Mitt Romney on hidden camera

The saddest part is many of that 47% are Romney supporters. They'll hear this, convince themselves he's talking about 'other people', and their votes won't change.
It's funny, the american taliban rails against the establishment in DC, but Romney is that very establishment...Makes me chuckle thinking about that...
"I've said this before and I'll say it again. The biggest dichotomy in today's economy is between capital and labor. And the last 30 years have been a systematic effort to disenfranchise labor and empower capital. And the owners of capital are overwhelmingly, the wealthy, and guys like Romney, who are not only wealthy and own capital, but also manage capital explicitly, for a living. And his own career is Exhibit A of this phenomenon - he's made $250 million by essentially trading cheap foreign labor for expensive domestic labor, breaking unions, robbing pensions, while seeking gov't subsidies to do all of the above.

"And the irony is that many of the institutions that historically protect against this kind of voracious behavior destroyed themselves - union members are clearly not uniformly Democrat. The genius of the Republican Party, as has been said ad infinitum, is to convince people, through the use of social wedge issues, to elect representatives whose stated ideologies were contrary to their economic interests. By convincing people that gay marriage and abortion were more important than protecting union organizing rights, they put the nail in their own coffin, as guys like Romney came in to take advantage of disorganized labor markets.

"But what Romney shows here is so damaging in that it fits all the stereotypes you imagine - he not only has made a living out of exploiting people who work, he holds them in sheer contempt. What must he think of the people who clean his house(s), who mow his lawn(s)? Are they not parasites, victims who aren't fit to do more than scrabble for the spare change he tosses at them as he passes in his car(s)? It wasn't enough that he made a fortune taking middle class jobs; he had to spit on them for their misfortune to be born from not-rich parents as well."

Not sure who said that but it's interesting.
The saddest part is many of that 47% are Romney supporters. They'll hear this, convince themselves he's talking about 'other people', and their votes won't change.

So so true. I forget which NTer said it I another thread but these are the "c-class republicans" :lol: these people see themselves as hard working Americans down on their luck...but oh all those "other people" are subservient moochers to the government and don't even bother seeking a job, and only want handouts smh...these Karl Rove type tactics are masterful at brainwashing some republicans so much so, that their candidate can flat out call them non essential and claim he doesn't care about them, an they will STILL take his message in and claim "oh nah he didn't mean me"
[h1]Nothing says "the party of family values" like...[/h1][h1] [/h1][h1] [/h1][h1]Romney's Leaked Speech Was Hosted By Private Equity Guy Known For Erotic Pool Parties[/h1]
Julia La Roche [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  Sep. 18, 2012, 8:27 AM  [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  [color= rgb(243, 80, 42)]7,755[/color]  [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  19


This is a shot of Leder's Boca home.
The leaked Mitt Romney  fundraiser video  took place in the home of private equity executive Marc J. Leder, the co-CEO of Boca Raton, Florida-based Sun Capital Partners, Mother Jones' David Corn, who surfaced the video, reports.
The fundraiser where Romney's comments about 47% of America seeing themselves as "victims"  happened in May at Leder's Boca home.  There were 150 guests in attendance who paid $50,000 a plate to attend, according to Mother Jones report, which points to an article in the TC Palm.

Leder has a reputation for throwing absolutely extravagant parties, which have been detailed in Page Six columns. 

For example, at the end of the summer in 2011, Leder threw a bash at his Hampton's home where guests skinny dipped in the pool and performed sex acts, while scantily clad women danced on platforms, Page Six reported in a piece called "Nude frolic in a tycoon's pool."

Then to ring in the 2012 New Year, Leder hosted a series of parties called "Event Week 2011/2012" at his St. Bart's  home, Page Six  reported.  During that party extravaganza, hip-hop music mogul Russell Simmons Tweeted  that he was at one of those parties sitting next to fashion stylist Rachel Zoe calling the party "out of control." 

In an interview with the New York Times earlier this year, Leder, who has been called "private-equity party boy"  by The Post, brushed off that characterization of him. 

From the New York Times:  (emphasis ours)

"I think the portrayal of me as having wild and crazy parties is absolutely incorrect,” Mr. Leder said during a wide-ranging interview in Sun Capital’s offices in Midtown Manhattan. “I spend a small percentage throwing some parties, attending some parties. I like music. I like to dance. But rather than reporting on how I spend 340 days and nights of my year, the media likes to report on the other 25."

As for his career in finance, Leder has been doing leveraged buyouts and investment banking for more than 25 years.  Before founding Sun Capital in 1995, he worked as a senior vice president at Lehman Brothersaccording to his bio.

According to the New York Times, Leder got into private equity after visiting Romney's Bain Capital.  What's more is Romney invested in a few of Leder's early deals, the report said.
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Its been true for years, but this is just hilarious.

Of course the poorest states tend to be  republican. 

"we built this!" 

[h1]Mitt Romney will probably get 95 electoral votes from ‘moocher’ states. Obama will probably get 5.[/h1]
Posted by Dylan Matthews on September 18, 2012 at [color= rgb(153, 153, 153)]9:15 am[/color]

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Mitt Romney’s comments  on the 47 percent of Americans who make too little to pay income tax and “will vote for this president no matter what” are causing him some political problems  this morning. But could they cause him any electoral problems? Is he really insulting anyone who would already be willing to vote for him?

Actually, yes. The Tax Foundation put out this helpful map  of the states with the highest and lowest percentage of people who don’t file income tax returns. The biggest non-filing states are — except Florida and New Mexico — solid red states:

Source: Tax Foundation

Three of the states with the lowest number of non-filers are solidly conservative: Alaska, North Dakota and Wyoming. Two, New Hampshire and Virginia, are swing states. All the rest are solidly Democratic, including half of New England. All told, Obama gets 50 electoral votes from the “maker” states to Romney’s 9 — 17 are tossups — while Romney gets 96 electoral votes from the “taker” states to Obama’s 5, with 29 as tossups.

Now, granted, many of the non-filers in red states vote Democratic. As Columbia’s Andrew Gelman and others have shown, those making less are likelier to vote Democratic regardless of whether they live in a red or blue state. But in terms of the electoral college, many of the states Romney is taking for granted, and some of the states he’s working hardest to win, have the highest populations of “takers” he derided as part of the Democrats’ base.
Sorry im late but what ever came about of Ron Paul??

Ron Paul's so called "MANY" supporters were pretty much nonexistent and didn't show up for the guy that they supported. Simply put Ron Paul didn't get the job done, but with him that's nothing new.

I forget which NTer said it I another thread but these are the "c-class republicans"

That was me. I know so many c-class republicans that truly think they are s-class republicans or are on the verge of knocking at the door of being a s-class republican.......:lol:. They probably think Romney is not talkling about them but his comments are a direct reflection of what they themselves are.
Hey don't hate the player, hate the game. 

In this case you can't hate Mitt Romney for playing the game with his money. Seriously, the hypocrisy is nuts. Frankly, it has nothing to do with Mitt Romney and his money, but more the people who are angry with people who make money and are filthy rich but then turn the other way and say, "Don't hate the player, hate the game" to some guy making a few bucks off a video. If somebody is winning the game at your disposal, you're gonna hate both, but if you don't have a horse in the race, you'll care less about how others make their money.

Don't act like none of you guys would be smart with your money and try to pay less taxes. Who the hell doesn't want to pay less taxes? And besides, his paying 13% taxes is waaaaaaaaaaaaay more in terms of what he's actually paying than what I'm paying at 30% or whatever the tax rate is.

If you don't understand the difference between ownership (Team Owner/Jerry Jones/ CEO/executive level) and worker (athlete/worker), you should only be disgusted with yourself.

Your statement "in which some cases they should be" further reinforces the difference. When it comes to the athlete/worker, there is no "some cases" they should be making millions. The athlete/worker has to be performing to the worth of his salary or he will be out of a job.

And I don't fully agree with this either. Maybe athletes were a bad example to explain my point. I'm saying people don't give a **** about Apple being so successful and so rich. Like Steve Jobs wasn't making milllllions and Tim Cook isn't doing the same, but people line up to give'em their money in droves. We never hear about how they're too rich or what their tax rates are or what they do with their money. It wouldn't surprise me for folks to criticize Romney or some other successful entrepreneur but turn around and go buy an iPhone or iPad and rave about how Apple is the best company and how Steve Jobs was a god.

As far as performance based pay, not every CEO was gifted the position and many had to take risks that could have cost them their jobs. If a company fails, does the CEO always get a write off and ride off into the sunset with millions? Not always. Yes, there is disparity, but rich people are not always rich just because everything was handed to them and they did nothing to earn it or maintain it.

I'm just trying to point out the hypocrisy of all this talk about wealth. I'm not trying to attack anybody's belief system or system of values. It just drives me crazy when we only focus on a few people when there are many other offenders but we don't talk about them because they seem to benefit us directly with fancy gadgets or highlight reel plays.
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Hey don't hate the player, hate the game. 
In this case you can't hate Mitt Romney for playing the game with his money. Seriously, the hypocrisy is nuts. Frankly, it has nothing to do with Mitt Romney and his money, but more the people who are angry with people who make money and are filthy rich but then turn the other way and say, "Don't hate the player, hate the game". If somebody is winning the game at your disposal, you're gonna hate both, but if you're winning the game, you aren't gonna have the same viewpoint. You may still have good intentions but you're going to have different cares and different understandings of things due to your experiences.
So why does he hide his true emotion?

Just be THIS guy then. Mitt doesn't run at this guy.

Thats the problem.

He becomes who he REALLY is behind closed doors.

I don't villainize the rich. I'm TRYING to be rich. 

I won't chastise those who aren't though.

Don't act like none of you guys would be smart with your money and try to pay less taxes. Who the hell doesn't want to pay less taxes? And besides, his paying 13% taxes is waaaaaaaaaaaaay more in terms of what he's actually paying than what I'm paying at 30% or whatever the tax rate is.
You will NEVER be MY president with an offshore bank account that most of your constituents don't even qualify for.

As long as we have nation-states that reinforce our boundaries and we have to live in them and be restricted to their laws and degree of access, then you can NOT be taken seriously.

Don't get it twisted. Conservatives, Moderates, and Liberals like this country. Many of them LOVE this country. We just want to fix it.

I like America. I like other countries too. But I like my home.

You won't dare represent me if you don't even trust your MONEY with us. 

Are you kidding me? 

You don't get to preach about morality then say how "well since its legal then fair game" 

I won't even touch how flawed the capital gains tax is, not in its existence but its allocation. 

This isn't about him trying to pay less taxes. This is about him making it sound like because I actually give a damn about fellow citizens that I'm somehow lesser of a person than him.

BTW, you don't get to complain about having a nation of able-bodied citizens if you can't even take care of them. Even from a military perspective, you'd think the conservatives would want there to be measures to ensure that we have an educated and well-fed population of able-bodied people ready to fight and promote the aims of their nation. 

I understand the need for personal liberty, but that comes at a price of communal sacrifice. Mitt doesn't understand how his decisions affect people at the bottom. 

Poor people are nothing more than data points in excel to him. Thats all they've ever been. 

Oh...and don't forget the "well no one has ever asked for MY birth certificate" line.
^^ All of that. At this point I'm just ready for November to hurry up and get here. The Obama campaign is dragging it's **** across Romney's face and there's really not a thing anyone can do about it. Obama is in no way perfect but Romney is the exact character that this country DOESN'T need. Imagine income inquality if Romney stood a chance at being elected :x
In this case you can't hate Mitt Romney for playing the game with his money. Seriously, the hypocrisy is nuts. Frankly, it has nothing to do with Mitt Romney and his money, but more the people who are angry with people who make money and are filthy rich but then turn the other way and say, "Don't hate the player, hate the game" to some guy making a few bucks off a video. If somebody is winning the game at your disposal, you're gonna hate both, but if you don't have a horse in the race, you'll care less about how others make their money.
Don't act like none of you guys would be smart with your money and try to pay less taxes. Who the hell doesn't want to pay less taxes? And besides, his paying 13% taxes is waaaaaaaaaaaaay more in terms of what he's actually paying than what I'm paying at 30% or whatever the tax rate is.
And I don't fully agree with this either. Maybe athletes were a bad example to explain my point. I'm saying people don't give a **** about Apple being so successful and so rich. Like Steve Jobs wasn't making milllllions and Tim Cook isn't doing the same, but people line up to give'em their money in droves. We never hear about how they're too rich or what their tax rates are or what they do with their money. It wouldn't surprise me for folks to criticize Romney or some other successful entrepreneur but turn around and go buy an iPhone or iPad and rave about how Apple is the best company and how Steve Jobs was a god.
As far as performance based pay, not every CEO was gifted the position and many had to take risks that could have cost them their jobs. If a company fails, does the CEO always get a write off and ride off into the sunset with millions? Not always. Yes, there is disparity, but rich people are not always rich just because everything was handed to them and they did nothing to earn it or maintain it.
I'm just trying to point out the hypocrisy of all this talk about wealth. I'm not trying to attack anybody's belief system or system of values. It just drives me crazy when we only focus on a few people when there are many other offenders but we don't talk about them because they seem to benefit us directly with fancy gadgets or highlight reel plays.

Bottom line... Apple CEO isn't running for President. Athletes aren't running for President. Mitt Romney is running for President so our focus is on him.

And who the hell doesn't want to pay less taxes? The answer is simple..


HOWEVER, if you're going to run for President of the US, it's not a good look when you made 21 million dollars from investments and some of that income are from foreign investments where he paid foreign taxes and using those foreign taxes paid as a credit against his US taxes. It's a great tax strategy for the wealthy whom can place millions in foreign accounts and reap the tax benefits. So a guy whom used the US tax loopholes created for the wealthy wants to be the President of the US and then complains about the poor taking advantage of the broke US Govt? The govt is broke because wealthy individuals like Romney took FULL advantage of Bush era tax cuts to pay as little taxes as they possibly can.
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Bottom line... Apple CEO isn't running for President. Athletes aren't running for President. Mitt Romney is running for President so our focus is on him.

And who the hell doesn't want to pay less taxes? The answer is simple..


HOWEVER, if you're going to run for President of the US, it's not a good look when you made 21 million dollars from investments and some of that income are from foreign investments where he paid foreign taxes and using those foreign taxes paid as a credit against his US taxes. It's a great tax strategy for the wealthy whom can place millions in foreign accounts and reap the tax benefits. So a guy whom used the US tax loopholes created for the wealthy wants to be the President of the US and then complains about the poor taking advantage of the broke US Govt? The govt is broke because wealthy individuals like Romney took FULL advantage of Bush era tax cuts to pay as little taxes as they possibly can.

The tax records Romney reluctantly released for 2010 & 2011 (a period he was "unemployed"), show he paid a tax rate of 13.9% on $13 mil in carried interest.
Bottom line... Apple CEO isn't running for President. Athletes aren't running for President. Mitt Romney is running for President so our focus is on him.
And who the hell doesn't want to pay less taxes? The answer is simple..
HOWEVER, if you're going to run for President of the US, it's not a good look when you made 21 million dollars from investments and some of that income are from foreign investments where he paid foreign taxes and using those foreign taxes paid as a credit against his US taxes. It's a great tax strategy for the wealthy whom can place millions in foreign accounts and reap the tax benefits. So a guy whom used the US tax loopholes created for the wealthy wants to be the President of the US and then complains about the poor taking advantage of the broke US Govt? The govt is broke because wealthy individuals like Romney took FULL advantage of Bush era tax cuts to pay as little taxes as they possibly can.
That's is why the govt is broke? Because the wealthy took advantage of their tax cuts? If they didn't we wouldn't be in this problem??

You're seriously misguided if you think thats the problem.
Who is honestly surprised at this? Of course Romney believes this, he was born into money and has never felt the desperate concern of not having a secure present or future. For the entitled, they have consistently demonstrated their thinking to be something like "those who struggle must have a fundamental problem with themselves," rather than capitalism itself being an issue. What is interesting to me is that he calls Obama supporters the dependents on big government, when the majority of those who benefit from government programs belong to the South.
[h1]Nothing says "the party of family values" like...[/h1]

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[h1]Romney's Leaked Speech Was Hosted By Private Equity Guy Known For Erotic Pool Parties[/h1]

Julia La Roche |
 Sep. 18, 2012, 8:27 AM |


This is a shot of Leder's Boca home.

The leaked Mitt Romney fundraiser video took place in the home of private equity executive Marc J. Leder, the co-CEO of Boca Raton, Florida-based Sun Capital Partners, Mother Jones' David Corn, who surfaced the video, reports.

The fundraiser where Romney's comments about 47% of America seeing themselves as "victims" happened in May at Leder's Boca home.  There were 150 guests in attendance who paid $50,000 a plate to attend, according to Mother Jones report, which points to an article in the TC Palm.

Leder has a reputation for throwing absolutely extravagant parties, which have been detailed in Page Six columns. 

For example, at the end of the summer in 2011, Leder threw a bash at his Hampton's home where guests skinny dipped in the pool and performed sex acts, while scantily clad women danced on platforms, Page Six reported in a piece called "Nude frolic in a tycoon's pool."

Then to ring in the 2012 New Year, Leder hosted a series of parties called "Event Week 2011/2012" at his St. Bart's home, Page Six reported.  During that party extravaganza, hip-hop music mogul Russell Simmons Tweeted that he was at one of those parties sitting next to fashion stylist Rachel Zoe calling the party "out of control." 

In an interview with the New York Times earlier this year, Leder, who has been called "private-equity party boy" by The Post, brushed off that characterization of him. 

From the New York Times: (emphasis ours)

"I think the portrayal of me as having wild and crazy parties is absolutely incorrect,” Mr. Leder said during a wide-ranging interview in Sun Capital’s offices in Midtown Manhattan. “I spend a small percentage throwing some parties, attending some parties. I like music. I like to dance. But rather than reporting on how I spend 340 days and nights of my year, the media likes to report on the other 25."

As for his career in finance, Leder has been doing leveraged buyouts and investment banking for more than 25 years.  Before founding Sun Capital in 1995, he worked as a senior vice president at Lehman Brothersaccording to his bio.

According to the New York Times, Leder got into private equity after visiting Romney's Bain Capital.  What's more is Romney invested in a few of Leder's early deals, the report said.

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aint eem mad at the pool parties...i thought romeny said he's gonna ban porn tho? :nerd: :nerd:
That's is why the govt is broke? Because the wealthy took advantage of their tax cuts? If they didn't we wouldn't be in this problem??

You're seriously misguided if you think thats the problem.

It's a known fact the wealthy pays for a majority of the taxes here in the US. So guess how many billions the US Govt lost in tax revenues from the wealthy since Bush signed to law the Jobs and Growth Tax Act of 2003 that reduced the taxes paid on investment income?

That's only what?

9-10 years?

9 years of millionaires like Romney who shunned the US Govt of tax revenues because they used these tax loop holes! Here's what Romney did to pay his low effective tax rate... instead of taking a regular salary (ordinary income) from Bain taxed at the maximum 35% tax rate, he is paid through investments such as carried interest. Carried interest is investment income taxed at the maximum 15% tax rate! A 20% difference! You're telling me 9 years of millionaires/billionaires using loopholes such as this didn't increase the US deficit? And oh behold Obama wants to close these loopholes but guess who is against it? The guy taking advantage... Romney.

Here.. why don't you be a little bit more educated.
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Mediocre response. He's just not eloquent enough to spin that positively.
Peep game though. 

He's eloquent when he's telling the truth in private crowds of people who he think "matters."

He fumbles when hes trying to be "presidential" because hes essentially lying because he wants to be the person that he thinks you'll like. He's out of his element when he actually has to be a politician...not a businessman. 
I can agree with that. He is not at all a good politician. He's very bad when he's unable to stay on message. Even in that interview he kept going back to his same talking points, multiple time when that was not what this situation called for. The ability to pivot on a dime is not in him.
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