Men Open Fire into Public Bus

Let me get this straight. So because he tells her he disagrees with what she's doing and threatens to report her, he deserves to get shot at? How in the hell can you justify that? And those people are idiots?
Dumb +$!*@
Originally Posted by Proshares

Let me get this straight. So because he tells her he disagrees with what she's doing and threatens to report her, he deserves to get shot at? How in the hell can you justify that? And those people are idiots?

I was just saying that out of anger. I hate that you can't discipline you own god damn children anymore without some douche threatening to report you. White people think it's ok to let their children cuss them out and run over them but wana lock black people up for doing what a parent is supposed to do.
How the hell did the dude deserved to get shot?
,The Mother should get thrown in jail for starting this madness,people could've been killed because her %!# couldn't take any parental criticism 
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Late probably but first off what the hell is wrong with spanking your child now day and who is this $+# to threaten to turn the mother in for child abuse? SMH Dude deserved to get shot at but these dudes are idiots with all these people on the bus. SMH

Video Shows Dramatic Septa Bus Shooting:
You just made yourself sound like an idiot, sorry. 

So because someone said they didn't like her spanking her child, he deserves to be shot at?  Oh, ok.....(probably because he's white, I assume)

In before people come in and defend the shooters
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Late probably but first off what the hell is wrong with spanking your child now day and who is this $+# to threaten to turn the mother in for child abuse? SMH Dude deserved to get shot at but these dudes are idiots with all these people on the bus. SMH

Video Shows Dramatic Septa Bus Shooting:
You just made yourself sound like an idiot, sorry. 

So because someone said they didn't like her spanking her child, he deserves to be shot at?  Oh, ok.....(probably because he's white, I assume)

In before people come in and defend the shooters
I'm going to get flammed for the dumb comment I made, I forgot NT takes everything so serious. But no one is justifying the actions of these idiots. Period. Women and children's ducking gunshots ain't cool at all.
These dudes need to face a firing squad and it needs to be filmed. We cant just keep sending people to jail who have no regard for human life.
I can see if she just called her people up to come check dude since she's a female but you don't come shooting at a damn bus. They could have went on the bus and dragged dude off or something or roughed him up. It's old women and children ducking and running and they just chillen in broad daylight with choppas and *%% 
how can you say he deserved to be shot at because of that? smh so if he got shot & died, he would have deserved to die?
at the piece of trash that called those guys to kill him over what he said. She is a bad mother and deserves to have her child taken from her.

What does race have to do with anything? You say the stupidest stuff at times. It was his opinion. All she had to say was "don't tell me how to raise my child" and move on but she went as far as getting people to spray up a bus full of innocent civilians because her feelings were hurt.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

I can see if she just called her people up to come check dude since she's a female but you don't come shooting at a damn bus. They could have went on the bus and dragged dude off or something or roughed him up. It's old women and children ducking and running and they just chillen in broad daylight with choppas and *%% 

So dude should've been beaten because he criticized her parenting? Get outta here. Story says she called them up to shoot the dude. She's an even worse parent for pulling this **%@ with her son right there. Deserves to get him taken away from her imo. She should get the maximum for dumb *%#% like this and those idiots who rolled up and started shooting on a bus filled with women and children should get life,%%+ kinda *%#% is that? Shooting up a public bus 
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by DMoney82

I can see if she just called her people up to come check dude since she's a female but you don't come shooting at a damn bus. They could have went on the bus and dragged dude off or something or roughed him up. It's old women and children ducking and running and they just chillen in broad daylight with choppas and *%% 

So dude should've been beaten because he criticized her parenting? Get outta here. Story says she called them up to shoot the dude. She's an even worse parent for pulling this **%@ with her son right there. Deserves to get him taken away from her imo. She should get the maximum for dumb *%#% like this and those idiots who rolled up and started shooting on a bus filled with women and children should get life,%%+ kinda *%#% is that? Shooting up a public bus 
SON instead of trying to make me look like the bad guy read for a change! I'm saying it's all still wrong but they could have done this before shooting up a damn bus. A man getting Roughed up over women and children getting shot at will suffice any day. #$$ it. Duno even know why I'm still going lol I made a dumb comment and now I'm the bad guy
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by Proshares

Let me get this straight. So because he tells her he disagrees with what she's doing and threatens to report her, he deserves to get shot at? How in the hell can you justify that? And those people are idiots?

I was just saying that out of anger. I hate that you can't discipline you own god damn children anymore without some douche threatening to report you. White people think it's ok to let their children cuss them out and run over them but wana lock black people up for doing what a parent is supposed to do.
I am going to take it easy on you and suggest you watch the video and read the article again. The man who criticized her for punishing her child was black. If you bother to create a thread about this you should at least bother to comprehend the context before you spew racism on NT.
at cliff lee jumping on top of the bus driver (but really i wouldve done the same)

but in all seriousness, that spanking wasnt even bad. he didnt need to threaten to call CPS for that.

the mother though
and the dudes who came to "save" her
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by Proshares

Let me get this straight. So because he tells her he disagrees with what she's doing and threatens to report her, he deserves to get shot at? How in the hell can you justify that? And those people are idiots?

I was just saying that out of anger. I hate that you can't discipline you own god damn children anymore without some douche threatening to report you. White people think it's ok to let their children cuss them out and run over them but wana lock black people up for doing what a parent is supposed to do.
I am going to take it easy on you and suggest you watch the video and read the article again. The man who criticized her for punishing her child was black. If you bother to create a thread about this you should at least bother to comprehend the context before you spew racism on NT.
I know what color the man was.
I made a dumb comment just out of anger.
I know I say ignorant %%$ at times but can we get back to the story?? need to call child services she basically gave her child away for being foolish.
I dont agree with strangers trying to tell you whether you should physically discipline your child and then threaten to report you about it

but damn that %@%+ def. didnt deserve getting fired at with an AR

That's some sad %@%+ the mom pulled off

glad nobody was hurt
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