Missed exam in college

I know exactly how you feel OP, I remember once my sophmore year I randomly decided to smoke a bowl before coming to class and it turns out we had an exam that day. I'm high out of my mind trying to remember all this Physics stuff, I bombed the exam but i ended up passing the class.
The only time I missed a test/major paper was when my sister passed. I went home for it. Professor still wanted the midterm on the due date. Had to be the worst paper I ever wrote, emailed it to a buddy to pass in. Only professor that didn't work with me about stuff being passed in. Was super mad about it.
RIP to your sister
.  That professor is a **** for that

I had a friend miss a final because he overslept and the professor just let him take it during office hours.
Overslept my HS art final, went to his classroom during lunch break. He said, "you got an A in this class right? It's okay, you don't have to take the final."
I don't see how you weren't informed of the test time. Did you not check your e-mails or do you not attend all classes?
Man, I knew TONS of people who used to pull tons of ridiculous stuff in college. This one kid in particular would always use a family member passing in Florida and one time senior year the professor forwarded his email to the entire department faculty so he literally had to lay low in his apartment and not come to campus for a week. He also pulled a stunt once where he had to give a presentation but wasn't ready and sent it to the professor but when she tried to open it during class it was coming up as a "corrupted" and he got to re-do it the following week. I could compose a book about some of the outlandish things I saw kids do to make it :lol:
This happened to me once. Luckily I'm allergic to peanuts so I ate a snickers and got sick, went to the doctors and got a note, then got to resit the exam later on. Only time in my life its been allergies ftw :pimp:

By a wide margin, one of the dumbest and most ridiculous things I've ever read on here.


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