Michael Jordan - How Quickly They Forget (MJ vs Lebron)

Nobody actually thinks that lebron is better than MJ. They say it, but they dont really believe it.
Nobody actually thinks that lebron is better than MJ. They say it, but they dont really believe it.
Nobody actually thinks that lebron is better than MJ. They say it, but they dont really believe it.
Nobody actually thinks that lebron is better than MJ. They say it, but they dont really believe it.
Doesnt matter which 3 peat was better everyone knows that if he stayed in the league in those middle 3 years it would have been a 9peat. Lebum cant even win one.
Doesnt matter which 3 peat was better everyone knows that if he stayed in the league in those middle 3 years it would have been a 9peat. Lebum cant even win one.
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

I normally do not get into these conversations anymore, but these kids have to be reminded.

Lebron is great, but not MJ great. If you think Lebron is better.........

Kids think Lebron is better,

QFT.  They really need to be reminded. And another thing I hate when people say Lebron was the youngest to xxxx amount of points, which is true but Lebron never went to college and Jordan went to college for THREE years and eventually got his degree. But don't get it twisted, he did not get xxxx amonnt of points in fewer games as Jordan and Jordan had a higher fg% & ft% than Lebron. Lebron has a higher rebound average due to him being two inches taller (Jordan avg. 6.3 to Lebron's 7). Lebron has a higher assist average compared to Jordan (more of Lebron's style of game). But on the defensive end, Jordan clearly gets the nod. Jordan was a lock-down defender. Lebron has dramatically improved his defense but not on the level as Jordan.

When the game was on the line, Jordan will be taking the last shot before I put Lebron. Jordan was too cold-blooded and had no mercy. Lebron does not have Jordan's killer instinct at least yet. Matter of fact Jordan had the killer instinct before being drafted to the NBA (ask Coach Dean Smith). Lebron might be the most physically talented basketball player ever.  That is due to his size and coming at you like a freight train full speed ahead. I do not think he will be using his athletic ability for the next five years, it takes a toll on you, and it is catching Kobe (but who knows). But as for overall skill, Jordan was supreme.

For Lebron to be mentioned on Jordan status, he needs a resume like rookie of the year, 14 time all-star (played 15 seasons, did not get one in 1995 beacuse he came back from baseball after the all-star break), 10 scoring titles, 10 times 1st team all NBA, 9 time 1st team all defense teams, 5 NBA MVP's, 6 Finals MVP, 1 defensive player of the year. When he has a resume similar or better than this, we can talk. This is not mentioning all-star MVP's or slam dunk titles because I feel that those awards are insignificant. But if you want to add them (3 all-star MVP's and 2 slam dunk titles). By the way, although it is a team achievement SIX RINGS!!!!!
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

I normally do not get into these conversations anymore, but these kids have to be reminded.

Lebron is great, but not MJ great. If you think Lebron is better.........

Kids think Lebron is better,

QFT.  They really need to be reminded. And another thing I hate when people say Lebron was the youngest to xxxx amount of points, which is true but Lebron never went to college and Jordan went to college for THREE years and eventually got his degree. But don't get it twisted, he did not get xxxx amonnt of points in fewer games as Jordan and Jordan had a higher fg% & ft% than Lebron. Lebron has a higher rebound average due to him being two inches taller (Jordan avg. 6.3 to Lebron's 7). Lebron has a higher assist average compared to Jordan (more of Lebron's style of game). But on the defensive end, Jordan clearly gets the nod. Jordan was a lock-down defender. Lebron has dramatically improved his defense but not on the level as Jordan.

When the game was on the line, Jordan will be taking the last shot before I put Lebron. Jordan was too cold-blooded and had no mercy. Lebron does not have Jordan's killer instinct at least yet. Matter of fact Jordan had the killer instinct before being drafted to the NBA (ask Coach Dean Smith). Lebron might be the most physically talented basketball player ever.  That is due to his size and coming at you like a freight train full speed ahead. I do not think he will be using his athletic ability for the next five years, it takes a toll on you, and it is catching Kobe (but who knows). But as for overall skill, Jordan was supreme.

For Lebron to be mentioned on Jordan status, he needs a resume like rookie of the year, 14 time all-star (played 15 seasons, did not get one in 1995 beacuse he came back from baseball after the all-star break), 10 scoring titles, 10 times 1st team all NBA, 9 time 1st team all defense teams, 5 NBA MVP's, 6 Finals MVP, 1 defensive player of the year. When he has a resume similar or better than this, we can talk. This is not mentioning all-star MVP's or slam dunk titles because I feel that those awards are insignificant. But if you want to add them (3 all-star MVP's and 2 slam dunk titles). By the way, although it is a team achievement SIX RINGS!!!!!
Originally Posted by aepps20

MJ played with such anger. DUDE WAS A MONSTER.
100% True!!! Dudes were scared to look at him in the eye. This was a shark in the water seeing blood and ready for thr KILL!!!

Originally Posted by aepps20

MJ played with such anger. DUDE WAS A MONSTER.
100% True!!! Dudes were scared to look at him in the eye. This was a shark in the water seeing blood and ready for thr KILL!!!

Originally Posted by Ayepae

Doesnt matter which 3 peat was better everyone knows that if he stayed in the league in those middle 3 years it would have been a 9peat. Lebum cant even win one.

he only left for 2 years so why dont you actually KNOW what your talking about before you run your mouth.... its funny how MJ was a lockdown defender on guys like Mark Price {so athletic} Craig ehlo {OH NO} Reggie Miller {who played like kyle korver} when i watched the Bulls run Pippen was on the best scorer of other team Every Playoff game while Jordan gaurded Byron Russell { OMG} while i just watched Lebron pull a Hakeem on D Robinson and TOTALLY DOMINATE the so-called MVP of the league who is 1000000 times better then any of them guards named above D.Rose is like nothing MJ has EVER Guarded.. so i guess by guarding Bums that makes you a GREAT Defender?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Remove MJ's Privates from your mouths immediately...

EDIT... also i keep hearing how MJ dominated in the era of the "Big MAN" which means a majority of the best players were big guys, which means Jordan a majority of the time didnt even guard the best player on the other team like Barkley, ewing, DRobinson, Hakeem, Shaq, Mourning, he was guarding a bunch of bums that are not even close to being as good as Rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, D Williams, Westbrook...
Originally Posted by Ayepae

Doesnt matter which 3 peat was better everyone knows that if he stayed in the league in those middle 3 years it would have been a 9peat. Lebum cant even win one.

he only left for 2 years so why dont you actually KNOW what your talking about before you run your mouth.... its funny how MJ was a lockdown defender on guys like Mark Price {so athletic} Craig ehlo {OH NO} Reggie Miller {who played like kyle korver} when i watched the Bulls run Pippen was on the best scorer of other team Every Playoff game while Jordan gaurded Byron Russell { OMG} while i just watched Lebron pull a Hakeem on D Robinson and TOTALLY DOMINATE the so-called MVP of the league who is 1000000 times better then any of them guards named above D.Rose is like nothing MJ has EVER Guarded.. so i guess by guarding Bums that makes you a GREAT Defender?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Remove MJ's Privates from your mouths immediately...

EDIT... also i keep hearing how MJ dominated in the era of the "Big MAN" which means a majority of the best players were big guys, which means Jordan a majority of the time didnt even guard the best player on the other team like Barkley, ewing, DRobinson, Hakeem, Shaq, Mourning, he was guarding a bunch of bums that are not even close to being as good as Rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, D Williams, Westbrook...
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Ayepae

Doesnt matter which 3 peat was better everyone knows that if he stayed in the league in those middle 3 years it would have been a 9peat. Lebum cant even win one.

he only left for 2 years so why dont you actually KNOW what your talking about before you run your mouth.... its funny how MJ was a lockdown defender on guys like Mark Price {so athletic} Craig ehlo {OH NO} Reggie Miller {who played like kyle korver} when i watched the Bulls run Pippen was on the best scorer of other team Every Playoff game while Jordan gaurded Byron Russell { OMG} while i just watched Lebron pull a Hakeem on D Robinson and TOTALLY DOMINATE the so-called MVP of the league who is 1000000 times better then any of them guards named above D.Rose is like nothing MJ has EVER Guarded.. so i guess by guarding Bums that makes you a GREAT Defender?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Remove MJ's Privates from your mouths immediately...

EDIT... also i keep hearing how MJ dominated in the era of the "Big MAN" which means a majority of the best players were big guys, which means Jordan a majority of the time didnt even guard the best player on the other team like Barkley, ewing, DRobinson, Hakeem, Shaq, Mourning, he was guarding a bunch of bums that are not even close to being as good as Rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, D Williams, Westbrook...

he got to the hoop like a madman during the era of big centers waiting there ti pummel him down. Bron can't even do that against the likes of Tyson Chandler
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Ayepae

Doesnt matter which 3 peat was better everyone knows that if he stayed in the league in those middle 3 years it would have been a 9peat. Lebum cant even win one.

he only left for 2 years so why dont you actually KNOW what your talking about before you run your mouth.... its funny how MJ was a lockdown defender on guys like Mark Price {so athletic} Craig ehlo {OH NO} Reggie Miller {who played like kyle korver} when i watched the Bulls run Pippen was on the best scorer of other team Every Playoff game while Jordan gaurded Byron Russell { OMG} while i just watched Lebron pull a Hakeem on D Robinson and TOTALLY DOMINATE the so-called MVP of the league who is 1000000 times better then any of them guards named above D.Rose is like nothing MJ has EVER Guarded.. so i guess by guarding Bums that makes you a GREAT Defender?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Remove MJ's Privates from your mouths immediately...

EDIT... also i keep hearing how MJ dominated in the era of the "Big MAN" which means a majority of the best players were big guys, which means Jordan a majority of the time didnt even guard the best player on the other team like Barkley, ewing, DRobinson, Hakeem, Shaq, Mourning, he was guarding a bunch of bums that are not even close to being as good as Rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, D Williams, Westbrook...

he got to the hoop like a madman during the era of big centers waiting there ti pummel him down. Bron can't even do that against the likes of Tyson Chandler
 this reminds me of the movie Bad Teacher.  I can't wait to see it.  "THAT'S THE ONLY ARGUMENT I NEED SHAWN!!!"
 this reminds me of the movie Bad Teacher.  I can't wait to see it.  "THAT'S THE ONLY ARGUMENT I NEED SHAWN!!!"
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Ayepae

Doesnt matter which 3 peat was better everyone knows that if he stayed in the league in those middle 3 years it would have been a 9peat. Lebum cant even win one.

he only left for 2 years so why dont you actually KNOW what your talking about before you run your mouth.... its funny how MJ was a lockdown defender on guys like Mark Price {so athletic} Craig ehlo {OH NO} Reggie Miller {who played like kyle korver} when i watched the Bulls run Pippen was on the best scorer of other team Every Playoff game while Jordan gaurded Byron Russell { OMG} while i just watched Lebron pull a Hakeem on D Robinson and TOTALLY DOMINATE the so-called MVP of the league who is 1000000 times better then any of them guards named above D.Rose is like nothing MJ has EVER Guarded.. so i guess by guarding Bums that makes you a GREAT Defender?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Remove MJ's Privates from your mouths immediately...

EDIT... also i keep hearing how MJ dominated in the era of the "Big MAN" which means a majority of the best players were big guys, which means Jordan a majority of the time didnt even guard the best player on the other team like Barkley, ewing, DRobinson, Hakeem, Shaq, Mourning, he was guarding a bunch of bums that are not even close to being as good as Rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, D Williams, Westbrook...
Now Jordan guarded a bunch of bums, are you kidding me. The likes of Reggie Miller, Mitch Richmond, Magic Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Clyde Drexler, Tim Hardaway, Penny Hardaway, Gary Payton, Mark Price, John Stocton, Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars and the rest of the bums in Jordan's era are overall less athletic than the guys that you mentioned but their basketball IQ is higher overall. The funny part is that these bums put up numbers as good as those you mentioned. What you can make up with athleticism is having heart and being smart (Larry Bird). If being athletic is everything, is CP3, D Williams, Rose and Westbrook who are all pont guards better than John Stockton, Gary Payton, Isiah Thomas or Magic Johnson???

By the way the centers of the 1980's and 1990's are superior to the centers of today. Shaq's gone and Tim Duncan is the last of the breed who played in the late 1990's.  Dwight Howard is really the only good center from this era that is around and still improving. These perimeter players today are so lucky, thanks to David Stern with these soft rules to prevent centers and power forwards to clog the lane for more than 3 seconds (defensive 3 second violation) just to increase scoring for the guards and small forwards.

On a side note, Michael Jordan is a LOCKDOWN DEFENDER!!!  
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Ayepae

Doesnt matter which 3 peat was better everyone knows that if he stayed in the league in those middle 3 years it would have been a 9peat. Lebum cant even win one.

he only left for 2 years so why dont you actually KNOW what your talking about before you run your mouth.... its funny how MJ was a lockdown defender on guys like Mark Price {so athletic} Craig ehlo {OH NO} Reggie Miller {who played like kyle korver} when i watched the Bulls run Pippen was on the best scorer of other team Every Playoff game while Jordan gaurded Byron Russell { OMG} while i just watched Lebron pull a Hakeem on D Robinson and TOTALLY DOMINATE the so-called MVP of the league who is 1000000 times better then any of them guards named above D.Rose is like nothing MJ has EVER Guarded.. so i guess by guarding Bums that makes you a GREAT Defender?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Remove MJ's Privates from your mouths immediately...

EDIT... also i keep hearing how MJ dominated in the era of the "Big MAN" which means a majority of the best players were big guys, which means Jordan a majority of the time didnt even guard the best player on the other team like Barkley, ewing, DRobinson, Hakeem, Shaq, Mourning, he was guarding a bunch of bums that are not even close to being as good as Rose, Wade, Kobe, CP3, D Williams, Westbrook...
Now Jordan guarded a bunch of bums, are you kidding me. The likes of Reggie Miller, Mitch Richmond, Magic Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Clyde Drexler, Tim Hardaway, Penny Hardaway, Gary Payton, Mark Price, John Stocton, Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars and the rest of the bums in Jordan's era are overall less athletic than the guys that you mentioned but their basketball IQ is higher overall. The funny part is that these bums put up numbers as good as those you mentioned. What you can make up with athleticism is having heart and being smart (Larry Bird). If being athletic is everything, is CP3, D Williams, Rose and Westbrook who are all pont guards better than John Stockton, Gary Payton, Isiah Thomas or Magic Johnson???

By the way the centers of the 1980's and 1990's are superior to the centers of today. Shaq's gone and Tim Duncan is the last of the breed who played in the late 1990's.  Dwight Howard is really the only good center from this era that is around and still improving. These perimeter players today are so lucky, thanks to David Stern with these soft rules to prevent centers and power forwards to clog the lane for more than 3 seconds (defensive 3 second violation) just to increase scoring for the guards and small forwards.

On a side note, Michael Jordan is a LOCKDOWN DEFENDER!!!  
michael did it first. kobe tried and got overlapped by lebron, and lebron is doing it next.

michael did it first. kobe tried and got overlapped by lebron, and lebron is doing it next.

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