Millionaire Boy Racers (DOCUMENTARY)

to keep it short. i was in Vegas at the Aria, and the cheapest thing in the store was a dog collar for 10 Grand.. this middle eastern dude bought 3 or 4 and some other things..... gives you an idea of your status in the world..  
Forgot his username but in the car thread, a Canadians posted an R8. From what i remember, dude said he owned a nightclub or something

Lives in Ottawa and he posts in the car thread. i wonder how much it cost to import cars from Kuwait to London
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMM, homie brought out the aventador, gt3, and some stripped out ********

all on a 24 dik
:lol: the anti-arab that's sweeping England right now is so blatant in this vid.

Ballin tabs at that club though
I can def see how this would be annoying some random kids come through your city and neighborhood driving hella reckless to show off.London is a compact city its streets are narrower than most these dudes kill a kid or a homeless man and they aren't going to jail they go home and do it all over again .
I will never like Saudi Arabia due to the fsct slavery still exist over their in a large capacity.
You don't truly understand the money they have until you've been around's amazing..
 @ the whips
The old locals had their jimmies rustled 
. I can imagine if I were in the position of the rich Arabs, I would have pulled out the Aventador and Veyron with easy onto the London streets. The locals need to realize that times are changing and you can't keep clinging on to the Anglo-centric past. Reverse colonization will continue to take place until all the oil reserves are out.
Finally had a chance to watch this documentary.

The dude with the Aventador kinda looked like Don C :lol:

These old people had their jimmies rustled for no reason. Let them boys cook, it's not like they're there all year anyways and they're boosting your economy.

If I was in their position I would be doing the same thing.

Like they said, they're just there to have fun and to get away from all the restrictions of their country, they ain't trying to hurt nobody
Finally had a chance to watch this documentary.

The dude with the Aventador kinda looked like Don C :lol:

These old people had their jimmies rustled for no reason. Let them boys cook, it's not like they're there all year anyways and they're boosting your economy.

If I was in their position I would be doing the same thing.

Like they said, they're just there to have fun and to get away from all the restrictions of their country, they ain't trying to hurt nobody

I agree, except the way some of them were driving on those small streets can hurt someone.
only got to see the first 6 minutes, and honestly i thought they were trippin, but that little arab person/kid did not help at all by totally swoopin my mans up with his umbrella LMAO
it makes it seem like they are totally inconsiderate people

this had to be scripted still watchin this and i agree that its disrespectful to drive all recklessly in your city, no matter how awesome the cars are....i dont agree with the racism though...not needed
Same thing is more or less happening in Toronto and Vancouver with wealthy Chinese kids. The issue lies with 'First World' countries essentially losing their manufacturing industries and essentially having to lease out their land and/or 'liberal policies' to wealthy foreigners from the 'Third World'.

I grew up in the Middle East and left in the late 90s - even a distant third cousin of the Sheikh would have a couple grand in his bank account every single day of his/her waking life due to the fact that every business must have a silent partner that has to be a local.

I use 'First World' and 'Third World' liberally because the latter will be come the former in a short matter of time as more and more manufacturing and service jobs are shipped to the latter.
Arab Beckham and his homeboy with those twin Rari's >>>> *

Son had the humble collar-pop in that scene at the club...

Good show of the cultural clashes over in London, with the 'fast-life', so to speak, being on the forefront... I enjoyed it...

All that stuntin' hurt my soul, brah!
|I :frown:
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