxes, seal em back up n say its a brand new electronic item for $100 bux.
How are u gonna follow him into an alleyway my dude

At least your ok though
So are you saying your boy didnt get the goods? Lol both of you are clowns for 2 reasons..

1st...your boy is a clown even if he took it as a joke all along.

2nd..your a clown for not crackin your dudes jaw shortly after this happened.
Originally Posted by BgL2687

were you guys in the town? anyways even if they were really trying to sell you a stereo dont fall for the junk. Them dudes in oakland stay putting bricks in boxes, seal em back up n say its a brand new electronic item for $100 bux.

Yeah I'm assuming Fremont/Oakland because of the sn.
Your friend was dumb for getting you in the situation but he just saved you some money. Hell, if I was you I would have just ran to begin with. Your friend gotyou to that point so you should've just bailed on him. Even if they were going to do something (which they probably weren't) the only thing that theywould've 100% been able to take was the car.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

how the hell do you follow a stranger???? have you no street smarts????????? cali people man

i'm just glad you're ok, i would have probably passed out at the sight of a machete

uh oh
[DMX] Here we go again! [DMX]

But NYers def have more street smarts and commonsense than any other city..Thats why out of towners are always gettin juxed

Both of yall cant be serious because he did this all cali people have no stree smarts?? If thats the case who are the NY goons jacking? It cant all be out of towners some people in NY Have to have no common sense to be getting jacked by fellow NY'ers. Both of yall go DIAF for that one.
they are robbing people from howard beach and park slope and the Upper east side. if you grew up in some sort of hood,ghetto,poor neighborhoodyou HAVE to have some sort of street smarts.

i'm not saying that new yorkers are better, i'm just saying they are more cautious because crime is relatively high.

i am a white girl that grew up in NY and i travel the city at all times of the night. i have had many experiences similar to ops where i could have been harmed but i have never ever ever had anything even close to this happen because i have seen way too much happenwith my own eyes to let it happen to me. for that i am super cautious and if i feel unsafe i BOUNCE

like one time i was coming home from work at like 1am on the J train, and two dudes get on the train at 121st. first off who gets on the train at 121st?
so one of them is wearing latex gloves 0.0 and the other one starts putting on latex gloves

i am the only one who got up and was like "i want no part of you fingerprint concealing" and changed cars and got off a few stops early.

and one time i was walking home it's dark about 10pm and i see two guys walking ahead of me with empty duffel bags
lol it's cool whatever
i go into subway because i'm hungry... i'm in there for a good 15 minutes and when i'm walking out the store the guys are there waiting for me. onewaiting at the end of the block and one started walking towards me when i exited subway. so i was kind of like in between them. i was like **** laughed intheir faces and crossed the street.

they dont want my dog muzzle and 1 inch blade on my wine key
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

how the hell do you follow a stranger???? have you no street smarts????????? cali people man

i'm just glad you're ok, i would have probably passed out at the sight of a machete

uh oh
[DMX] Here we go again! [DMX]

But NYers def have more street smarts and commonsense than any other city..Thats why out of towners are always gettin juxed

Both of yall cant be serious because he did this all cali people have no stree smarts?? If thats the case who are the NY goons jacking? It cant all be out of towners some people in NY Have to have no common sense to be getting jacked by fellow NY'ers. Both of yall go DIAF for that one.
they are robbing people from howard beach and park slope and the Upper east side. if you grew up in some sort of hood,ghetto,poor neighborhood you HAVE to have some sort of street smarts.

i'm not saying that new yorkers are better, i'm just saying they are more cautious because crime is relatively high.

i am a white girl that grew up in NY and i travel the city at all times of the night. i have had many experiences similar to ops where i could have been harmed but i have never ever ever had anything even close to this happen because i have seen way too much happen with my own eyes to let it happen to me. for that i am super cautious and if i feel unsafe i BOUNCE

like one time i was coming home from work at like 1am on the J train, and two dudes get on the train at 121st. first off who gets on the train at 121st?
so one of them is wearing latex gloves 0.0 and the other one starts putting on latex gloves

i am the only one who got up and was like "i want no part of you fingerprint concealing" and changed cars and got off a few stops early.

and one time i was walking home it's dark about 10pm and i see two guys walking ahead of me with empty duffel bags
lol it's cool whatever
i go into subway because i'm hungry... i'm in there for a good 15 minutes and when i'm walking out the store the guys are there waiting for me. one waiting at the end of the block and one started walking towards me when i exited subway. so i was kind of like in between them. i was like **** laughed in their faces and crossed the street.

they dont want my dog muzzle and 1 inch blade on my wine key

Where did you read crime is higher in NY than Cali? Cause last time I checked Cali had 2 of the top 5 most dangerous cities in America. But I'm notbragging about what city is "harder" cause that argument is so ignorant but if you're saying the more crime you're around then the smarteryou are in the streets then by them being from Oakland they should have been Frank Lucas. All I'm tryna say is Cali has street dummies just like NY does.Their idiotic decisions do not reflect a whole state. not even a city not even their own family and friends.


scotthall, i wasn't even fully serious with that statement anyways. but i am serious with this one -
if you grew up in some sort of hood,ghetto,poor neighborhood you HAVE to have some sort of street smarts.

no matter where you are from in the world.
I hate people who are so stupid and naive.

I know he's your boy but actually punch him in the face. He needs to get sense slapped into him because it ACTUALLY nearly got you guys KILLED.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by RONdomness

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Money87 wrote:

Originally Posted by Snake201

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.
get em!!!




Need back up, need back up. Shots fired, shots fired.

But damn man you need to slow things down. Get off of niketalk. Go get in to some trouble, go get a girl do something.besides being on NT all the damntime.
im curious to know what part of the bay this happened in. And you wouldnt have died unless you were stupid. Next time dont even think twice and just give upthe goods and walk away, it aint worth your life. But you're right, yall shouldnt have been in that position anyways. Go tell your mans he's a fool.
Man good thing you came out okay. lol I thought my day was bad. What's the rest of the story for the stick up dudes?
this is still a scam in NY, dudes rolling around in white vans pretending to sell expensive stereo equipment for cheap sometimes its a robbery sometimes itsjust cheap crap either way these guys are real bold
id have to punch that other guy.
that is some great coincidence that a cop pulls up around the same time
alright so my flame suits on..first of all..the only reason i thought this was a legit deal was because about a year ago there was two dudes who sold me abrand new dell laptop out their truck for $200. secondly, i've been living in fremont my whole life and something like this has NEVER went down in front ofme. now my boy did exaggerate the story a little, it wasn't an ally way, it was the back of a wells fargo bank. none the less it was a stupid move on mypart. i've been in fights before, but i've never fought anyone with guns and machetes. so yeah, i was scared out my chucks. oo well you live youlearn. worst part about it was after the cops were done with us, my whole family flashed in front of my eyes and i busted out crying on the cops shoulders
(i can't even remember the last time i cried before this). i keptthinking to myself what kind of pain i could've put my parents through if i was shot. i will definitely be smarter next time.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by seventh letter

Son almost dies, and first thing he does is post on NT
No he didn't, he went to T-Mobile and afterwards got some food.

I find it ironic that you're "still shaking" and you SN is The Harlem Shake.

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.

son almost has 8000 post and is tryin to clown on him
Yooooooooooo! Yo what race was the driver and what color was the van!? I got asked the same thing in traffic like 2 months ago. Where you located?
p.s. yall slacking following some dudes into an alley
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