
Oct 13, 2008
So here's the deal, I interviewed with Uniformed Services University (military med school) last thursday and I'm strongly considering it, if accepted.Even if i don't get accepted I'm getting a HPSP scholarship where I'll be commissioned as an Army officer. I'll ask you the same question Iasked my interviewers, my buds in the military and a couple of military physicians. Are there any other potential this worth it?

Overview of the program:

Full tuition
O-1 salary pay (47000+, including untaxable income)
Cool uniforms, great education, chance to travel, connections you don't get as a civilian
7 years commitment post residency (basically spending the next 15 years of my life in the military)
I signed up for the Army as my first choice going against advice from quite a few people (Will I regret this? I did it cause the army offers more specialtypositions for residency)....people said go Airforce or Navy

Male-female ratio INS...35 percent female most of which are married
lack of autonomy

This may has such a potential to either be the greatest mistake or the best decision of my life........would u do it?

I was an Army officer for Army I made 200k plus as an overseas contractor if that matters
depending on who wins, i may enlist. i have a degree so i may enlist as an officer. i know very little about the military though.
I say yea. But off topic, OP are you a satanist? If so, can you detail your beliefs? I've never met one.
Originally Posted by mvpd3434


I was an Army officer for Army I made 200k plus as an overseas contractor if that matters
I did the math and I don't think it's worth the money, I'm not really doing it for monetary gain. But most med schools you'relooking at 100-200 grand in dept after 4 years. I would be graduating with no dept and would get paid to go to school (+100000 or so). Plus you get paid morefor residency than average in the military. Where it starts to even out is after residency civilians docs may make more on average during the 7 yearcommitment.

So free tuition+pay is nice but it evens out I think...

I'm doing this cause I genuinely want to take care of military personele and pursue humanitarian endeavors world-wide.
Originally Posted by kiuyt856

I say yea. But off topic, OP are you a satanist? If so, can you detail your beliefs? I've never met one.
yes this is off-topic google is your friend
Also do u mindelaborating on why u would do this?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

I say yea. But off topic, OP are you a satanist? If so, can you detail your beliefs? I've never met one.
yes this is off-topic google is your friend
Also do u mind elaborating on why u would do this?
I figured I would get a better and more personal answer if I asked you rather than google. And I'm asking because I'm always curious as tohow other people view the world. I'm becoming a 5 percenter, and different philosophies interest me.
Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

I say yea. But off topic, OP are you a satanist? If so, can you detail your beliefs? I've never met one.
yes this is off-topic google is your friend
Also do u mind elaborating on why u would do this?
I figured I would get a better and more personal answer if I asked you rather than google. And I'm asking because I'm always curious as to how other people view the world. I'm becoming a 5 percenter, and different philosophies interest me.
A summary of my beliefs....Anton Lavey satanists (important to make this distinction) view Satan as a symbol for the rejection of thejudeo-christian faith and the acceptance of the natural urges of mankind. Satanism is ritualized Atheism essentially (they don't worship Satan, he issimply a metaphor). I shared some but not all of Anton Lavey's principles and philosophies, even before I became a member. I viewed homosapien as justanother animal that happen to have superior thought processes. Our belief in the after-life, magic, God is a residual characteristic of this inherent abilityfor higher thought.
Obama WON, this makes my decision a little easier. The troops aka the sacrificial lambs of the Bush regime need our help
Originally Posted by TuckYaChainzN


They brainwash the *censored* outta ya
One of my teachers told us about Hell Week. It's probably been sissied down since he was enlisted, but he had to stay awake for 2 weeks whilepushing the body to incredible limits: mentally, psychically, and emotionally. The objective "was to break you down and build you up the way theywanted." Not anything I ever want to get into...

Everyone needs to keep in mind that Obama never promised to get out of all wars, just refocus on Afganistan while leaving Iraq.
Originally Posted by mondayC

Originally Posted by TuckYaChainzN


They brainwash the *censored* outta ya
One of my teachers told us about Hell Week. It's probably been sissied down since he was enlisted, but he had to stay awake for 2 weeks while pushing the body to incredible limits: mentally, psychically, and emotionally. The objective "was to break you down and build you up the way they wanted." Not anything I ever want to get into...

Everyone needs to keep in mind that Obama never promised to get out of all wars, just refocus on Afganistan while leaving Iraq.
no part of the military keeps you awake for 2 weeks these days, maybe 2-3 days at the most...Sleep Deprivation FTL...after 2 days your dead basically but backon point there is no brainwashing going on.
I think u guys misunderstood me......getting deployed is not the issue here which is why i chose the army over the Airforce and Navy. I just feel morecompelled to help the troops in anyway I can, and whatever happens from here on the sacrifices they made during the Bush regime won't be forgotten. IfObama sends me to war I'm sure it'll be for a noble reason.
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by mondayC

Originally Posted by TuckYaChainzN


They brainwash the *censored* outta ya
One of my teachers told us about Hell Week. It's probably been sissied down since he was enlisted, but he had to stay awake for 2 weeks while pushing the body to incredible limits: mentally, psychically, and emotionally. The objective "was to break you down and build you up the way they wanted." Not anything I ever want to get into...

Everyone needs to keep in mind that Obama never promised to get out of all wars, just refocus on Afganistan while leaving Iraq.
no part of the military keeps you awake for 2 weeks these days, maybe 2-3 days at the most...Sleep Deprivation FTL...after 2 days your dead basically but back on point there is no brainwashing going on.
hell week was a joke when I was there a few years ago
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