Mental Health Vol. Lets talk about it

I suffer from really bad anxiety attacks. So I try channel attacks through drawing. It helps sometimes, always good to have some one in that corner. Not gonna blame the military but definitely played apart with me unstable right now.


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Thank you for asking. Coming up on the one year anniversary next month. I'm doing ok. Yesterday being Mother's Day was hard but all the love and support my NT fam has given me is helping me get through.
mane u a tough cookie, a distant friend of mines had his father die of stage 4 brain cancer at the burial dude was bawling and man part of me does not know how ima deal with that day

you strong dude
mane u a tough cookie, a distant friend of mines had his father die of stage 4 brain cancer at the burial dude was bawling and man part of me does not know how ima deal with that day

you strong dude

I'm not strong at all but I don't have any regrets which helps with the grief. I've always tried to have good relationships with everyone that I meet so that I don't have to play the what if game when a person goes. Losing my mom still hurts everyday but I don't miss her the way she had to live at the end. I miss her for what she was before she got sick. The car rides to and from work are quieter without her but I know she was proud of me not because of what I do but because I try to be a decent person which mattered more to her than anything. Knowing that a person is proud of you can really change your life. Most people think I'm joking when I tell various NTers that "I'm proud of them" but I truly am proud of them and I hope that telling a person that your proud of them can change their life for the better. At least that's my intent.
Adults 18+. The youth side was across the hall tho and a lot of em transition over but don’t know much about their treatment
I suffer from really bad anxiety attacks. So I try channel attacks through drawing. It helps sometimes, always good to have some one in that corner. Not gonna blame the military but definitely played apart with me unstable right now.

Good for you bro.

I look back at my undergrad illustration work and its super obvious that I was depressed. I thought I was just my creative 'mode' at the time.

I actually remember one occasion my mom walking in my room and she started crying cause I was drawing crazy **** on the walls :lol:

Can look back and laugh now but it's important to observe yourself and any troubling behaviour.
Any of y’all have experience with bipolar disorder? One of my coworkers, who has become a close friend since meeting her earlier this year, has been acting very weird today and I can’t make sense of it. She had suicidal thoughts a few months ago and got addicted to coke but quit a week or 2 ago.

We were texting earlier and she came off as awfully hyperactive and kinda confused so I told her I was concerned. Then I got spammed the following texts all immediately after eachother without me replying, each sentence as an individual text.:stoneface:
“But I’m just vibiiiing, come on I’m fine
I’m MC Amy I bring the vibes
And I’m kinda DJing between the different vibes on display
But it looks like I landed at the wrong party
Ooh I gotta shower, I still smell like sex haha
Well if you could call that sex
You know how they are”

WTF am I reading? Again, she hasn’t been diagnosed with anything aside from depression earlier this year but I imagine this must be what a manic episode is like
Hypermanic or high
My nephew and his wife, who had been living with me for the past 2+ years, moved out on Friday and now I feel depressed like I have Empty Nest Syndrome or something |l
That sucks but it’s normal. It’s called situational depression. Just pay attention to yourself. You’re gonna feel sad but after two weeks if stuff like you’re hygiene and house cleaning is suffering consider talking to somebody.

with depression I always thought it was better to talk to a therapist first to help determine if medicines may be necessary before going to a psychiatrist.
Yeah the first day was rough but the second day was better etc etc

The first half of the day is usually the worst because that's when I mingled with them the most
I would really love to know how many people are self diagnosing themselves with some of these mental issues & just running with phrases they've seen hammered online in comparison to those who have had professional help more than one source.
I would really love to know how many people are self diagnosing themselves with some of these mental issues & just running with phrases they've seen hammered online in comparison to those who have had professional help more than one source.
I would really love to know how this comment is constructive in any way.
I would really love to know how this comment is constructive in any way.

Bro do t be another one of these weird ****** tryna argue in every thread because we disagreed in another… that’s the real reasoning behind that question 😂

I asked that because teens are seeing these buzzwords & diagnosing themselves with serious mental issues based off social media… I don’t think I have to explain how that could lead to issues.

But it’s Friday & I’m officially off now enjoy your weekend homie
Bro do t be another one of these weird ****** tryna argue in every thread because we disagreed in another… that’s the real reasoning behind that question 😂

I asked that because teens are seeing these buzzwords & diagnosing themselves with serious mental issues based off social media… I don’t think I have to explain how that could lead to issues.

But it’s Friday & I’m officially off now enjoy your weekend homie
Again with the victim complex.

I would have asked that question regardless of who posted it. It was just a dumb comment on your end that served no good purpose. Full of assumptions and based on virtually nothing other than your own biases.
Agreed. Social media turns what should be a private journal sort of thoughts into an all out pity party woe is me look at me nonsense.

I’m all for mental help. I also think social media is a disease and nurturing the weaknesses in people. It’s dangerous. Kids out there comparing themselves to the entire world moment by moment. The level of inadequacy they must feel is enough to drive most people to the looney bin.
So you have a problem with people self-diagnosing, but are comfortable concluding that many of these people are just whiners faking it because of the internet. Good stuff.

We have a thread for your big-brained takes.

This thread is meant to be supportive. Can you allow people just this one thread?
Why can't someone acknowledge that there are a portion of people using mental health to manipulate social media, why is questioning how much social media has direct negative effects on mental health somehow seen as a bad thing :lol:
Probably because this isn't the place to question something like that. Been on NT since like 04 and NEVER once thought to look up a thread like this until today.

Of all the reasons to come here (safe space etc) this wasn't one of them.
Probably because this isn't the place to question something like that. Been on NT since like 04 and NEVER once thought to look up a thread like this until today.

Of all the reasons to come here (safe space etc) this wasn't one of them.
welcome to the safe space brother or sister
Why can't someone acknowledge that there are a portion of people using mental health to manipulate social media, why is questioning how much social media has direct negative effects on mental health somehow seen as a bad thing :lol:
Nah there will come a point where a wave of longitudinal studies start coming out. It’s just still so early and escalating and changing so fast it’s crazy. It’s been long enough to study but it always wasn’t to a point to where it became like this like an illness. My pet peeve is when a diagnosis or symptom or term becomes hot and burnt up and watered down.
Nah there will come a point where a wave of longitudinal studies start coming out. It’s just still so early and escalating and changing so fast it’s crazy. It’s been long enough to study but it always wasn’t to a point to where it became like this like an illness. My pet peeve is when a diagnosis or symptom or term becomes hot and burnt up and watered down.

Exactly this people want community so bad that they will self diagnose themselves with an illness just to be "down"
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