Mike Vick Sentenced to 23 Months in Prison

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

what is 23 months in dog years?
Like 14 years, homie

His bad choice caught up to him. This once again proves that if you don't look out for your best interests no one else will.
2 years??? for some dogs???
to a certain degree i share the same sentiments, but ppl should be thinkin bout this instead.....

"risked millions for some thousands???" he's an idiot.
he won't do the whole 23.

he'll do around 18.

FED time is never the full sentence as long as you're a model prisoner
Its one thing to have your opinions on how bad dogfighting and dogkilling is. But its another thing to think Michael Vick is a victim of anything but his ownstupidity. He had to know what he was doing was illegal he probably just didnt think he would get caught and if he did he didnt think it would result inanything more then a slap on the wrist and that is no ones fault but his own. Even if you dont give two@!@% about dogs (I personally dont) Vick is still anidiot and by the guidelines he is lucky he wasnt sentenced for more time.

Hopefully Roger has some compasion becuase any suspension on top of his prison term would effectively end his career and any chance of redemption. (which I ama firm believer in) He was already suspended for one season (this season) and he will lose two more to jail time that is more then enough.
@ these Vick apologists. This ____did this +%%$ on his own. You make your grave....now SLEEP IN IT.
Some good points:

to a certain degree i share the same sentiments, but ppl should be thinkin bout this instead.....

"risked millions for some thousands???" he's an idiot.


Its one thing to have your opinions on how bad dogfighting and dogkilling is. But its another thing to think Michael Vick is a victim of anything but his own stupidity.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by ALSDAMAN24

Vick is going to a minimum security prison, he going to a prison like the one Martha Stewart was in. He won't be with the killers.
I doubt that

Its true. He aint gonna be in there will all the killers and murderers. He gonna be in there with White Collar criminals and stuff like that. If he was with general population there would be to many problems.

Word. Any inmate would love to make a name for themselves and have the opportunity to say that they beat down a huge NFL star.

Wasted millions on some thousands...that sounds so mentally challenged.
are you people kidding me in here? if he wasn't a dog fighter, he wouldn't be in this mess. sure, it's his fault, no doubt. but damn, some of youpeople want him locked up forever. give me a break. the man is losing his career over some dogs. if you can't see that, then you don't want to, and youprobably never liked mike vick to begin with.

i'm saying that the punishment doesn't fit the crime. what's illegal is illegal, but this is stupid. get at me when someone does something bad orevil, like drug pushing, or drunk driving, or hell, murder.

i can go out and drunk drive right now, hurt nobody, and not get two years in prison. that's a problem when somebody who hurt NOBODY gets two years forsomething like this. it's just dogs. like i said months ago, the court of public opinion already found him guilty as soon as the accusations were made. soafter he admits his guilt, the court of public opinion want's him locked up forever.
i see the court is in full attendance in this thread.
i'm saying that the punishment doesn't fit the crime. what's illegal is illegal, but this is stupid. get at me when someone does something bad or evil, like drug pushing, or drunk driving, or hell, murder.
Great point which I agree with but on NT you cannot have this discussion because people cannot understand that you are having an ethical argumentand not a literal one. Just like when someone compares it to hunting or other forms of animal cruelty the generic response is "oh they are completelydifferent" obviously but analogous just the same.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by ALSDAMAN24

Vick is going to a minimum security prison, he going to a prison like the one Martha Stewart was in. He won't be with the killers.
I doubt that

Its true. He aint gonna be in there will all the killers and murderers. He gonna be in there with White Collar criminals and stuff like that. If he was with general population there would be to many problems.

Word. Any inmate would love to make a name for themselves and have the opportunity to say that they beat down a huge NFL star.

Wasted millions on some thousands...that sounds so mentally challenged.
It was more for the thrill of gambling than trying to earn some dollars.
^ you're just one of those dudes who continually will find a way to justify and make excuses for someone's wrongdoing though.

he hurt no one? animal cruelty isn't evil?

get real my man. you're sounding like you're slacking on your logic.

you might not see it the way others do, but there are laws to protect animals.

that's one side of the story. the other side is his lying to the feds, positive drug test and trying to skirt the issue from the get go.

combine the two and that's a recipe for the contempt a lot of people feel towards him, not to mention the illegality of it all.
screw vick he did bad and put his gay$#@% in prision...sad thing is he will be in the NFL by the 09 season...
By the time he comes out there is gonna all kinds of new##*$ in the league that he never even seen before. My homie Tom Brady gonna be lookin like Terminator 2and##*$
LMAO 2 all of you do gooders who love to say "he brought it on himself..." "Make your bed now lay in it" etc... While his stupidity put himin this situation you need not point fingers. I will be the first to laugh if the government finds your "stash' of illegal music, pron and whateverelse you "do-gooders" have done outside the law. Then you'd want sympathey....
The two other guys in the trial were sentenced to 18 months and 21 months. The legal analyst dude Roger something from ESPN said that Vick is definately goingto get more then both of those guys because he funded everything so I'm not really surprised but I do think SOME team down the road will be willing to takea chance on him when he does get through the jail time and whatever the NFL has for him after he's out. This is an unfortunate situation but he did chooseto do this and now he's paying for it in a big way....hopefully some of the rookies and the rising college stars learn from this...
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

LMAO 2 all of you do gooders who love to say "he brought it on himself..." "Make your bed now lay in it" etc... While his stupidity put him in this situation you need not point fingers. I will be the first to laugh if the government finds your "stash' of illegal music, pron and whatever else you "do-gooders" have done outside the law. Then you'd want sympathey....

I don't know what the point of saying that was. Those offenses you listed aren't on the same level as the offenses as Vick's. And you'reright, we don't need to point fingers. It's clear as day how stupid he was that it's obvious.

I think it's a bit OD, but his dumb actions bought this on himself. He was screwed either way regardless of the time sentence.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

LMAO 2 all of you do gooders who love to say "he brought it on himself..." "Make your bed now lay in it" etc... While his stupidity put him in this situation you need not point fingers. I will be the first to laugh if the government finds your "stash' of illegal music, pron and whatever else you "do-gooders" have done outside the law. Then you'd want sympathey....

Yes, because downloading music and "pron" is on the same level as running an illegal gambling ring and torturing and killing animals... yep, samething.
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