Most Embarrasing Intoxication Story?

Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

On my bday last year, homie got a quarter to smoke me out. Had everyone milking me a hit with a big %!$ 3 chamber bong, half way through took a couple shots of captain, then proceeded to finish the bud. Someone gave me a hit and the smoke was so thick, by that point I was blasted as $+!! with cottonmouth, and yakked in my hand. I sat on the couch surrounded by everyone high as hell and embarrassingly paranoid

Woke up in the middle of the night drunk and blacked out, proceeded to take a piss on a box in my room while the gf watches me

Another time I whipped it out while outside my boy's house. Luckily she was the only one outside,

Called a girl when I was blacked out and had her come all the way down from her dorm to walk me to mine. She wouldn't talk to me for a while after that. Some nights later I drank w/ her, made out with her in front of all her friends, passed out and didn't realize it 'til later 
your a boss. You from Cali? thought only me and my friends milk fat hits for each other
. i would def yack if i was taking milked hits after shots
Yup, East Bay homie
. Other times, you know its bad when someone comes through with the 6 foot bong

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I've had alot of moments, but memorable one was my Vegas weekend at Tao and at XS, both night blacked out At around 2-3am...can't remember jack after that, however my boys were nice enough to document the mayhem...we were stopped at the entrance of the MGM and told that I was too intoxicated and that I should go to a hospital, I was literally dragged in through a lobby full of hot women, finally was let in...then my boys decide is time to strip me down to my boxerbriefs by the elevator in front of the security cameras...then dudes proceed to let me fall asleep in the hallway outside my room (feelsbadman.jpg) I woke up practically naked, with a bunch if strangers walking over me, judging me, starring :-(
@ your boys, how could they let that happen to you? On a similar note, when I was leaving my room in Vegas I seen some dood sprawled out on the floor in front of his door, with his room key in his hand. Like, you couldn't even make it to your room before giving up?

Another story, me and my boy grabbed 2 bottles each of Steel Reserve before hitting the club one day. Luckily I had an ID so I got to drink even more. By the time I got inside, wristband and everything, I was already smashed. Had a few homies and some 2-3 girls buy me drinks. Got the 
 to death by the girls when I said I didn't recognize them some days later. My boy fell asleep on someones car outside, and somehow I ended up on my couch. My other boy said I called him telling him that the boy I was with disappeared or some +%%*, and I was walkin' around my apt. complex screamin' out random +%%*
. What a night.
Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

On my bday last year, homie got a quarter to smoke me out. Had everyone milking me a hit with a big %!$ 3 chamber bong, half way through took a couple shots of captain, then proceeded to finish the bud. Someone gave me a hit and the smoke was so thick, by that point I was blasted as $+!! with cottonmouth, and yakked in my hand. I sat on the couch surrounded by everyone high as hell and embarrassingly paranoid

Woke up in the middle of the night drunk and blacked out, proceeded to take a piss on a box in my room while the gf watches me

Another time I whipped it out while outside my boy's house. Luckily she was the only one outside,

Called a girl when I was blacked out and had her come all the way down from her dorm to walk me to mine. She wouldn't talk to me for a while after that. Some nights later I drank w/ her, made out with her in front of all her friends, passed out and didn't realize it 'til later 
your a boss. You from Cali? thought only me and my friends milk fat hits for each other
. i would def yack if i was taking milked hits after shots
Yup, East Bay homie
. Other times, you know its bad when someone comes through with the 6 foot bong

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I've had alot of moments, but memorable one was my Vegas weekend at Tao and at XS, both night blacked out At around 2-3am...can't remember jack after that, however my boys were nice enough to document the mayhem...we were stopped at the entrance of the MGM and told that I was too intoxicated and that I should go to a hospital, I was literally dragged in through a lobby full of hot women, finally was let in...then my boys decide is time to strip me down to my boxerbriefs by the elevator in front of the security cameras...then dudes proceed to let me fall asleep in the hallway outside my room (feelsbadman.jpg) I woke up practically naked, with a bunch if strangers walking over me, judging me, starring :-(
@ your boys, how could they let that happen to you? On a similar note, when I was leaving my room in Vegas I seen some dood sprawled out on the floor in front of his door, with his room key in his hand. Like, you couldn't even make it to your room before giving up?

Another story, me and my boy grabbed 2 bottles each of Steel Reserve before hitting the club one day. Luckily I had an ID so I got to drink even more. By the time I got inside, wristband and everything, I was already smashed. Had a few homies and some 2-3 girls buy me drinks. Got the 
 to death by the girls when I said I didn't recognize them some days later. My boy fell asleep on someones car outside, and somehow I ended up on my couch. My other boy said I called him telling him that the boy I was with disappeared or some +%%*, and I was walkin' around my apt. complex screamin' out random +%%*
. What a night.
friend had a family party about 2 years ago, 17 at the time. Took about 13 shots of mixed stuff (most i've ever had) and was pretty *+*!%@ up. Threw up 3 different times, layed in the bread pantry and threw bread at people when they walked by. Looked at my phone around 2am and had multiple texts from my mom saying shes calling the cops if I dont answer, one from my brother saying where are you mom's pissing me off stuff like that. I look at a sent text and it says something along the lines of "iM sO0o *+*!%@ UupP" something like that. I think the text was from my friends cousin cuz she had my phone. Had to end up letting my friends parents talk to my mom telling them i'm alive and text was a mistake. One of the funnest drinking nights ive ever had
friend had a family party about 2 years ago, 17 at the time. Took about 13 shots of mixed stuff (most i've ever had) and was pretty *+*!%@ up. Threw up 3 different times, layed in the bread pantry and threw bread at people when they walked by. Looked at my phone around 2am and had multiple texts from my mom saying shes calling the cops if I dont answer, one from my brother saying where are you mom's pissing me off stuff like that. I look at a sent text and it says something along the lines of "iM sO0o *+*!%@ UupP" something like that. I think the text was from my friends cousin cuz she had my phone. Had to end up letting my friends parents talk to my mom telling them i'm alive and text was a mistake. One of the funnest drinking nights ive ever had
i was with my friend and we went to blvd 3 in hollywood. he picked me up and on our way over there he gave me like 7 shot of goose and soon as we got there we were chillin with his other homies and they gave me like 10 shot of don julio. pretty wasted the whole night talking to some fine looking females. then i sat down and i felt the vomit going up my throat so i ran to the other side of the vip section and saw there was nobody there so i threw up there. bouncer saw me throwing me up and kicked me out. i waited  outside for my friend and saw a fine armenian chick then i procceeded to wipe off the vomit off my mouth. spitted some game and ended up making out with the chick.

i was with my friend and we went to blvd 3 in hollywood. he picked me up and on our way over there he gave me like 7 shot of goose and soon as we got there we were chillin with his other homies and they gave me like 10 shot of don julio. pretty wasted the whole night talking to some fine looking females. then i sat down and i felt the vomit going up my throat so i ran to the other side of the vip section and saw there was nobody there so i threw up there. bouncer saw me throwing me up and kicked me out. i waited  outside for my friend and saw a fine armenian chick then i procceeded to wipe off the vomit off my mouth. spitted some game and ended up making out with the chick.

This is one of the most embarrassing only because it was in front of my mom and dad. I was at the Atlantis in the Bahamas for the 4th of July when I was 19. We had gone the past couple of years at that same time so me and my best friend who I always brought had met a few other people around 18-23 years old that we always partied with. The night started out great as we were all drinking at the old Dragon club in the casino. My boy Jay who we had met a few years earlier was poppin bottles of Dom. We had a table with about 8 to 10 people just living it up. Jay goes to order his seventh bottle and they say they can't serve us anymore Dom. At this point he was pissed because he was dropping some money, but the waitress was pranking us and said "You've drank it all".
. By the end of the night we went through 15 bottles of Dom, Veuve, and Moet and also a couple liters of Kettle One. Everyone is damn near blackout. We ended up going to this kids hotel room who has a half galon of Jager. I start taking pulls out the bottle and chasing it with Red Bull. At this point I have no recollection of anything else.
. So I'm told we go back downstairs to the casino and start playing craps. I bought in with like $250. Had all my chips stacked up and slid over to me and then I knocked the stack all over the table. They gave me a warning and it ended up happening multiple more times.
. The pit boss cut me off from gambling, so I went and sat in a slot machine chair and passed out. The shuttle service had stopped by this time at night and I couldn't walk. My boy had to get a cab back to Atlantis Harbourside and then carry/drag me back to our room. I completely ruined some Cole Haan loafers and tan seersucker pants because I kept falling into the grass and mud.
. I get back to the hotel room and my dad is sitting on the couch reading a book. I probably mumbled something stupid went straight to the pull out couch and faceplant pass out. I ended up throwing up steak and caesar salad chunks all beside my bed. And missed the 8 AM power boat trip we had planned the next day. I woke up at 1:45 PM the next day to my mom badgering me about "so what did you do last night". Obviously I got @!%!%$# hammered and don't feel like thinking of alcohol or food or anything other than a cold dark place to recuperate in. Don't remember much of that night, but the bottle service from the club that night was a crazy good time. wouldprobablydoitagain.jpg
This is one of the most embarrassing only because it was in front of my mom and dad. I was at the Atlantis in the Bahamas for the 4th of July when I was 19. We had gone the past couple of years at that same time so me and my best friend who I always brought had met a few other people around 18-23 years old that we always partied with. The night started out great as we were all drinking at the old Dragon club in the casino. My boy Jay who we had met a few years earlier was poppin bottles of Dom. We had a table with about 8 to 10 people just living it up. Jay goes to order his seventh bottle and they say they can't serve us anymore Dom. At this point he was pissed because he was dropping some money, but the waitress was pranking us and said "You've drank it all".
. By the end of the night we went through 15 bottles of Dom, Veuve, and Moet and also a couple liters of Kettle One. Everyone is damn near blackout. We ended up going to this kids hotel room who has a half galon of Jager. I start taking pulls out the bottle and chasing it with Red Bull. At this point I have no recollection of anything else.
. So I'm told we go back downstairs to the casino and start playing craps. I bought in with like $250. Had all my chips stacked up and slid over to me and then I knocked the stack all over the table. They gave me a warning and it ended up happening multiple more times.
. The pit boss cut me off from gambling, so I went and sat in a slot machine chair and passed out. The shuttle service had stopped by this time at night and I couldn't walk. My boy had to get a cab back to Atlantis Harbourside and then carry/drag me back to our room. I completely ruined some Cole Haan loafers and tan seersucker pants because I kept falling into the grass and mud.
. I get back to the hotel room and my dad is sitting on the couch reading a book. I probably mumbled something stupid went straight to the pull out couch and faceplant pass out. I ended up throwing up steak and caesar salad chunks all beside my bed. And missed the 8 AM power boat trip we had planned the next day. I woke up at 1:45 PM the next day to my mom badgering me about "so what did you do last night". Obviously I got @!%!%$# hammered and don't feel like thinking of alcohol or food or anything other than a cold dark place to recuperate in. Don't remember much of that night, but the bottle service from the club that night was a crazy good time. wouldprobablydoitagain.jpg
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

way too many to even write about. i have blacked out many many many times.
This.  I'm definitely not bragging about it, but it is what it is.    

Here's one though from my sophmore year of college (U.C. Santa Barbara).  Just a normal Saturday night of partying at various keg parties.  I was drinking steadily all night, but it didn't seem like all that much.  I guess it was more than I thought though.  Anyway, I was pretty much done partying for the night, but my place was kind of far away so I stopped at chick's house I knew to crash for a while.  Got in there and watched some TV.  Next thing I knew, I wake up face down on the floor in the hallway of the apartment and one of the chicks that lives there is screaming.  Another girl comes up to me and tells me I have to leave.  I said why and she said "you just pissed in Celia's laundry hamper."  I had no recollection of doing that whatsoever, so I said, "OK, I'll leave, but I didn't piss on anything."  I still don't know what exactly happened, but the girls got over it, so it just became a funny story.   

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

way too many to even write about. i have blacked out many many many times.
This.  I'm definitely not bragging about it, but it is what it is.    

Here's one though from my sophmore year of college (U.C. Santa Barbara).  Just a normal Saturday night of partying at various keg parties.  I was drinking steadily all night, but it didn't seem like all that much.  I guess it was more than I thought though.  Anyway, I was pretty much done partying for the night, but my place was kind of far away so I stopped at chick's house I knew to crash for a while.  Got in there and watched some TV.  Next thing I knew, I wake up face down on the floor in the hallway of the apartment and one of the chicks that lives there is screaming.  Another girl comes up to me and tells me I have to leave.  I said why and she said "you just pissed in Celia's laundry hamper."  I had no recollection of doing that whatsoever, so I said, "OK, I'll leave, but I didn't piss on anything."  I still don't know what exactly happened, but the girls got over it, so it just became a funny story.   

Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by twozerosix


naw it aint that, its just that i always take it way too far. im just now really learnin my limits wit liquor, im more of a beer kinda fella anyway

For me it's pretty much other way around. Used to know my limits but lost track of them this past spring
Trying to recoup them by limiting liquor intake and drinking beer instead 

80 proof I'm still fine with but when we go around 120 it's pretty damn sure I'll have gaps in my memory nowadays.

I can drink plenty but I HATE losing my memory
Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by twozerosix


naw it aint that, its just that i always take it way too far. im just now really learnin my limits wit liquor, im more of a beer kinda fella anyway

For me it's pretty much other way around. Used to know my limits but lost track of them this past spring
Trying to recoup them by limiting liquor intake and drinking beer instead 

80 proof I'm still fine with but when we go around 120 it's pretty damn sure I'll have gaps in my memory nowadays.

I can drink plenty but I HATE losing my memory
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

My birthday last year worst drinking night ever. So I go over to my friends house who was throwing a small party for my birthday and I'm the first one to arrive and they still cooking food and what not so since I have access to the liquor by my lonesome I decide to take a couple shots while eating tortilla chips. This is around 9:00, I'm about 6 shots deep plus I drank a few cups of jungle juice and all I've eaten was some finger food so @!$@ started goig bad by the time the rest of the party showed up. I'm quite loose by the time the party starts so we decided to play drunk twister and whoever fell had to take a shot. Well long story short I fell every single time I stepped on that mat, took like 8 more shots and I was GONE. I managed to crawl into the bathroom and hack up my lungs for a few hours while everyone else was having fun and enjoying themselves until probably 8AM the next morning. I literally missed my entire party because I was knocked out in the bathroom hugging the toilet, my friends said I sleepwalked during the party to get some chips and salsa and went back to the bathroom but I have no recollection of it at all

Here go some pics of me in the bathroom

IMG_5356[1] by The Allure, on Flickr

IMG_5355[1] by The Allure, on Flickr

I usually just end up in simptastic situations....

like so....

I hemmed this girl up we hemmed each other up all night in Roanoke. We both were blasted goin hard on every song in that club. Our friends staring at us like
"Them n's slow grindin to candy rain...."
Her friends eventually ultra blocked and dragged her away from me. When I got my bearings I had my cousin circle the club to find her and we caught her being helped to her car by her girls lookin as if she couldn't even walk

I don't even remember how we started dancing....
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

My birthday last year worst drinking night ever. So I go over to my friends house who was throwing a small party for my birthday and I'm the first one to arrive and they still cooking food and what not so since I have access to the liquor by my lonesome I decide to take a couple shots while eating tortilla chips. This is around 9:00, I'm about 6 shots deep plus I drank a few cups of jungle juice and all I've eaten was some finger food so @!$@ started goig bad by the time the rest of the party showed up. I'm quite loose by the time the party starts so we decided to play drunk twister and whoever fell had to take a shot. Well long story short I fell every single time I stepped on that mat, took like 8 more shots and I was GONE. I managed to crawl into the bathroom and hack up my lungs for a few hours while everyone else was having fun and enjoying themselves until probably 8AM the next morning. I literally missed my entire party because I was knocked out in the bathroom hugging the toilet, my friends said I sleepwalked during the party to get some chips and salsa and went back to the bathroom but I have no recollection of it at all

Here go some pics of me in the bathroom

IMG_5356[1] by The Allure, on Flickr

IMG_5355[1] by The Allure, on Flickr

I usually just end up in simptastic situations....

like so....

I hemmed this girl up we hemmed each other up all night in Roanoke. We both were blasted goin hard on every song in that club. Our friends staring at us like
"Them n's slow grindin to candy rain...."
Her friends eventually ultra blocked and dragged her away from me. When I got my bearings I had my cousin circle the club to find her and we caught her being helped to her car by her girls lookin as if she couldn't even walk

I don't even remember how we started dancing....
Back when I was in high school (I think this was junior year), my older cousins took me to miami for spring break
This was one of my first times drinking as I was still young and they were having me take straight shots of rum & vodka out on the beach
apparently I tried entering a booty shaking contest and when the people didn't let me (probably cause I'm a guy) I tried fighting the guy MC'ing the event and security tackled my +@$
I went straight to sleep after and my cousins had to carry me back to the hotel and FEED me like a baby

I didn't remember a damb thing the next morning.
Back when I was in high school (I think this was junior year), my older cousins took me to miami for spring break
This was one of my first times drinking as I was still young and they were having me take straight shots of rum & vodka out on the beach
apparently I tried entering a booty shaking contest and when the people didn't let me (probably cause I'm a guy) I tried fighting the guy MC'ing the event and security tackled my +@$
I went straight to sleep after and my cousins had to carry me back to the hotel and FEED me like a baby

I didn't remember a damb thing the next morning.
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

Back when I was in high school (I think this was junior year), my older cousins took me to miami for spring break
This was one of my first times drinking as I was still young and they were having me take straight shots of rum & vodka out on the beach
apparently I tried entering a booty shaking contest and when the people didn't let me (probably cause I'm a guy) I tried fighting the guy MC'ing the event and security tackled my +@$
I went straight to sleep after and my cousins had to carry me back to the hotel and FEED me like a baby

I didn't remember a damb thing the next morning.

i pray to god i never get that drunk
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

Back when I was in high school (I think this was junior year), my older cousins took me to miami for spring break
This was one of my first times drinking as I was still young and they were having me take straight shots of rum & vodka out on the beach
apparently I tried entering a booty shaking contest and when the people didn't let me (probably cause I'm a guy) I tried fighting the guy MC'ing the event and security tackled my +@$
I went straight to sleep after and my cousins had to carry me back to the hotel and FEED me like a baby

I didn't remember a damb thing the next morning.

i pray to god i never get that drunk
Ok, so it was only my second time getting drunk. I'm with two of my dudes and one of my dudes GFs in a car outside of a concert that they're about to play at. We in there with a handle of whiskey. I thought I was a champ, so I got the whiskey like 3 or 4 times and each time I chugged like 3 shots worth. I was feeling Goodman. About 10 mins later we start to go in, right? I step out the Honda on some Matrix %$*%. A *+%$% didn't know where he was walking. It's a 18+ event and I'm 16, but I get in anyways. I'm in there maxin' for like 30 mins. It's about 40 deep in there at around 12 at night. Eventually, I'm just %$*% faced. I call up 3 more homies (all sober) and we in there jammin'. I'm kinda wylin tho, so another under 18 dude in there tells me to relax. Maaannnnn, I was so gone I thought he was talking %$*%. I walk up on him like "I beg your pardon". He got scared and backed up, but then a dude like 30 walks up like "you need yo have a seat, man." I'm like "The %++! you just say to me? I'll bust your head, Fam." He got shook too. Eventually like 4 bouncers had to get me out. I pretty much got banned from the venue and had to wait in the car afterwards for like 3 hours. I kept opening the door to puke and all that, smh. I woke up the net morning next to a bag of my puke and everybody looking at me like (-.-)
Ok, so it was only my second time getting drunk. I'm with two of my dudes and one of my dudes GFs in a car outside of a concert that they're about to play at. We in there with a handle of whiskey. I thought I was a champ, so I got the whiskey like 3 or 4 times and each time I chugged like 3 shots worth. I was feeling Goodman. About 10 mins later we start to go in, right? I step out the Honda on some Matrix %$*%. A *+%$% didn't know where he was walking. It's a 18+ event and I'm 16, but I get in anyways. I'm in there maxin' for like 30 mins. It's about 40 deep in there at around 12 at night. Eventually, I'm just %$*% faced. I call up 3 more homies (all sober) and we in there jammin'. I'm kinda wylin tho, so another under 18 dude in there tells me to relax. Maaannnnn, I was so gone I thought he was talking %$*%. I walk up on him like "I beg your pardon". He got scared and backed up, but then a dude like 30 walks up like "you need yo have a seat, man." I'm like "The %++! you just say to me? I'll bust your head, Fam." He got shook too. Eventually like 4 bouncers had to get me out. I pretty much got banned from the venue and had to wait in the car afterwards for like 3 hours. I kept opening the door to puke and all that, smh. I woke up the net morning next to a bag of my puke and everybody looking at me like (-.-)
Dumped a bag of charcoal on my boy. While he was sleeping. And he had wrestling practice at 6 in the morning.

Yes, I'm a drunken %%#%%*#.

Dumped a bag of charcoal on my boy. While he was sleeping. And he had wrestling practice at 6 in the morning.

Yes, I'm a drunken %%#%%*#.

few keg stands, shots of tequila, vodka+orange juice, maybe more? left me pissing on an empty cop cars windshield. alarm went off once I stumbled on the hood of the car
group of friends had to carry me off since i didn't realize what was going on
The classic "I didn't remember a thing in the morning." Friend told me the story, my jaw dropped
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