Men Open Fire into Public Bus

Originally Posted by durantula

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Unbelievable....that mother should lose her child and go to jail for the rest of her life. EVERYONE involved who is on trial, should get the death penalty. They bring nothing to society and we'd be better off w/o any of them on this earth.

The death penalty tho? For firing a gun?
a semi auto (among other weapons) into a semi crowded bus with intent to kill?
Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

If you think about it, all of em were cowards. They didn't really wanna shoot the man or hurt anybody. If they did then they would've stayed on the bus and lit dude up. Dudes get guns and feel invincible.

If I was a passenger on that bus I would have freaked out.


but that kid jumping on that bus driver got me weak

why didnt he just duck
looked like he was tryna jump out of the driver's window hahaha.
Good thing about this is that all those animals who shot at a bus with innocent passengers aboard are behind bars where they belong. Someone could have been easily been killed but luckily those cowards had bad aim. Why not come with your fists if you have a problem with someone? Instead you have no regard for human life so you shoot a gun into a public bus with innocent people aboard?! Their intent was to kill innocent unarmed people and thats why they're charged with attempted murder and in jail where they belong. THat mother deserves to have the kid taken away from her before she raises him to be a gun packing thug like the people she asscosiates with.

Shes the work of the devil to order someone to be shot and killed over such a small verbal dispute. She knew there were a lot of people on the bus and anyone could have gotten hit with bullets even the people she didnt have a confrontation with ,but she ordered those thugs to shoot the bus up anyway. She herself has no regard for human life and she deserves to be killed or thrown in jail herself for what she did.

The world will be a lot safer place if she and others like herself are NOT part of society. People lose their lives to gun violence everyday people get hit by stray bullets all the time and this could have easily turned into a deadly tradegy. I thank god no one was hurt or killed and I hope alll responsible for this crime are locked away for a very long time.

in DC i kno some youngings who only 15 pulling up big choppas just like this.
seen em stashed in trees too. lol
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by MartianRefugee

and African Americans wonder why   other blacks the entire planet looks at them like this

Shut up with this crap....crap like this happens worldwide...I refuse to wonder why anybody looks at me the way they do. If both of your logics are to stick, then I should look at all Muslims, White Christians, Russians the same way...just stop it
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by MartianRefugee

and African Americans wonder why   other blacks the entire planet looks at them like this

Shut up with this crap....crap like this happens worldwide...I refuse to wonder why anybody looks at me the way they do. If both of your logics are to stick, then I should look at all Muslims, White Christians, Russians the same way...just stop it
It doesn't bother me why people look at me either.
But the truth is that these types of incidents give legitimacy to their negative feelings toward Blacks.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Shut up with this crap....crap like this happens worldwide...I refuse to wonder why anybody looks at me the way they do. If both of your logics are to stick, then I should look at all Muslims, White Christians, Russians the same way...just stop it
It doesn't bother me why people look at me either.
But the truth is that these types of incidents give legitimacy to their negative feelings toward Blacks.
even if you in a benz you still a...
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Good thing about this is that all those animals who shot at a bus with innocent passengers aboard are behind bars where they belong. Someone could have been easily been killed but luckily those cowards had bad aim. Why not come with your fists if you have a problem with someone? Instead you have no regard for human life so you shoot a gun into a public bus with innocent people aboard?! Their intent was to kill innocent unarmed people and thats why they're charged with attempted murder and in jail where they belong. THat mother deserves to have the kid taken away from her before she raises him to be a gun packing thug like the people she asscosiates with.

Shes the work of the devil to order someone to be shot and killed over such a small verbal dispute. She knew there were a lot of people on the bus and anyone could have gotten hit with bullets even the people she didnt have a confrontation with ,but she ordered those thugs to shoot the bus up anyway. She herself has no regard for human life and she deserves to be killed or thrown in jail herself for what she did.

The world will be a lot safer place if she and others like herself are NOT part of society. People lose their lives to gun violence everyday people get hit by stray bullets all the time and this could have easily turned into a deadly tradegy. I thank god no one was hurt or killed and I hope alll responsible for this crime are locked away for a very long time.

  uh oh.....
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Good thing about this is that all those animals who shot at a bus with innocent passengers aboard are behind bars where they belong. Someone could have been easily been killed but luckily those cowards had bad aim. Why not come with your fists if you have a problem with someone? Instead you have no regard for human life so you shoot a gun into a public bus with innocent people aboard?! Their intent was to kill innocent unarmed people and thats why they're charged with attempted murder and in jail where they belong. THat mother deserves to have the kid taken away from her before she raises him to be a gun packing thug like the people she asscosiates with.

Shes the work of the devil to order someone to be shot and killed over such a small verbal dispute. She knew there were a lot of people on the bus and anyone could have gotten hit with bullets even the people she didnt have a confrontation with ,but she ordered those thugs to shoot the bus up anyway. She herself has no regard for human life and she deserves to be killed or thrown in jail herself for what she did.

The world will be a lot safer place if she and others like herself are NOT part of society. People lose their lives to gun violence everyday people get hit by stray bullets all the time and this could have easily turned into a deadly tradegy. I thank god no one was hurt or killed and I hope alll responsible for this crime are locked away for a very long time.

  uh oh.....

Dude wrote 3 paragraphs and all you address is his use of the word animals...stop it 5.
I agree with a majority of what haze&sneakers wrote.
Although, the guy should have just reported her without telling her.
Its like this everywhere where there is low income.
Low Income = Crime.
Some places are more dangerous than others.
Originally Posted by durantula

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Unbelievable....that mother should lose her child and go to jail for the rest of her life. EVERYONE involved who is on trial, should get the death penalty. They bring nothing to society and we'd be better off w/o any of them on this earth.

The death penalty tho? For firing a gun?
YES!!! I'm not even FOR the death penalty but people who are have a case EVEN if no one got hurt the INTENT was there
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by MartianRefugee

and African Americans wonder why   other blacks the entire planet looks at them like this


Because the actions of these few are a representation of all us right? Shut your dumb !$$ up
.... such blatant disrespect for other peoples lives ...

i mean damn.... the whole BUS!!!!!

unacceptable ...

i hope they stay in jail ... and i'm talking life sentence with hard labor ...
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by MartianRefugee

and African Americans wonder why   other blacks the entire planet looks at them like this


Because the actions of these few are a representation of all us right? Shut your dumb !$$ up
Try to explain that to the average person with preconceived notions about Blacks, who sees this type of stuff on the news every night.
It's the truth, whether your hurt feelings agree or disagree.
The actions of another human being does not give "legitimacy" to how someone should look at me as a black man

DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
Supermanblue79 wrote:
MartianRefugee wrote:
and African Americans wonder why   other blacks the entire planet looks at them like this



Because the actions of these few are a representation of all us right? Shut your dumb !$$ up

Unfortunately, yes
It's called the burden of representation. It sucks that it works like this but in the world of academia (African American and Ethnic Studies) this is a widely held, and accepted, theory.

This kind of ignorance I can only shake my head at as well as support a stiff and justifiable punishment.  
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Good thing about this is that all those animals who shot at a bus with innocent passengers aboard are behind bars where they belong. Someone could have been easily been killed but luckily those cowards had bad aim. Why not come with your fists if you have a problem with someone? Instead you have no regard for human life so you shoot a gun into a public bus with innocent people aboard?! Their intent was to kill innocent unarmed people and thats why they're charged with attempted murder and in jail where they belong. THat mother deserves to have the kid taken away from her before she raises him to be a gun packing thug like the people she asscosiates with.

Shes the work of the devil to order someone to be shot and killed over such a small verbal dispute. She knew there were a lot of people on the bus and anyone could have gotten hit with bullets even the people she didnt have a confrontation with ,but she ordered those thugs to shoot the bus up anyway. She herself has no regard for human life and she deserves to be killed or thrown in jail herself for what she did.

The world will be a lot safer place if she and others like herself are NOT part of society. People lose their lives to gun violence everyday people get hit by stray bullets all the time and this could have easily turned into a deadly tradegy. I thank god no one was hurt or killed and I hope alll responsible for this crime are locked away for a very long time.

  uh oh.....

Dude wrote 3 paragraphs and all you address is his use of the word animals...stop it 5.
I agree with a majority of what haze&sneakers wrote.
Although, the guy should have just reported her without telling her.

I thought the word animals was ban here lol........ why any fool would still use that word to call someone else that is pretty immature but oh well it doesnt bother you so I guess shouldnt bother anyone else.. 

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

The actions of another human being does not give "legitimacy" to how someone should look at me as a black man


You're right it never should.
But it's a fact that the are many ignorant people that it does give "legitimacy" to they view Blacks as a whole.
Looks they they were hesitant and probably just wanted to scare the man and someone pumped em up to shoot. Ignorant bastards
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79


Because the actions of these few are a representation of all us right? Shut your dumb !$$ up
Try to explain that to the average person with preconceived notions about Blacks, who sees this type of stuff on the news every night.
It's the truth, whether your hurt feelings agree or disagree.
Bingo. Africans, Asians and many other migrants who come to the US hold preconceived notions about Black Americans because of how we are portrayed in the media. I graduated from one of the best schools in the country and made a variety of  friends of different ethnicities and socio-economic standings along the way, their parents very much so think negatively of us. What else do they have to go on? A person such as myself only becomes the exception to their perception once they got to know me. If all I saw through the media were Timothy McVay's or Islamic Extremists then my perception of all whites and Islamic people would be that they are a violent race of people.
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