Military vs Police

Jul 29, 2012
Been thinking and wondering why is it that the military gets the pedestal status when compared to police. Both are similiar in the line of work in the sense that they are supposed to protect the people etc. However, it seems like cops as a whole catch a bad wrap when a few of them do some unethical stuff. And not to say the utmost professionalism isn't required for the career, but stuff like Abu Ghraib, raping of female service members happens and the military is still held in relatively high regard especially in comparison to the police. Furthermore cops are exposed to danger almost daily in responding to just every day knuckleheads. So why do you guys think the difference exists in public perception?
Because the military abuses people in foreign countries and cops abuse Americans.

They both serve the country, the good Ol' USA.

Just like cops, sometimes you deal with a cool cop/military and sometimes they can be total dbags.

So yeah, military gets a pass cause they do their dirty work on foreign soil.
Gonna come back when I get off work and post from computer so we can talk about this.
You can quit the police without penalty. You're not on foreign soil away from your family and friends. And the overall concept of "going to war" is more of a prestigious and respectable thing than simply being a cop. People also let their direct experiences influence their views. Most people deal with cops if they're getting a ticket, if they break the law, or if they're in trouble.. those situations aren't always positive so that's why people will have negative views of cops. Whereas how often do you have a bad encounter with someone in the military while in America?
I think it mostly has to do who you have dealt with.
I'm sure people who have been in the military have a terrible view of both.
I don't even know anyone in the military but I know I would never join. I've read too much in the news.
Because the military abuses people in foreign countries and cops abuse Americans.

They both serve the country, the good Ol' USA.

Just like cops, sometimes you deal with a cool cop/military and sometimes they can be total dbags.

So yeah, military gets a pass cause they do their dirty work on foreign soil.

Because the military abuses people in foreign countries and cops abuse Americans.
They both serve the country, the good Ol' USA.
Just like cops, sometimes you deal with a cool cop/military and sometimes they can be total dbags.
So yeah, military gets a pass cause they do their dirty work on foreign soil.

Couldn't have said it better myself.....that's all there is to it, end of discussion really.
I guess because in the military your life is somewhat more on the line plus your away from your family fighting for your country. The police lives are at risk but at the end of the day they can return to their families. The rate of death for police officers arent as high as it is for military personnel. Both are respectable positions in a sense, but police are notorious of abusing their power .Look at it this way WW2 vet vs a police officer around during that time. Which one would win you more cool points ? Obviously the vet
Some great replies in here. I think I tend to agree with the notion that its because the military's dirt is done on foreign soil. Also think it has to do with what what the poster said above about people holding on to WWII views of the military. Not to down play the significance of either the police or the military, but as some one whose served in the military from an enlisted spec ops side and commissioned I feel like cops often get a short end of the stick for what they bring to the table.
People forget how service members and the military in general were reviled when they got back from Vietnam in the 1970's. That sense of isolation is best seen in 1981's First Blood with Sylvester Stallone. I don't think that public / media's distaste for the military didn't let up until the end of the first Gulf War in 1991.
I think it mostly has to do who you have dealt with.
I'm sure people who have been in the military have a terrible view of both.
I don't even know anyone in the military but I know I would never join. I've read too much in the news.

Because the military abuses people in foreign countries and cops abuse Americans.
They both serve the country, the good Ol' USA.
Just like cops, sometimes you deal with a cool cop/military and sometimes they can be total dbags.
So yeah, military gets a pass cause they do their dirty work on foreign soil.


*Flamesuit activated*

I'd say since the end of WW2, the police have defended Americans and our way of life than the military has.
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