movie theatre etiquette vol worst movie experiences

Fast and the Furious isn't going back to street racing... they've actively moved away from that with the last one as primarily a heist film. Now it's an action series with a heavy racing/car element.

People with loud snacks, laughing too much, going to the bathroom... all that's fine. It's a movie theater with a lot of people, that comes with the territory. Talking more than a few whispers here and there isn't cool, and now the worst is people using their phones. They're courteous enough to turn off the ringer, but in a dark movie theater a phone is so distracting. So once or twice is fine.. if you have to. But when people are having full text conversations, that's when it gets annoying.
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-Babies/toddlers in movies geared for older audiences or at very late screenings. How do you look as a parent bringing in infants and toddlers to a 10:30 show?

-Kids kicking the back of your chair. Happened twice when I went to see GI Joe: Retaliation. Gave a stern look to her parents both times and then it finally stopped.

-Teens because they're trying to show off to their friends.

-Loud people in general.

I don't go to the movies much at all and when I do I usually go during the day so that I don't have to encounter any of these.
first one wasnt bad. i will admit that. but from then on...yikes. Used to do quite a bit of legal drag racing/illegal street racing back in the day (93 mustang 5.0 lx hatch). good times

Saved and modded one of these after that scene when Dom pulls up dappin' everyone up....AWD Turbo, 5 speed manual.

I won't lie I had fake NoS buttons but the girlies thought they were real, I'd just step on the gas harder and the NoS button controlled the flame throwers.

Some people were just getting into Propane Conversion, but I couldn't afford it back then and truthfully I was scared to mess with it.

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I ain't eem mad at the fake NOS button.

if your movie experience is ruined by any of the above... will you get an automatic refund? who do you speak to? :nerd:

& I'm black btw but that **** is annoying.
Rowdy obnoxious black people in general ...but YES in New York movie theaters sometimes it's a mixture of black and Hispanics (stereotypical accents)
and the Hispanics droppin' the N'word more than blacks. It's not really a race thing because "OMG OMG OMG, GET OUT, REALLY" gets annoying too when young white teens act like they never been out in public.

But blacks and Hispanics, I will shamefully admit take it to the next level sometimes

"Uh uhhhh I'on know who he dink he tawlken tew, he betta relax and enjoy his mooovie befawr it get hetic in heah, shoe'd" - Averarge black or hispanic rat
Teenagers is my biggest pet peeve, I honestly have never seen people bring kids to the theater. I see movies at night after 8 so maybe thats why you cheap bastards need to stop going to the Matinee :lol:

But yeah Teenagers piss me off the most, I literally have to get up and tell them to cut that **** out and let me watch the movie.

Another peeve is the chick who screams at scary movies. I understand being startled but some broads be screaming like they the one getting stabbed :smh: :smh:
Or maybe just go during the week? Been doing the whole matinee during the week thing and its been nothing but elderly people.
I dislike kids in situations like this. Makes me wanna sweet chin music a 6 yr old
I haven't been to the movies since early last year. Nevermind the overpriced everything there, I just can't stand spending half of the movie wanting to crack someone in the back of the head with a sock full of quarters for talking or texting endlessly during the movie
Rowdy obnoxious black people in general ...but YES in New York movie theaters sometimes it's a mixture of black and Hispanics (stereotypical accents)

and the Hispanics droppin' the N'word more than blacks. It's not really a race thing because "OMG OMG OMG, GET OUT, REALLY" gets annoying too when young white teens act like they never been out in public.

But blacks and Hispanics, I will shamefully admit take it to the next level sometimes

"Uh uhhhh I'on know who he dink he tawlken tew, he betta relax and enjoy his mooovie befawr it get hetic in heah, shoe'd" - Averarge black or hispanic rat
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I hate beta *** people. I went to go watch 21 & over. Movie theater was crowded af and I finally found a pair of seats that were somewhat decent. I asked this asian guy who looked like your typical 3.5 GPA student who is taking at least 3 AP classes. He was by himself and I asked him were the two seats beside him, taken. I didn't care that the dude was by himself because you can do whatever the F you want to do (word to TMW). He said "no" in a timid way like he wasn't used to socializing. I was like alright, cool. I then proceed to fetch my friend who was sitting in our back up seats in case I couldn't find any better ones. So we went back up and mind you, it has only been less than a minute since I retrieved my friend. I came back up and a couple was ready to swoop the seats that I already had asked the loner guy to reserve for me. I told the couple that I had the seats saved by that guy and they said that they just found these seats and the dude said nothing about it being taken. I told the loner guy to vouch for me, by now all 4 of us were just looking at him. He stared blankly into the screen and gave a shrug. I told the dude to tell the couple that you agreed to reserve the seats for me. The dude said I don't know how to tell them :smh: . Holy **** , this dude was beta af. Got me heated because this guy couldn't grow a back bone and keep his word. Now to make things worse, our back up seats were taken so we had to settle for worse than said back up seats. :smh: :smh: :smh: No wonder dude was sitting alone, dude lack all sorts of social skills. I know that ish wasn't serious but dude really needs to grow a back bone or some confidence.
I hate beta *** people. I went to go watch 21 & over. Movie theater was crowded af and I finally found a pair of seats that were somewhat decent. I asked this asian guy who looked like your typical 3.5 GPA student who is taking at least 3 AP classes. He was by himself and I asked him were the two seats beside him, taken. I didn't care that the dude was by himself because you can do whatever the F you want to do (word to TMW). He said "no" in a timid way like he wasn't used to socializing. I was like alright, cool. I then proceed to fetch my friend who was sitting in our back up seats in case I couldn't find any better ones. So we went back up and mind you, it has only been less than a minute since I retrieved my friend. I came back up and a couple was ready to swoop the seats that I already had asked the loner guy to reserve for me. I told the couple that I had the seats saved by that guy and they said that they just found these seats and the dude said nothing about it being taken. I told the loner guy to vouch for me, by now all 4 of us were just looking at him. He stared blankly into the screen and gave a shrug. I told the dude to tell the couple that you agreed to reserve the seats for me. The dude said I don't know how to tell them
. Holy **** , this dude was beta af. Got me heated because this guy couldn't grow a back bone and keep his word. Now to make things worse, our back up seats were taken so we had to settle for worse than said back up seats.
No wonder dude was sitting alone, dude lack all sorts of social skills. I know that ish wasn't serious but dude really needs to grow a back bone or some confidence.
I enjoy these sorts of stories. 
Wow this thread took a turn for the worst, race has once again been injected into a thread lol
I hate beta *** people. I went to go watch 21 & over. Movie theater was crowded af and I finally found a pair of seats that were somewhat decent. I asked this asian guy who looked like your typical 3.5 GPA student who is taking at least 3 AP classes. He was by himself and I asked him were the two seats beside him, taken. I didn't care that the dude was by himself because you can do whatever the F you want to do (word to TMW). He said "no" in a timid way like he wasn't used to socializing. I was like alright, cool. I then proceed to fetch my friend who was sitting in our back up seats in case I couldn't find any better ones. So we went back up and mind you, it has only been less than a minute since I retrieved my friend. I came back up and a couple was ready to swoop the seats that I already had asked the loner guy to reserve for me. I told the couple that I had the seats saved by that guy and they said that they just found these seats and the dude said nothing about it being taken. I told the loner guy to vouch for me, by now all 4 of us were just looking at him. He stared blankly into the screen and gave a shrug. I told the dude to tell the couple that you agreed to reserve the seats for me. The dude said I don't know how to tell them
. Holy **** , this dude was beta af. Got me heated because this guy couldn't grow a back bone and keep his word. Now to make things worse, our back up seats were taken so we had to settle for worse than said back up seats.
No wonder dude was sitting alone, dude lack all sorts of social skills. I know that ish wasn't serious but dude really needs to grow a back bone or some confidence.
 Yall was being beta too though should have left some popcorn and your drinks, a coat or something. If dude was a beta wasn't like he was gonna mess with it.

Dude straight curved yall though, he low key won...

i work at a theater and i dont understand how some people cannot grasp the concept of throwing their own trash away. I understand theaters hire people to clean stuff up for you but damb have some freakin consideration. anyhow, I can't stand people who bring 1-2 year olds to the movie :smh: people who has the most grotesque laugh and seem to laugh at every moment throughout the movie :smh: and as far as being a worker i can't stand people who order an sh-- ton of popcorn but half ends up on the floor and other half on the seats :smh: people who bring in giant meals from outside in and don't even bother to clean it up :smh: there's a ton more too :smh: :lol:
:lol:  Yall was being beta too though should have left some popcorn and your drinks, a coat or something. If dude was a beta wasn't like he was gonna mess with it.

Dude straight curved yall though, he low key won...:lol:


We just got there like 5 minutes before the previews started, thats why it was a bit crowded. I didn't think I had to leave anything cause I took dude's word for it that he would save the seats. It was basically me arguing against the couple with uncooperative witness as my alibi, my friend didn't know what was going on :lol:
I hate beta *** people. I went to go watch 21 & over. Movie theater was crowded af and I finally found a pair of seats that were somewhat decent. I asked this asian guy who looked like your typical 3.5 GPA student who is taking at least 3 AP classes. He was by himself and I asked him were the two seats beside him, taken. I didn't care that the dude was by himself because you can do whatever the F you want to do (word to TMW). He said "no" in a timid way like he wasn't used to socializing. I was like alright, cool. I then proceed to fetch my friend who was sitting in our back up seats in case I couldn't find any better ones. So we went back up and mind you, it has only been less than a minute since I retrieved my friend. I came back up and a couple was ready to swoop the seats that I already had asked the loner guy to reserve for me. I told the couple that I had the seats saved by that guy and they said that they just found these seats and the dude said nothing about it being taken. I told the loner guy to vouch for me, by now all 4 of us were just looking at him. He stared blankly into the screen and gave a shrug. I told the dude to tell the couple that you agreed to reserve the seats for me. The dude said I don't know how to tell them :smh: . Holy **** , this dude was beta af. Got me heated because this guy couldn't grow a back bone and keep his word. Now to make things worse, our back up seats were taken so we had to settle for worse than said back up seats. :smh: :smh: :smh: No wonder dude was sitting alone, dude lack all sorts of social skills. I know that ish wasn't serious but dude really needs to grow a back bone or some confidence.
Ok first of all, my GPA is a 3.867
Second of all, i liked the couple better than i liked you

If you were alpha you would've taken the seats from the couple with no dambs given. But you took your beta *** and settled for the less than ideal seats.
He gave yall the "**** outta my face, it's not my problem, " shrug  though, probably didn't even look in your direction when he did it.  


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I do not know if this has been covered in this thread but we always seem to go when handicapped or mentally challenged people are there.....

I am sorry not to be insensitive but the noise they make is by far more annoying and horrible than babies, animals, or loud people in the theatre....

and just last week I enjoyed my first ever douche bag child kicking my seat through out the whole movie... smh
Does NT still believe you and your boy have to sit five seats apart? Insecure dudes
another thing that irks me is grown ups bringing lil kids especially little girls to bad movies. who bring little girls to pain and gain and spring breakers? the hells wrong with them?
I hate beta *** people. I went to go watch 21 & over. Movie theater was crowded af and I finally found a pair of seats that were somewhat decent. I asked this asian guy who looked like your typical 3.5 GPA student who is taking at least 3 AP classes. He was by himself and I asked him were the two seats beside him, taken. I didn't care that the dude was by himself because you can do whatever the F you want to do (word to TMW). He said "no" in a timid way like he wasn't used to socializing. I was like alright, cool. I then proceed to fetch my friend who was sitting in our back up seats in case I couldn't find any better ones. So we went back up and mind you, it has only been less than a minute since I retrieved my friend. I came back up and a couple was ready to swoop the seats that I already had asked the loner guy to reserve for me. I told the couple that I had the seats saved by that guy and they said that they just found these seats and the dude said nothing about it being taken. I told the loner guy to vouch for me, by now all 4 of us were just looking at him. He stared blankly into the screen and gave a shrug. I told the dude to tell the couple that you agreed to reserve the seats for me. The dude said I don't know how to tell them
. Holy **** , this dude was beta af. Got me heated because this guy couldn't grow a back bone and keep his word. Now to make things worse, our back up seats were taken so we had to settle for worse than said back up seats.
No wonder dude was sitting alone, dude lack all sorts of social skills. I know that ish wasn't serious but dude really needs to grow a back bone or some confidence.
Ok first of all, my GPA is a 3.867
Second of all, i liked the couple better than i liked you

If you were alpha you would've taken the seats from the couple with no dambs given. But you took your beta *** and settled for the less than ideal seats.
Strong sn to story correlation.
I use to go to the Late night showings of movies all the time with friends back in my high school years at Arundel Mills Mall in Md that **** was awful

People yelling screaming during the movie

Kicking your seat

Texting or taking on the phone (get your *** up and walk outside)

Kicking your chair

Smoking E cigarettes ( i smoke occasionally smoke but come on that **** smells awful)

Taking kids into any movie tickets are like $12.50 for XD 3D by me for a kid you couldn't spend that money on a babysitter

The Price of a ticket and some snacks now a days its almost $25 for tickets popcorn and a drink

And because of all these problems i got tired of dealing with ill go the 1 oclock showing of a movie on my day off just so i don't have to deal with people and i can get mad baked and have 90% of the theater empty ( saw star trek into darkness at 1:45 there was 10 other people in the theater on friday)

And with the price of tickets in MD $15.00 for an XD 3D movie or $18.50 for Imax 3D ill stick to going to my early showings with little to no crowd.
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