Mermaid ????

Sep 1, 2011
We have aliens post and other things mind blowing

What about mermaids? I watched something on the discovery channel about the navy using a sonar weapon, that's why all those whales showed up on the beaches though out the world in 2012-

Our ancestors drew them, and depicted them in stories..... Why do we not believe them?

What are your thoughts?

This site I was going to link has been seized by homeland security ( wtf? )
They rationalize it by saying it was another primate species walked upright and lived by e water-
Look at your fingers and toes, there is slight webbing.... Why? The only use for that is to improve moving through water..... That can adapt to full webbed fingers and toes.
If you're talking about the doc Mermaids: Body Found, the produces said most of that mess was bs, only entertainment to intrigue the viewers. No lie, though, when I first watched it I was high as hell and believed it all. Woke up the next morning googled mermaids found, lol. It definitely caught my attention, though. Had to be the weed.

Then again, they could've said it was bs to throw us off. I do believe it's a possibility they may have existed, though.
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They may have been real, they may have died out, they may have been the missing link. I knew this chick one summer when i was 8 or 9 with webbed toes. Wish I was old enough to smash.
I believe they are real. I also believe in aliens and other types of conspiracies. I just have an open mind and never turn anything down unless their is proof. 

Absolutely not.

I won't even entertain that notion.

Sascrotch on the other hand...
Absolutely not.
I won't even entertain that notion.
Sascrotch on the other hand...

Bigfoot is supposed to be another primate bipedal upright walker-
Mermaid is the same thing but lived by water and developed webbings between toes and hands... And after 100's of generations kept evolving -

Birds have 100's of varieties - dogs - cats - everything - do you guys really think we are the only exception? That's amusing.
Bigfoot is supposed to be another primate bipedal upright walker-
Mermaid is the same thing but lived by water and developed webbings between toes and hands... And after 100's of generations kept evolving -
Birds have 100's of varieties - dogs - cats - everything - do you guys really think we are the only exception? That's amusing.

The real amusing thing is that you're taking your "evidence" from a mockumentary.

The real amusing thing is that you're taking your "evidence" from a mockumentary.

I said that I watched the show, not taken evidence from it.

I did however mention our ancestors having them in drawings throughout all cultures - a fact we can't dismiss or ignore-
How can anyone seriously believe in mermaids
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