Around here it's Broncos and K-state fans. Seriously, after rehiring Bill Snyder yesterday, some K-State fans that I work with are already predicting howmany Big XII championships they're going to win in the next few years and that KU will never beat them again. And Broncos fans are just ******ed. Heymorons, get some new cheers. Your team is in-com-plete. You've been blown out by the Chiefs and Raiders this year.
And Broncos fans are just ******ed. Hey morons, get some new cheers. Your team is in-com-plete. You've been blown out by the Chiefs and Raiders this year.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

hands down raider fans

you're an idiot if you really think that. On this board especially i would say were very realistic, we know our team sucks, you wont see us talkingunnecessary trash, we take pride in our one great player, thats about it. Not to mention we experience more heat than most fans on this board which really sayssomething being as our squad has been irrelevant for years.

+!*$#+ always want to hate, we love it though
Originally Posted by Durden7

There is no answer. It all depends on who you root for and where youre from.

Exactly. Around here fans and the media are Packers sack riders to no end, giving them the benefit of the doubt on every little thing possible, while refusingto admit that this years team is garbage. I swear on a half hour newscast on a Sunday night they spend 20 min of it talking about the Packers. It'sreally disgusting. We could have another 9-11 like attack on a Sunday and the news would still lead off with the Packer game.
Originally Posted by dland24

My answer is Kings fans. Maybe just because I am close in proximity to them, that I hear outlandish comments all the time. A friend of mine who is a Kings fan told me that Jason Thompson is going to be better than Chris Webber.
indifferent.gif serious? Another Kings fan I know told me that they have the best young team in the NBA.

Don't knock on us Kings fans just because your friends are special.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

no one mention us yet?

I was thinking the same thing.

I was absolutely shocked that there were no Boston teams on the first 2 pages.

i actually think OVERALL the boston fans on this board are fair. theres a couple who may not be, but the majority of us are pretty reasonable i think....

as long as you're not bashing tom brady, then forget about it
I agree, I think Boston fans on here are really good for the most part.
Originally Posted by DUNKiSHH

Originally Posted by dland24

My answer is Kings fans. Maybe just because I am close in proximity to them, that I hear outlandish comments all the time. A friend of mine who is a Kings fan told me that Jason Thompson is going to be better than Chris Webber.
indifferent.gif serious? Another Kings fan I know told me that they have the best young team in the NBA.

Don't knock on us Kings fans just because your friends are special.

First of all only one of them is a friend. Secondly that was just the most
things that I have heard from kings fans. Thats not the only basis for myopinion.
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

Lakers fans think they can sign/trade for any player

i admit agree to you on that one because its damn...anytime i hear that a free agent or a trade is happening we think oh crap Lakers gonna make a run
...might have to say us in this department...but raider fans are the mostunreaListic though...after they had that 1st pick ive heard them say ohhhh raiders super bowL bound
and after a rare sunday win they think they gonna run the tabLe
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

Lakers fans think they can sign/trade for any player

We got Pau Gasol for Kwame Brown....

Of course we think we can trade for any player...
Wow, I was expecting people to say Warrior fans especially since the OP is a Warrior fan but apparently Dallas Cowboy fans are taking a lot of heat.
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