Moving in with your GirlFriend Stories

It's a process. She was supposed to talk to me Sunday about what we plan on doing, but when I was showering this morning she told my girls shes moving out today.

I had to take them to school, so I haven't had a chance to explain yet. I did promise them that would be the last time I move someone into their lives only to be taken away though.
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How'd you react to her doing this?
Well she woke me up questioning me last Saturday about some bs and I wasn't having it. Checked the f outta her out and told her I'm done.

She decided to wait until the day my daughter turns 8 to make a big scene and send them to school crying. This ***** might as well have pissed on me.
Do y'all see how malicious this is? Hell truly hath no fury like a woman scorned.

I'm willing to bet that she did this just to spite YOU through your daughters, since I'm assuming your daughters aren't her biological kids.
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I've slept by the lake plenty of nights. I know exactly how Jose Fernandez might have felt when his girl was stressing him out. Just :pimp:  by lake thinking of a better way for my daughter. Don't burn bridges with the side joints, they'll be there for you when ole girl trippin. Never burn bridges with the side joints because when your main girl "change up" and kick you out; you'll have no one. Protect yourself first because theses birds have proven they're subject to change time and time again. F#$% your feels girl I gotta look out for me. Damb right I got 2 phones and nah you can't see a damb thing on them.

If you gotta have side joints everytime you feeling insecure why even bother with being in a relationship?

Don't listen to this dude man, he winning on NT with the L's in their lifetime.
Damn brolic, say it ain't so.

Yep. It's over.

You stuck to your morals and didn't compromise.

Patrice would be proud.

Yep. I stuck to the script. Her tryna go through my phone as if I'm her kid, while I was sleeping, was the last straw.

I'm fine being on my own.
Damn homie. Welp the beautiful thing about all of this you found something else that will make you happy and you won't compromise. Ain't nothing like having your own ****. :pimp:
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You're a pretty level dude. Just keep your cool. Can't feed into it bro. Def don't want the police involved.
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Well she woke me up questioning me last Saturday about some bs and I wasn't having it. Checked the f outta her out and told her I'm done.

She decided to wait until the day my daughter turns 8 to make a big scene and send them to school crying. This ***** might as well have pissed on me.

This the type of **** I don't get. That's ridiculous. You sound prepared though be safe
Damn Brolic, Hope she stays away now. Don't need that in your life.

I was a teenager when my parents split, but both of my parents always made sure I came first. I promise you, your kids are going to grow up and admire that and be extremely grateful you put them first. :pimp:
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