music section who even goes in there?

Like I always say about the Music section on this board, if all the people that complain about it would go in there and create discussions
about the types of music they listen too, there would be more diversity. Instead, they shy away and it remains a pit of stale debates
about the same topics over and over. People also have to realize the demographic with which they are dealing, NT is largely
made up of young people with similar tastes, so it is reflected in the type of material you see in the music section...
Originally Posted by Boi

I rarely go in there cuz they're a bunch of fools who don't know !$+% about good music

Sez the dude with the Big Sean avy

Naw, thats my guy tho... BOIIIIIII!!!

Im a west-siderr/
Dee-troit player/
*!%* around, I might bring back gatorrss
Originally Posted by Boi

I rarely go in there cuz they're a bunch of fools who don't know !$+% about good music

Sez the dude with the Big Sean avy

Naw, thats my guy tho... BOIIIIIII!!!

Im a west-siderr/
Dee-troit player/
*!%* around, I might bring back gatorrss
Originally Posted by tim teufel

in 8 years on nt today was the first time i ever clicked it. and it was just as i expected,terrible. anyone not ever go in a forum at all?

Keep it funky... went in there makin' a thread about Mr. Cee like you were CNN on some breakin' news #@%# and Ns laughed you outta there.

Now you over here in General cryin' about it...

...[B.I.G.] YOU SOFT DUKE!! YOU SOFT!!! [/B.I.G.]
Originally Posted by tim teufel

in 8 years on nt today was the first time i ever clicked it. and it was just as i expected,terrible. anyone not ever go in a forum at all?

Keep it funky... went in there makin' a thread about Mr. Cee like you were CNN on some breakin' news #@%# and Ns laughed you outta there.

Now you over here in General cryin' about it...

...[B.I.G.] YOU SOFT DUKE!! YOU SOFT!!! [/B.I.G.]
Haven't frequented the music forum since like 04. All I remember is biggie vs PAC and nas vs jay threads.

And premo55
Haven't frequented the music forum since like 04. All I remember is biggie vs PAC and nas vs jay threads.

And premo55
I'll check it daily, but a lot of the threads deal with artists I'm not following heavily so I don't spend that much time.

or I just notice how DipsetGeneral has the last post in a 1/3 of the threads
I'll check it daily, but a lot of the threads deal with artists I'm not following heavily so I don't spend that much time.

or I just notice how DipsetGeneral has the last post in a 1/3 of the threads
i go in there once in a while
general, jordan, and showcase keep me busy
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