Mexican Army Finds Largest Weed Plantation Ever

Reminds me of one of the Truth's missions when CJ has to burn it all before the cops arrive. When they burn it's gonna be a dry season for some suppliers word to Entourage.
Reminds me of one of the Truth's missions when CJ has to burn it all before the cops arrive. When they burn it's gonna be a dry season for some suppliers word to Entourage.
I wonder how many dudes are gonna die over this

I guess people would pay just to be withim sniffing distance of the plantation when it gets burned...

I guess people would pay just to be withim sniffing distance of the plantation when it gets burned...
Originally Posted by scshift

I wonder what someone crawling through the desert would have thought... all of a sudden a giant field of weed appears in the middle of nowhere
Hahaha. Wiz gets dropped in the desert, sees it... starts spazzing out thinking it's a mirage
Originally Posted by scshift

I wonder what someone crawling through the desert would have thought... all of a sudden a giant field of weed appears in the middle of nowhere
Hahaha. Wiz gets dropped in the desert, sees it... starts spazzing out thinking it's a mirage
I wonder if people that lived near got effected from all that marijuana burning
I wonder if people that lived near got effected from all that marijuana burning
Gifs are spot on!

The World should accept to monitor weed the same way they do alcohol by now...just saying...

Gifs are spot on!

The World should accept to monitor weed the same way they do alcohol by now...just saying...

so... the drug gang leaders are going to take this laying down?
i think not.
neither would they take it laying down if the gov decided to legalize it and cut into their profit.
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