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Originally Posted by mytmouse76

why does she have to spend the night?

she can't go & have you pic her up since she will be drinking?

if it was a girls weekend away i could understand but i see no reason why she should stay the night just cuz its in a hotel...

its kinda inappropriate IMO

out of respect for you and the relationship i dont think she should spend the night when she knows other guys will be spending the night in the same room...
marvelous. i couldnt agree more. 
Lol.. trust issues.

The concern here is not the fact she is going into a hotel etc. etc.

It's the trust revolving around your relationship.

If y'all had that Grade A understanding, you wouldn't even need this "would you let him/her" kinda stuff.

I let my girl do anything she wants, and she lets me do what I want. None of this permission %@#$.

Because we have a complete understanding that we're in a loving relationship and nothing will occur that can destroy what we have. We are aware of meeting people, physical attraction, possibilities of being inebriated, etc. but none of those are enough to PUSH someone into cheating unless they DECIDE to do so.

Some might say it's being naive, but if you're scared and insecure your shorty might cheat on you and vice versa, it's not even worth being in that relationship.


And as cliche as this may sound, "it's not her I don't trust, it's them" that I've always had trouble with.

But again, it is their (your gf/bf) choice to go through with it or not.
Hotel party, yes I'd have a problem.

House party? I wouldn't give a damn. We're not always free at the same times, so we don't always go together everywhere. Not that big of a deal. Been together for 7 years, so the trust is there.
Have you ever had reasons to not trust your girl?
You know her better than we do, fam.

If anything happens then it wasn't meant to be.

Me personally? I would prepare for the worst. <--very serious.
if shes gonna cheat on u, she's gonna cheat on u. but if its not in her heart to be unfaithful, she WILL NOT cheat on u. let her do what she wants. thats the grown folk way.

Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring....if your girl chooses to associate with people of those morals/standards, what does that say about her?  Just the tip of the iceberg fam, pay attention to the red flags and do the right thing.  If it is not something you can tolerate at this juncture...chances are it will be exposed as the relationship progresses or digresses.  Make a decision.  
Originally Posted by S0LEwarrior

if you guys are under 21 then she'll prolly cheat on you but if you guys are actually mature and trust eachother then you shouldn't have a problem...
+ 1

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

why does she have to spend the night?

she can't go & have you pic her up since she will be drinking?

if it was a girls weekend away i could understand but i see no reason why she should stay the night just cuz its in a hotel...

its kinda inappropriate IMO

out of respect for you and the relationship i dont think she should spend the night when she knows other guys will be spending the night in the same room...
All of this
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

why does she have to spend the night?

she can't go & have you pic her up since she will be drinking?

if it was a girls weekend away i could understand but i see no reason why she should stay the night just cuz its in a hotel...

its kinda inappropriate IMO

out of respect for you and the relationship i dont think she should spend the night when she knows other guys will be spending the night in the same room...

Originally Posted by jomitm

Lol.. trust issues.

The concern here is not the fact she is going into a hotel etc. etc.

It's the trust revolving around your relationship.

If y'all had that Grade A understanding, you wouldn't even need this "would you let him/her" kinda stuff.

I let my girl do anything she wants, and she lets me do what I want. None of this permission %@#$.

Because we have a complete understanding that we're in a loving relationship and nothing will occur that can destroy what we have. We are aware of meeting people, physical attraction, possibilities of being inebriated, etc. but none of those are enough to PUSH someone into cheating unless they DECIDE to do so.

Some might say it's being naive, but if you're scared and insecure your shorty might cheat on you and vice versa, it's not even worth being in that relationship.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

why does she have to spend the night?

she can't go & have you pic her up since she will be drinking?

if it was a girls weekend away i could understand but i see no reason why she should stay the night just cuz its in a hotel...

its kinda inappropriate IMO

out of respect for you and the relationship i dont think she should spend the night when she knows other guys will be spending the night in the same room...
Finally a female perspective, thank you. This is I am fine with. 
I don't mind her partying but sleeping on a bed most likely with other dudes is a no no in my book, I trust her but I don't trust anyone else that will be there. I know how dudes are, I have been that guy that took advantage of a chick who went a little past her limit drinking. I'm not proud of it and have a feeling that %!+* is going to come back to me like that.

I spoke to her and she said if I don't want her to go she wont which isn't what I want either  
 I don't want to be like her father telling her she can't go out, I just want her to see how inappropriate it is to sleep at the hotel.

jomitm Had a great response too thanks 

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]PS NO PICS I LIED 
If she hasn't ever given you reason to be trippin then stop trippin. Don't be jealous for no reason thats a female trait. You should be hangin with ur girl enough anyways, go to some party without her...
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