Mr. Robot: Wednesdays at 10 PM on USA

Jus started watchin and I missed 20 minutes and I can’t even rewind it back to the beginning :smh:
Elliot's gone full Heisenberg now.

This must all be some dream I guess.

This is some Matrix Fight Club mind **** ****

The real Elliot is normal? This whole time we've been rocking with a fake Elliot that's just another alt personality?

This legit some Legion and Split **** as well.
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I really liked the finale. Felt very personal for at least the mastermind Elliot. Came through for a real brother/sister bond though.

The real Elliot waking up to a ****** up life though :lol: :smh:

My one thing is while I'm fine with White Rose's death I dont like how her machine was just shuttled away and we never know if it worked or even what it did.

Props to Esmail. Now I need s2 of Homecoming
So Esmail is sticking to USA for his New Series?

Must be nice having total control like they've given him.
Definitely rather have that and a smaller bag.
I wonder what it cost USA to give Esmail episdoes without commercials.
Lowkey, Briarpatch is not Esmail's show. He's just executive producer.

He is closely aligned to everything (NBC)universal though. Got a lot of stuff upcoming. FBI movie with Rami, miniseries, a few shows for the nbc streaming service, etc.
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It was great. Only fitting since they had so many mental health PSA's during the shows run. I wonder how messed up the real Elliot is, that he had to create all these personalities.
I *** with the ending because of how confusing it is. I think Hacker Elliot makes more sense than perfect Elliot. There's no way that a dude with dissociative disorder is living a cookie cutter perfect life. I'm thinking Elliot died and we got a confusing set of scenes do usher in his death, including his concept of a perfect life. Or, he was in a coma and woke up. But Perfect Elliot is too perfect to be believed.
I *** with the ending because of how confusing it is. I think Hacker Elliot makes more sense than perfect Elliot. There's no way that a dude with dissociative disorder is living a cookie cutter perfect life. I'm thinking Elliot died and we got a confusing set of scenes do usher in his death, including his concept of a perfect life. Or, he was in a coma and woke up. But Perfect Elliot is too perfect to be believed.
That's the rub though and how Sam gets you with one last mystery.

The real Elliot isn't perfect. Mastermind Elliot similar to the protective Mr. Robot used his anger to take control and try to make the world safe for Elliot to ridiculous extent that he's allying and taking on underworld terrorist groups. He trapped the real Elliot in a perfect fantasy prison. There the real Elliot appeared to be "perfect" cuz his life there was a routine no drama no danger loop where all his wishes came true.

The real Elliot is ****** up possibly beyond repair. Darlene hinted at it. He was so messed up she dipped cuz she couldn't handle it. The real Elliot never forgot that his father sexually abused him and had such a trash mom so he lives with that. He probably has a serious case of depression instead of mastermind Elliot's antisocial tendencies and paranoia. The real Elliot was getting to the point he couldn't handle life so he created mastermind Elliot to solve it. Mastermind Elliot then along the way forgot he was just a part of Elliot and thought he was the real one.

There is no perfect Elliot. Thats probably the only mind **** Esmail didn't script; real Elliot realizing he has dissociative identity disorder and what the **** his alternate personalities have been doing as him for the past year and change.

Think of Split where the real Kevin can never regain control of his body cuz he's too weak willed compared to his dozens of other personalities or Fight Club where Tyler Durden is such a strong personality he has autonomy in his actions that the Narrator isnt even aware of.

Its much more like coming out of a coma for the real Elliot.
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i liked it. it was like identity inception. real elliot created mastermind elliot which created mr. robot. each protecting the next level to protect the real elliot.

i was looking up reddit and there were some hints all along but it was a great final twist.

real elliot must be a even more messed up version of mastermind.

its been real fellas.
i liked it. it was like identity inception. real elliot created mastermind elliot which created mr. robot. each protecting the next level to protect the real elliot.

i was looking up reddit and there were some hints all along but it was a great final twist.

real elliot must be a even more messed up version of mastermind.

its been real fellas.

Krista made it sound like Mr. Robot had already been created by real Elliot, and he would come out to try and influence vigilante hacker Elliot. As the ‘protector’, it makes sense Robot was trying to help hacker Elliot save/make a safer world for real Elliot.

I enjoyed the finale. I liked Ep 9 most this season but I thought Esmail tied up the series well. Will definitely go down as an all-time great TV show.
the opening song mr. roboto by styx said it all.

I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM
So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised
I'm just a man who needed someone and somewhere to hide
To keep me alive, just keep me alive
Somewhere to hide to keep me alive
It just felt like an easy convenient way to put a bow on the show. I don't think it cheapens the quality of the show at all, I also don't feel we have a lost situation where the creator was making it up as he went along. This was how me meant for his story to end. I just didn't like it. I was more interested in what happened to his sis and ol girl, and joey B.
I was more interested in what happened to his sis and ol girl, and joey B.
His sis couldn't stay on the flight and went to find and help Elliot, ol girl went on the flight and is basically on vacay, Joey B's character just dropped them off and is back to doing freelance work.
man i dont think i can listen to mr. roboto by styx the same ever again. the lyrics are literally mastermind elliot. bravo esmail, bravo.
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