Motivational quotes to keep you going.

Intriguing post. Thanks for the contribution. Would you mind sharing the titles these quotes came from?
I read so many books, I don't recall. I order 6-8 at a time online and I only read 2-3 a month or so. For sure some came from "The Magic of Thinking Big", "Third Circle Theory", and "Power of Broke".

I need to visit the thread more often.
The sayings only go so far without taking action though, my friend.

It's good to read things here and there but taking action is even more important.

I put up these on my office recently. 4 characters/people I really look up to since they all share one trait in common: hustle. It helps when you're doing 15+ hours a day and hit road blocks.

Kobe: watches his story cradle to grave. Loved everything about him, especially his work ethics.

Sophia: founded a clothing brand worth north of $100M from thrifting pieces and selling online. Got a part time job at a library so she would grt medical coverage for surgery.

Sara: failed the LSAT and founded Spanx with her life saving of $5k. I think she became the youngest female self made billionaire.

Spoiler because of large pic.

Rocky: the blue collar guy who fought for his dreams.
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That 46 year old story got me. I moved to Virginia to get away from the old life I had in Florida. But I miss fl so much I think about going back everyday. I keep changing my mind because I feel like I need to something different so I'm trying to fins positives to be here. I may go back after I get successful up here. Only 21 with so much on my plate mentally
That 46 year old story got me. I moved to Virginia to get away from the old life I had in Florida. But I miss fl so much I think about going back everyday. I keep changing my mind because I feel like I need to something different so I'm trying to fins positives to be here. I may go back after I get successful up here. Only 21 with so much on my plate mentally
I feel it . I'm 21 and I haven't made much progress in my education went to college for one semester haven't been back since because of financial reasons but I'm taking care of that at this moment . Then again the money in saving to go back to school I want to use to move out and be on my own which I think is the best idea because then I'd be able to make moves on my own pace.
Glad that this thread is alive and well. I needed to check in due to such a stressful last few weeks at work. wj4 wj4 dropping gems :nthat:
On a serious note, I'm almost certain I'm going to be a motivational speaker and/or write a book once I 'retire' :lol:

Last couple of quotes from Born For This.


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I read so many books, I don't recall. I order 6-8 at a time online and I only read 2-3 a month or so. For sure some came from "The Magic of Thinking Big", "Third Circle Theory", and "Power of Broke".
The sayings only go so far without taking action though, my friend.

It's good to read things here and there but taking action is even more important.

I put up these on my office recently. 4 characters/people I really look up to since they all share one trait in common: hustle. It helps when you're doing 15+ hours a day and hit road blocks.

Kobe: watches his story cradle to grave. Loved everything about him, especially his work ethics.

Sophia: founded a clothing brand worth north of $100M from thrifting pieces and selling online. Got a part time job at a library so she would grt medical coverage for surgery.

Sara: failed the LSAT and founded Spanx with her life saving of $5k. I think she became the youngest female self made billionaire.

Spoiler because of large pic.

Rocky: the blue collar guy who fought for his dreams.
Appreciate your recommendations. Once I conquer the LSAT, those titles will be added to my list.

As for motivational speaking, go for it! Your temperament coincides with that field.
Glad that this thread is alive and well. I needed to check in due to such a stressful last few weeks at work. wj4 wj4 dropping gems :nthat:
That 46 year old story got me. I moved to Virginia to get away from the old life I had in Florida. But I miss fl so much I think about going back everyday. I keep changing my mind because I feel like I need to something different so I'm trying to fins positives to be here. I may go back after I get successful up here. Only 21 with so much on my plate mentally

I feel it . I'm 21 and I haven't made much progress in my education went to college for one semester haven't been back since because of financial reasons but I'm taking care of that at this moment . Then again the money in saving to go back to school I want to use to move out and be on my own which I think is the best idea because then I'd be able to make moves on my own pace.
You guys are so young. Where you are today at age 21 will be very different than when you are at 25 and so forth. Trust me that 1 year can make all the difference.

I'm 30 years old, I've been on NT since the 10th grade or so. When I was 21, all I cared about was going out and owning an M3 before I turned 30. That was a serious goal, not before it became an NT joke. When I turned 30 last year, I could've gone out and got the car easily, but my goal changed. I now want to buy a house/condo by the time I turn 35 and not have mortgage.

When I was 21, I remember I was stressing because I had messed around the first couple years in school so it eventually took me 6 years to get my bachelor's.

You have to LIVE YOUR LIFE. By that I don't mean go smoke weed and party all day long. I mean you need to find what makes you happy and be good at it. I bet you, and a bunch of others in your age are in college just for the sake of being in college. I spent 10 years in college, getting a bachelor's and 2 master's. If I had the mentality I do now, I probably would've dropped out by the first semester. Almost everything I know/do today was learned through experience. School was more of a concept. I'll stop here, before going down deeper into the rabbit hole.

School is easy. You get a syllabus, you follow it and you get a good grade.

Life doesn't work that way. Life has its ups and downs. Victory wouldn't be so sweet if you never tasted bitter defeat. It sounds corny, but it's true. Use your low points to fuel that to break through.

Surround yourself with need to ditch the losers. As sad/harsh as that sounds, it is true.

Write down where you want to be in a year, and break that into smaller milestones, and track that on a weekly basis.
Appreciate your recommendations. Once I conquer the LSAT, those titles will be added to my list.

As for motivational speaking, go for it! Your temperament coincides with that field.
If you're going into law, please make sure it's really what you want to do. I have a couple of friends who are vetted attorneys. We talked about this last law grads are in a touch place. Too qualified to become paralegal and job market is tough, not to mention the student debt.

A close friend of mine is actually not taking anymore clients in, he's going to close up shop (he does family and divorce). For the last 3 years, he's been working out of his car shop part time. He loved cars, and that was how we met. Went from modding cars in the garage to leasing a big space out for a legit shop. But being that he's Asian, being a mechanic wasn't going to cut it so he became a lawyer. His car shop grew among enthusiasts so he makes as much from that venture now as his attorney job. I always give him a hard time saying "you went to law school to turn a wrench?".

I love NT because I grew up on the board, but just like the real world....the place is allergic to success. All of the successful people I know no longer post here.

About 1.5 years ago, I hit the low point in my life. I got a new job offer for a global biotech firm. Pay was great, close to home, I was dating a girl I really liked. I was 28 or so and on top of the world. I eventually went on to put long hours, hated that. I would get to work before the sun comes up, went home after the sun was down. Things with girl went sour. Stress caused a major spasm in my back. I was on prescribed painkiller and basically bed ridden for almost a month. It killed me because I hit the gym almost daily.

The silver lining was that it gave me the time to thing. I used the time to dissect all the successful entrepreneurs I looked up to. I also reached out to the two most successful people I know. These two command 8 figure incomes, one dropped out of junior college, and one never went. Self taught, but are able to hold brilliant conversations. On the other hand, I know Ivy League grads who are not the brightest crayons in the box.

Fast forward to today to make the story has flipped a complete 180. I called both guys (who don't know each other) and asked them what can I do to repay? One guy said join me in the Lambo club and pass it on to the next generation. The other said get your mom that house in the hills and a matching Rolls. They basically enjoyed their success and want to help their friends out. This was how I started being an optimist and enjoy the space...leading me wanting to get into the book/speaking thing :lol:
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Glad that this thread is alive and well. I needed to check in due to such a stressful last few weeks at work. wj4 wj4 dropping gems :nthat:
That 46 year old story got me. I moved to Virginia to get away from the old life I had in Florida. But I miss fl so much I think about going back everyday. I keep changing my mind because I feel like I need to something different so I'm trying to fins positives to be here. I may go back after I get successful up here. Only 21 with so much on my plate mentally

I feel it . I'm 21 and I haven't made much progress in my education went to college for one semester haven't been back since because of financial reasons but I'm taking care of that at this moment . Then again the money in saving to go back to school I want to use to move out and be on my own which I think is the best idea because then I'd be able to make moves on my own pace.
You guys are so young. Where you are today at age 21 will be very different than when you are at 25 and so forth. Trust me that 1 year can make all the difference.

I'm 30 years old, I've been on NT since the 10th grade or so. When I was 21, all I cared about was going out and owning an M3 before I turned 30. That was a serious goal, not before it became an NT joke. When I turned 30 last year, I could've gone out and got the car easily, but my goal changed. I now want to buy a house/condo by the time I turn 35 and not have mortgage.

When I was 21, I remember I was stressing because I had messed around the first couple years in school so it eventually took me 6 years to get my bachelor's.

You have to LIVE YOUR LIFE. By that I don't mean go smoke weed and party all day long. I mean you need to find what makes you happy and be good at it. I bet you, and a bunch of others in your age are in college just for the sake of being in college. I spent 10 years in college, getting a bachelor's and 2 master's. If I had the mentality I do now, I probably would've dropped out by the first semester. Almost everything I know/do today was learned through experience. School was more of a concept. I'll stop here, before going down deeper into the rabbit hole.

School is easy. You get a syllabus, you follow it and you get a good grade.

Life doesn't work that way. Life has its ups and downs. Victory wouldn't be so sweet if you never tasted bitter defeat. It sounds corny, but it's true. Use your low points to fuel that to break through.

Surround yourself with need to ditch the losers. As sad/harsh as that sounds, it is true.

Write down where you want to be in a year, and break that into smaller milestones, and track that on a weekly basis.
Word. I reached a few goals this year already.

i spent New Years n my van sippin XO house cuz I did some stupid **** to get kicked out my mothers house . After that happened I had to figure out I was gonna get my own place and go back to school. I had a drive and fire inside of me that I never had before .Was sleeping in my van waking up early mornings with my feet freezing . I just started a new temp job in early December . The stakes were high ,seemed like not a day went by without someone being fired and replaced for bs' n on the job . I out worked every temp that had came after me and even got a raise about 2 months in. After a while I got comfortable and was almost terminated but I got my **** back in gear just in time. Few weeks ago I come into work on Saturday and my supervisor hands me an app to get hired onto the company that I'm working for. Since then I've managed to save up a few grand and am making the most money I've ever had and back under my mothers roof Now I'm making a decision to put that money towards getting back trade school or moving out then going back to school. Till then ,I'll be saving . They say it gets really busy at my job in the summer time and with lots overtime I just might be able to do both this year depending on how I play my cards.

"I bet you, and a bunch of others in your age are in college just for the sake of being in college". This was my mindset when I went . I was like"heeeey look at me I'm in college" :smh: :lol: lot of time has past and I've matured a lot more since then.

thanks for the words homie. Much respect.
Word. I reached a few goals this year already.

i spent New Years n my van sippin XO house cuz I did some stupid **** to get kicked out my mothers house . After that happened I had to figure out I was gonna get my own place and go back to school. I had a drive and fire inside of me that I never had before .Was sleeping in my van waking up early mornings with my feet freezing . I just started a new temp job in early December . The stakes were high ,seemed like not a day went by without someone being fired and replaced for bs' n on the job . I out worked every temp that had came after me and even got a raise about 2 months in. After a while I got comfortable and was almost terminated but I got my **** back in gear just in time. Few weeks ago I come into work on Saturday and my supervisor hands me an app to get hired onto the company that I'm working for. Since then I've managed to save up a few grand and am making the most money I've ever had and back under my mothers roof Now I'm making a decision to put that money towards getting back trade school or moving out then going back to school. Till then ,I'll be saving . They say it gets really busy at my job in the summer time and with lots overtime I just might be able to do both this year depending on how I play my cards.

"I bet you, and a bunch of others in your age are in college just for the sake of being in college". This was my mindset when I went . I was like"heeeey look at me I'm in college" :smh: :lol: lot of time has past and I've matured a lot more since then.

thanks for the words homie. Much respect.
teuw man, I don't really like Virginia at all cause it ain't my steeze. I felt like I did this to run away from my problems when I should've handled them like a man. I'm about to save ip up for the next 6 months and move and get back I to school cause I feel like I'm not following my own decisions. Appreciate the a device no up there homie
The right thread to glance through on a Monday morning after three weeks of vacation. Standing outside the office dreading to go inside.Got my mentality back in gear now - learn to love the process of becoming great.
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do."
Edward Everett Hale
Long read but worth it.

" On the afternoon of my 13th birthday my father asked me to follow him in front of the big full length mirror in the house. He told me that he wanted to show me something that had been passed down in my family for 9 generations and I was the 10th. He stood me in front of the mirror and said…¨Look.¨ After about 5 seconds my eyes and my head were moving around and after about 10 seconds my body began to fidget. My father again said: ¨Look!¨ After about 15 seconds of looking my father then said; ¨Have you lived your day Well?¨ My answer was something like; ¨I think so.¨ After my answer my father continued; ¨As a man, you have a choice to live you day well. You need to look into the mirror each night and ask yourself, ´did I live this day well?´ If you answer no, I did not live this day well then the reason that you did not live your day well is staring at you directly in the mirror and being reflected back to you.¨ He told me to begin that night. When I was standing before the mirror in my bathroom that night, my father came in and faced the mirror with me and he put his arm around me (he was not normally an affectionate man) as he said, ¨I see the man that you will become, what did you see?¨ He walked away and I went to sleep.

The next night, my grandfather called me, this was unusual as we just spoke the day before on my birthday. He asked; ¨Did you live your day well? I gave him a better answer like yes grandfather, I did this and that. He responded ¨good, I am going to call you each evening and ask you.¨ I later found that this was also part of the tradition with the grandfather. One evening, maybe two or 3 weeks later, when I was speaking with my grandfather, I mentioned that I had not lived my day well. He told me to go look in the mirror and that we would talk tomorrow. When I arrived home from school the next day, there was my grandfather (and grandmother) who had driven many hours to spend a few days with us. Later that evening my grandfather stood with me before the mirror and asked; ¨Did you live your day Well?¨ I said; ¨yes grandfather, I lived my day Well.¨ He asked; ¨what was the difference between yesterday and today?¨ I replied with something on the order of this and that in the world. He paused, put his arm around me (he was even more stoic than my father) as we stood together before our reflections and said, ¨The reason that you lived your day Well today, and did not live your day Well yesterday is right there! (pointing at me in the mirror)¨ He took a few steps to the side and let me reflect at my image in the mirror for a few moments. He then said, I expect you, just as I expect your father to do this each day. I turned around and hugged him and said yes grandfather, I promise. For all of the years of their lives when we parted company, we always said, ¨Be Well!¨
If you're going into law, please make sure it's really what you want to do. I have a couple of friends who are vetted attorneys. We talked about this last law grads are in a touch place. Too qualified to become paralegal and job market is tough, not to mention the student debt.

A close friend of mine is actually not taking anymore clients in, he's going to close up shop (he does family and divorce). For the last 3 years, he's been working out of his car shop part time. He loved cars, and that was how we met. Went from modding cars in the garage to leasing a big space out for a legit shop. But being that he's Asian, being a mechanic wasn't going to cut it so he became a lawyer. His car shop grew among enthusiasts so he makes as much from that venture now as his attorney job. I always give him a hard time saying "you went to law school to turn a wrench?".

I love NT because I grew up on the board, but just like the real world....the place is allergic to success. All of the successful people I know no longer post here.

About 1.5 years ago, I hit the low point in my life. I got a new job offer for a global biotech firm. Pay was great, close to home, I was dating a girl I really liked. I was 28 or so and on top of the world. I eventually went on to put long hours, hated that. I would get to work before the sun comes up, went home after the sun was down. Things with girl went sour. Stress caused a major spasm in my back. I was on prescribed painkiller and basically bed ridden for almost a month. It killed me because I hit the gym almost daily.

The silver lining was that it gave me the time to thing. I used the time to dissect all the successful entrepreneurs I looked up to. I also reached out to the two most successful people I know. These two command 8 figure incomes, one dropped out of junior college, and one never went. Self taught, but are able to hold brilliant conversations. On the other hand, I know Ivy League grads who are not the brightest crayons in the box.

Fast forward to today to make the story has flipped a complete 180. I called both guys (who don't know each other) and asked them what can I do to repay? One guy said join me in the Lambo club and pass it on to the next generation. The other said get your mom that house in the hills and a matching Rolls. They basically enjoyed their success and want to help their friends out. This was how I started being an optimist and enjoy the space...leading me wanting to get into the book/speaking thing :lol:
Thanks for your insight man. I have alwalso possessed ambitions--the drive argue points logically--to become an attorney. Through college and post graduate Jobs, marketing and sales jobs seemed to meet my niche; I had pushed my objective of practicing law since I had invested an undergraduate degree and years of experience in this field. Through the years, I have encountered many lawyers, and immediately there is a connection and excitement that overcomes me; something I felt in previous possessions only when their was a financial gain.

Following this moments, I decided to dedicate myself to, at least, performing on the LSAT. As for your point about the market of the legal field, it is vastly saturated, especially in my state of residency. This is not a brash decision I am hastily integrating into, or investing in six figures of debt only to receive social hierarchical acceptance with elitist; it stems from an early ambition of mine.

Thanks for your feedback man. What exactly is that you do for a living? If you ever make a trip into NC--more specifically Charlotte--allow for me to be your personal Yelp contact.
Thanks for your insight man. I have alwalso possessed ambitions--the drive argue points logically--to become an attorney. Through college and post graduate Jobs, marketing and sales jobs seemed to meet my niche; I had pushed my objective of practicing law since I had invested an undergraduate degree and years of experience in this field. Through the years, I have encountered many lawyers, and immediately there is a connection and excitement that overcomes me; something I felt in previous possessions only when their was a financial gain.

Following this moments, I decided to dedicate myself to, at least, performing on the LSAT. As for your point about the market of the legal field, it is vastly saturated, especially in my state of residency. This is not a brash decision I am hastily integrating into, or investing in six figures of debt only to receive social hierarchical acceptance with elitist; it stems from an early ambition of mine.

Thanks for your feedback man. What exactly is that you do for a living? If you ever make a trip into NC--more specifically Charlotte--allow for me to be your personal Yelp contact.
I'm a consultant and also do ecommerce.

My buddy is in Charlotte. It boggles my mind how expensive flight to CLT from LAX is. I can almost go to Asia for the same amount :lol: CLT is on the list to visit just to study the landscape.

Quotes are good, but most people don't do anything with it. They see a quote on social media that says something like "Hustle harder". They get amped for a second and work faster for 20 minutes and go right back to texting on their phone :lol:

I'm pretty big on deep talks. These are some of my favs.

This one starts at about the 10 min mark because of his sponsors. London Real is a great channel.

Tim Ferris got his popularity from the book The 4 Hour Work Week. His interview with Jamie Foxx is too dope. The grind is appreciated, from picking a unisex name Jamie Foxx to increase his chance of getting call backs at the beginning of his careers to networking with Puff.

One of my fav podcast personality. I always listen to this when I do long drives:
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