MRSA unappreciation thread vol. Antibiotics aren't working...

Dec 2, 2008
Ok, so about a week ago i went to the doctor because of an abcess on my chin, which was then diagnosed as MRSA and I was given a heavy regimen of antibioticsand i was sent on my way. Fast forward to today, where I have swollen lymph nodes and generally feeling like crap so i return to the doctor and they tell meits because my body is "up against a wall" against the MRSA.

Any med students out there, what do you think? Or even NTers that have MRSA?
^MRSA is an antibiotic resistant strain of Staph; and no i work in a grocery store, primarily in the bottle return area
in simpler words..son has a SUPER pimple on his face

Go through the medication and don't stop. Everyone has staph on there body, but a few actually develop an infection. I caught a staph infection on my scalpfrom a barber when I was like 10 and had it for a while. Because I was young, I didn't keep up on the meds which is important. It's going to take awhile for it to clear your system (minimum 6 months). take all the meds and don't skip a day....seriously. MRSA is they type that is resistant to a widerange of antibiotics which is why it's hard to get rid of. I know people who were hospitalized for it also for a month. So what ever meds you are given,take them all! I think minocycline is one of the meds used to treat it. Good thing about using it is that it helps with acne.
damn sucks man...good luck. i guess just keep up with the meds or trying something stronger. PM dajoka, he's a med head i think
Do exactly what the doc tells you and if at any point you don't feel right or you think the meds aren't working call your doc or go to the ER. MRSA isno joke and not to be taken lightly, I've seen folks lose limbs and their lives because of MRSA.
Originally Posted by HAZE323

whats mrsa
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. I did research on treating this with photo-therapy, they're pretty nasty.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

we really messed up w/antibiotics......MRSA is a great example of what happens when we misuse them.
We issue out drugs for everything and people stop taking the drugs half way through because 'they feel better'...only to have the smallremaining bacteria regrow and become resistant to it. SMH.
sux homie, i hope every thing goes well. dont slip up on your meds could cost you your face.
UPDATE: i got called back to the doctors, again, and the retook blood cultures to compare them against the ones they took a week ago. Ifthe results haven't changed in a week, I will have to be admitted to the hospital
for antibiotics through and IV. Thanks fam for all the well wishes!
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