Motivational quotes to keep you going.

For dealing with the always realistic feeling of the grind/life not being a movie: "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here, we should dance."
I have a two favorite ones, I think i might have gotten it from this thread, don't remember but here it goes

When a bird is alive, it eats ants
When a bird is dead, ants eat the bird
Time and circumstances can change at any moment.
Don't devalue or hurt anyone in your life
You may be powerful today, remember time is more powerful than you
One tree makes a million matchsticks, while it takes one matchstick to burn a million trees
So be good and do good.

and my other favorite one that gets me through my day easily

When I stand before god at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and say I used everything you gave me.

I have had an amazing 2015. I accomplished many awesome (almost unbelievable to me now looking back at it) things. But to accomplish them I reset my counter back to zero. I felt like this was my 1st true year of being an adult. And I realized the reason I felt this way is because for the first time in my life I completely chose freedom from the pressure of expectations, goals, milestones, etc (didn't feel pressure from parents, friends, myself, etc).

Lived my life by these four simple quotes this year:

1. Today is a good day to have a good day.
2. The best goal is no goal.
3. The prize is in the process.
4. Learn to love the process of becoming great.

Simply put - even if you set zero goals but you learn to appreciate the process of everyday living you'll achieve more (and feel better doing it) than otherwise. Maybe only works for people that always been pushed (by parents, area you grew up in, etc). Don't feel burned out by life.

2015 Recap:
1. Played basketball 1x a week. For the first time it wasn't about basketball but also doing walking, body squats etc everyday to have my getting older body ready for bball each week.
2. Passed all 4 parts of my CPA exam on the 1st try with some 90+ scores (seriously unbelievable to me...never been more proud of something/worked so hard at something).
3. Got married. Always wanted a relationship so bad that it depressed me (could never find anyone special). Stopped caring/setting that goal and it grew organically.
4. Ate healthy 65% of the time and kept a food journal for 3 months (big difference for me). Back to high school levels of athletic energy and daily energy.
5. Stopped e-relationships (e.g., facebook messages, emails, Skype, whatsapp, texts etc) and spent more time with people in person (board game cafes).
6. Read/audio listened to ~30 books. Got back to my love of literature.

Sorry for the long post. I'd love to hear what other NTers have been up to in 2015 (slight thread derail for end of the year). This thread always keeps my head on straight when times get tough.
Major props. I'm amazed you accomplished all of that in one year. That's a respectable list for a lifetime of achievements my dude! I remember passing the CPA exam and it felt like that was my whole commitment for the year! Amazing that you also got married through it all.

My goal for 2016 is finding freedom from the pressure of external factors that I can't control. 
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Every sunrise in Africa a Gazelle wakes up, it knows that it must out run the fastest lion in order to survive. Every sunrise in Africa a Lion wakes up, It knows that it must out run the slowest Gazelle in order to survive. It doesnt matter if you are a Gazelle or a Lion, sunrise comes, you better be running.

this quote gets me going
I love love love this!

What a great thread!
Need this thread. Wake up at 545, arrive at work at 7 am, leave at 8 pm, get home at 915. Sleep at 10. Helping me learn to appreciate the grind.

The will to win is nothing without the will to practice.
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