Mental Health Support Thread Vol. Let’s Help Each Other

Jan 22, 2010
Mental health is a scary thing to deal with and often times goes unnoticed. I am sure a lot of us have dealt with depression and other forms that negatively impact us. We all have our different ways of dealing with it, some in silence and others like to talk about it.

I figure with everything going on in the world now might be a great time to come in and talk to each other and hopefully help each other out. Discuss problems, concerns, healing strategies, etc.

I hope we can help each other out and have a place to decompress and talk about things we may not typically feel comfortable discussing

There are lots of resources out there as well (feel free to make suggestions to add):

Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Suicide Prevention Website

Better Help Online Therapy

Mayo Clinic Depression Symptoms/Causes

Coping with Depression
Feel some of the things that help mental health most that are often neglected are getting enough sleep, food and exercise. When you feel good, it makes it easier to manage the stresses and hardships in life.

Know it can be difficult to have the motivation to do these things when depressed but having 3 meals a day, going for a walk in the evening and not using your phone or computer right before going to bed help a lot
I’ll start us off. One of the things I struggle with is a manic depressive type deal (I don’t want to self diagnose but this is the closest comparison). I will be perfectly fine and having a “good” day and then out of nowhere I get a sudden hit of depression and sadness. It feels as I’m in a bad mood but I just get numb to everything and feel overwhelming sadness about everything in life. These will last from a few minutes to several hours and then I will be perfectly fine.

I am not sure what I attribute this to. I’ve not had any recent trauma in my life, though I can say I had a pretty abnormal upbringing and had traumatic events back then. Currently, I am married and have 2 baby girls. I’m not rich or wealthy by any means but I am doing okay for myself and family. Aside from my episodes mentioned above, I have a slight bit of regular depression. I often time suffer from not feeling like I’m good enough with anything that I do. This can be life, work, financials, just about anything you can think of. When I hit my really low points I can truly say if it weren’t my for two baby girls I don’t think I’d want to be living anymore. Luckily, I’m able to stay positive and keep doing what I can for the family.
Feel some of the things that help mental health most that are often neglected are getting enough sleep, food and exercise. When you feel good, it makes it easier to manage the stresses and hardships in life.

Know it can be difficult to have the motivation to do these things when depressed but having 3 meals a day, going for a walk in the evening and not using your phone or computer right before going to bed help a lot
That is true. One of the most common symptoms of depression is anedohnia which, unfortunately, makes it extremely hard for the person to get the ball rolling. Support and motivation that encourages medication compliance is crucial. Once someone can give the medicine a small chance to work even a slight relief of symptoms can improve motivation.
Maybe consolidate with this one
bump....this pandemic made either people mental health flourish OR it went right to the bottom of the trash. I was lucky enough to spend most of my time in the park when lockdown happened and I felt so bad for those who couldnt leave their homes.

To this day I see people outside with mental health issues and it hit me that it wasnt so much visible people with mental health issues pre-pandemic.

Its definitely a topic we need to address more.
I started individual therapy about 1 month ago. My wife and I are working to get into couples therapy soon as well.

I met with 3 different therapist to see who was the best fit for me. It was a little strange talking to complete strangers about my problems. I didn't have a good vibe with 1 gentleman at all. He didn't seem interested and it was almost like I was wasting his time. i finally found a person that I seem to mesh with and I've been seeing her for 3 weeks now.

Some of my problems seem to stem from people pleasing and not doing enough for myself. I got to a point in my life where I felt like I didn't deserve good things or happiness. i also notice more negative things about life instead of the positives. It's been a lot of work but, my kids have been helping out tremendously with that.

I find that it's really hard to make time for myself. When i'm at the gym i'm thinking about all the stuff that needs to be done around the house. I feel guilty about being away from my family and not helping out. Some people go to the gym to escape, but I can't escape my anxiety or worries. I've been taking more walks by myself and playing some video games at night when the kids go to bed. Those activities seem to be helping.
It's a work in progress, but I'm here for the work.

Hope everyone is taking care of their mental AND physical health.

We had 12 percent of the possible sunshine for the month of December and I certainly felt it.

Activity dropped off a cliff and over-ate on the holiday break.

It's ******* brutal when you don't have the sun. I don't mind the snow, but we don't even have that. It's all melted, so it's just wet, gray, and like 39 degrees every day.
Ex-caseworker. Ask me anything about getting help

My friend is suicidal(ish) but won’t willingly go into rehab. No drugs or alcohol etc. He just feels like it’s time to go…like a candle whose light has burned out sort of delusions. Is conservatorship the only realistic option for his family (brother) to do to force him into a facility? In california.
Got diagnosed for GAD and OCD last year. I've had both nearly my entire life but my OCD has been getting progressively worse. It impacts me nearly every hour.

Finally took a chance with meds. Been on zoloft for a few months now but haven't really felt much improvement.
My friend is suicidal(ish) but won’t willingly go into rehab. No drugs or alcohol etc. He just feels like it’s time to go…like a candle whose light has burned out sort of delusions. Is conservatorship the only realistic option for his family (brother) to do to force him into a facility? In california.
Yeah that’s the only way and most people if beimg manipulative can talk their way out of that.
It's that time of the year again

Been thinking about my parents a lot :frown:

My parents are still here but i often think about what it will be like at this time of year when they are gone.

Hopefully you have friends, family an S/O you can lean on🤞
It's that time of the year again

Been thinking about my parents a lot :frown:

I’m sorry you’re going through it fam. Chat us up in here if need be. Think about the good times around the holidays you all shared together
I think I’m gonna start seeing a therapist again pretty soon. Nothing out of control right now, but there’s definitely some family/personal issues I should be working through.

I’ve definitely been more depressed as of late, but the good news is it’s entirely situational for me. I might not be able to change some of the problems I’m having, but I could use a little help coping with them.
Been going through alot this year fam
still blessed with so much, but man its been tough
been challenged it seems like from every angle and its draining, where i deal with it by just doing nothing and watching tv

Doing nothing is the depression multiplier for sure.

I find even the smallest positive action can elevate my mood / outlook considerably.
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