Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Oh i'm not making her my wife, you read that wrong. She doesn't make my heart skip but I do love her, she's held me down like no other but she knows she's not my future wife. Been together for a while because i was trying to figure out if i'm nuts for not loving someone who holds me down like that and if chasing that skip a beat **** is the wrong approach. Got to a point where I just realize if you not feeling it, you're not feeling it. Good woman though, so if she's having my kid i'm ok with it.

I feel that
thats a helluva age gap in todays times. where you meet her at?
He met her at the club. I got footage of him at the club.
All seriousness, make sure you are warming up for at least 20+ minutes before physical activity. Before I hoop, I have to spend at least 30 mins of a dynamic warmup / stretching. Folks always look at me weird, but I am not trying to get hurt.

Young dudes, this applies to you too
4 years ago at 26, I tried talking to a 22 y/o. Never again, we had nothing to talk about besides drinking and what not.

Tomorrow is Good Friday, so no work, decided to have a night out with the homies. I was home by 11 and sleeping by 12. I had 6 beers, not even drunk just more sleepy after each beer.
Lost my new apartment keys on the bus. Smh. Right after my mom was like let me have your spare the day before. I'm like nah, I don't want to give anybody spare keys.
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