
as if any religious debate is ever successful. This will go worse than the average politics thread on NT
Originally Posted by Regal Black

is it me or does anyone get annoyed when you watch these award shows and people say "I would like to thank God, without him none of this is possible....."? I always get a confused look in my face when they say that

Most annoying thing ever.  I wish people would just take credit for their accomplishments.  Also I'm disturbed because God had enough time to watch over them and help them win an award or a whatever it may be but not enough time to help those who really need it.  I'll never understand God's ways
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by Regal Black

is it me or does anyone get annoyed when you watch these award shows and people say "I would like to thank God, without him none of this is possible....."? I always get a confused look in my face when they say that

Most annoying thing ever.  I wish people would just take credit for their accomplishments.  Also I'm disturbed because God had enough time to watch over them and help them win an award or a whatever it may be but not enough time to help those who really need it.  I'll never understand God's ways
Sometimes people misunderstand this on both sides.

No God didn't sit there and just focus on Tim Tebow and help him win games the way some think. Tim Tebow is responsible through his play but by his belief and faith, he is energized which leads to installing more confidence in his team.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by cartune

 Why do yall get so defensive and jump to the you're a christian defense?

Brainwashed? Im not brainwashed by Religion or Science I think for myself. 

The whole Seeing is believing notion is dumb. And if everyone thought like this we would still be cavemen.

People cant see the future yet they plan for it. 

Religious folks are IN FACT brainwashed by definition.
Can you be brainwashed by science?? I mean it's just facts after all..

"People can't see the future, yet the plan for it." Horrible analogy.. We are always   X < .0000000000000001 seconds away from the future, how does this relate?

People in the past used science for racism and other injustices. It isnt a perfect instrument. You can hold scientific facts to a higher standard than religion but following it blindly is not thinking for yourself and using other people's "evidence" as your personal truth
Tomorrow is the future that everyone believes in yet nobody has seen. 

Sounds like you have a massive chip on your shoulder.
Phrenology and eugenics are a dark time in the history of the world masked with the ignorance of white supremacy and cultural relativism, but to assert that as your stance for not submitting to FACTS revealed elsewhere is ridiculous. At least over time they were subjected to PEER REVIEW (something religion doesn't use) and came to the conclusion that they were no longer valide source of information. 

The scientific method is useful because it is required that all experimentation be able to be replicated and have similar results observed. 


Thats why scientists who forge data ALWAYS get caught. It may take some sooner than later to get knocked, but they always get whats coming to them. The truth always gets revealed and that is the strongest aspect of the community.

If your problem is that people accept things too know what you should do? Test their theories. Analyze their data. Crunch their numbers. I had to take a class for my senior neurobio major a few years back with a supervisor where we did this over published papers and had to issue complaints and offer corrections to their data. 

 Adherence to the pursuit of greater understanding and refinement of the truth is how the community moves forward.

And quit with the poetry. It makes no sense and doesn't establish anything "Tomorrow blah blah blah..." What does that have to do with anything?

One says: Hey lets test a thought we have. If we get evidence to support it, we'll accept it. If we don't, we discard it

The other says: Hey lets make rules based on thoughts we have and never break them. Ever. 

Just dont complain about science when you take advantage of it. Complain about JUNK science and other pseudoscientific claims. Check for examples of what I'm talking about. 
According to stephen hawking  Gravity and quantum fluctuations, as we understand them, can account for what we observe in the universe. But as to why the universe exists in such a way as to include those phenomena, that is a mystery. We're still trying to figure it out. The most honest thing to say is that "we are still searching" 
Others just say "god" and don't even explain how or why they got to that explanation. God would be a great answer...if there was a mechanism explaining how it works.

Its like me explaining speciation and how we get all these different breeds of dogs from wolves and I simply say Evolution, without explaining evolution via natural selection, genetics, and phylogeny. Then you'd just be confused because I didn't explain how "Evolution" works. 

God is not a good answer because it doesn't conclude anything, it simply just ends the conversation. 

"God" didn't cure Cholera, fixing the broken pipe where everyone got water in London did. 

"god" didn't cure anthrax, giving sick kids bovine versions of anthrax bacteria did and created the first vaccine.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

To be honest... with all these postings of religious threads, its actually made me closer to the Lord.  I might even try to go to church Sunday.
I don't think of God or religion much at all but it seems that every time I now go to NT, I am always reminded of it.  
Oh, really?

Couldn't read the bible alone, huh? 


People go to church to fellowship with one another and be around like minded individuals. 

Like a science club. People go and talk science and get to know one another. They also share excitement about science and encourage each other to learn more and more.
Keyword: "Learn"

So what do kids learn at church? 

If you want to teach creationism in schools, why cant we teach evolution in church? 

Originally Posted by oidreez

yawn sillyputty. You act like someone can only believe in religion or science. you will never win yourself no matter how many long posts you make
Thanks for the detailed response. 

I'm not trying to "win" I'm trying to be RIGHT. 

The thing is, if you encountered something that disproved a principle in the bible, would you still believe in that principle as written in the bible? 

What matters more to you? Evidence or faith? 

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by Regal Black

is it me or does anyone get annoyed when you watch these award shows and people say "I would like to thank God, without him none of this is possible....."? I always get a confused look in my face when they say that

Most annoying thing ever.  I wish people would just take credit for their accomplishments.  Also I'm disturbed because God had enough time to watch over them and help them win an award or a whatever it may be but not enough time to help those who really need it.  I'll never understand God's ways
Sometimes people misunderstand this on both sides. 

No God didn't sit there and just focus on Tim Tebow and help him win games the way some think. Tim Tebow is responsible through his play but by his belief and faith, he is energized which leads to installing more confidence in his team.
So "god" really didn't do anything then.

Thanks for confirming that "god" is a mental placebo.

Beause I can get energized chanting a team song or hearing the crowd scream my name. 

I LOVE how you always speak on behalf of god and ALWAYS know what god means when something happens. Only you have the direct line.

Let me start this off by saying, the Carlos Boozer thread is the thread of the year already.  More so, for real religious cats, why did and does Christianity preach about free-will and say how there is a choice between choosing heaven and hell when in fact there isn't really a choice?  Why give the illusion that we can make choices when everything is just a destiny?


Well think back to what Jesus said about him 'knowing' before hand; how one of his disciples would betray him.  As you recall, this person is "Judas", so did Judas really have a choice?  Where's the free will in that?

Also, if purgatory did exist, then why does hell even come to be?  If people make mistakes and get parole in purgatory, doesn't it mean no one will go to hell?

It's the makaveli!!!  Kiluminati

Think about it.

The catholic church got rid of purgatory a few years ago.

I guess God deleted that bonus level in the Christian expansion pack

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Oh, really?

Couldn't read the bible alone, huh? 


People go to church to fellowship with one another and be around like minded individuals. 

Like a science club. People go and talk science and get to know one another. They also share excitement about science and encourage each other to learn more and more.
Keyword: "Learn"

So what do kids learn at church? 

If you want to teach creationism in schools, why cant we teach evolution in church?

What do you mean what do kids learn in church?

Wait when did Public school become the church of evolution? Wouldn't it be better for the children to learn ALL the possibilities and not just 1? I chose God because the proof is in the pudding for me. Actually why would science cancel God out anyway? Never understood that.


Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by blackxme

Most annoying thing ever.  I wish people would just take credit for their accomplishments.  Also I'm disturbed because God had enough time to watch over them and help them win an award or a whatever it may be but not enough time to help those who really need it.  I'll never understand God's ways
Sometimes people misunderstand this on both sides. 

No God didn't sit there and just focus on Tim Tebow and help him win games the way some think. Tim Tebow is responsible through his play but by his belief and faith, he is energized which leads to installing more confidence in his team.
So "god" really didn't do anything then.

Thanks for confirming that "god" is a mental placebo.

Beause I can get energized chanting a team song or hearing the crowd scream my name. 

I LOVE how you always speak on behalf of god and ALWAYS know what god means when something happens. Only you have the direct line.

Putty I don't know what EXACT effect God had. But I know what happened has helped many people through many different issues. Not just football.

I wouldn't say I have a direct line like I can just text God. But I do know faith is very powerful.

you don't see the point. judas didn't have a choice because jesus predicted it.
Not mine below but hope it helps...

“Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by cap1229

You always have a choice. Always.
you don't see the point. judas didn't have a choice because jesus predicted it.


You can stop yelling at me. The action is what mattered. He had a choice.
I don't get it, regardless the context in all those quotes suggest that things were apprehensive.

In that context, Jesus befriended someone he 'knew' was evil? WUH!?!?!?!!
The "mystery of faith" response will always be the weakest point of Christianity.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by cap1229

You always have a choice. Always.
you don't see the point. judas didn't have a choice because jesus predicted it.


You can stop yelling at me. Judas had a choice in denying Christ those 3 times. The action is what mattered in the end.

  He didn't have a choice.  Whether he was asked 1 time, 3 time, 1,00000 times, Jesus knew BEFORE HAND he was going to betray him.  JESUS KNEW.

The fact that the Bible tried to portray Judas as being hesitant could suggest that he could not escape from destiny.  The whole ruckus of this was to show an illusion that he could've changed his answer, but instead didn't.  But this illusion is what it is, just an illusion. 

They could've had Judas just say 'no', and be done with.  Why drag?
Originally Posted by cap1229

You always have a choice. Always.

Like how you choose what to follow in your bible?

It doesn't just say to wives, it says to any woman: 





Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by RKO2004

People go to church to fellowship with one another and be around like minded individuals. 

Like a science club. People go and talk science and get to know one another. They also share excitement about science and encourage each other to learn more and more.
Keyword: "Learn"

So what do kids learn at church? 

If you want to teach creationism in schools, why cant we teach evolution in church?

What do you mean what do kids learn in church?

Wait when did Public school become the church of evolution? Wouldn't it be better for the children to learn ALL the possibilities and not just 1? I chose God because the proof is in the pudding for me. Actually why would science cancel God out anyway? Never understood that.


Originally Posted by RKO2004

Sometimes people misunderstand this on both sides. 

No God didn't sit there and just focus on Tim Tebow and help him win games the way some think. Tim Tebow is responsible through his play but by his belief and faith, he is energized which leads to installing more confidence in his team.
So "god" really didn't do anything then.

Thanks for confirming that "god" is a mental placebo.

Beause I can get energized chanting a team song or hearing the crowd scream my name. 

LOVE how you always speak on behalf of god and ALWAYS know what god means when something happens. Only you have the direct line.

Putty I don't know what EXACT effect God had. But I know what happened has helped many people through many different issues. Not just football.

I wouldn't say I have a direct line like I can just text God. But I do know faith is very powerful. 


You don't know what effect god has but you still assert it had one...and you don't even have an inkling of a clue. God was pretty important in Tebow's performance, right? Since he went to the Super Bowl and all, right?...Nevermind that was Tom Brady. 


You're a liar.

The smart thing to do would be to say "I don't know" 

Stop making things up. Its less embarrassing when you get called out on it. 


Originally Posted by RunningFishy

I don't get it, regardless the context in all those quotes suggest that things were apprehensive.

In that context, Jesus befriended someone he 'knew' was evil? WUH!?!?!?!!
Hes saying that Jesus is a massive troll

God created a human form of itself to sacrifice itself, to itself, on behalf of things it created...and messed up TWICE.  Jesus knew it would be sacrificed and set Judas up for the okie-doke because he knew what would happen anyways, and still blames the guy. 

So much for an all-knowing and all powerful god.

Does anything you're saying negate my points? It would be interesting if you had anything to contribute by way of a source yourself. I didn't know making arguments and presenting evidence for them was a bad thing these days. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

To be honest... with all these postings of religious threads, its actually made me closer to the Lord.  I might even try to go to church Sunday.
I don't think of God or religion much at all but it seems that every time I now go to NT, I am always reminded of it.  
Oh, really?

Couldn't read the bible alone, huh? 
Why be forever alone when I can go to bible study and meet females to help me study?

Sillyputty is bringing corny material from the cancer of the internet Reddit. If you want a good discussion full of up votes and down ranks go to Reddits dedicated Atheist forum. All Silly does is copypasta.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by cap1229

You always have a choice. Always.
you don't see the point. judas didn't have a choice because jesus predicted it.


You can stop yelling at me. Judas had a choice in denying Christ those 3 times. The action is what mattered in the end.

Yet it was all predicted by Jesus

You're going to betray me Judas, but you have a choice not to---makes perfect sense, not a contradictory statement at all
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by cap1229

You always have a choice. Always.
Not if you believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing creator.

Well a theory I have.


This is a transit map. Now what I'm thinking is that our lives are like this. Will can take many different routes to many different locations. With many different stops along the way. We choose what bus we get on. Sometimes on those buses we cross paths with people who we make a significant connection with.

Me for example. I started out working in a local chili restaurant. I didn't want to for many different reasons. I could have quit because I was treat poorly for some time. But I stayed on the bus long enough where I saw a new shopping mall (new job right upstairs. SAME BUILDING). I got off the bus I was on and got on another. Now this new bus has put me with some pretty influential people who may be able to get me to a even bigger and better mall. We'll see though. It's looking good though.

Hope this made a lick of sense
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by cap1229

You always have a choice. Always.
you don't see the point. judas didn't have a choice because jesus predicted it.


You can stop yelling at me. Judas had a choice in denying Christ those 3 times. The action is what mattered in the end.

Phrenology and eugenics are a dark time in the history of the world masked with the ignorance of white supremacy and cultural relativism, but to assert that as your stance for not submitting to FACTS revealed elsewhere is ridiculous. At least over time they were subjected to PEER REVIEW (something religion doesn't use) and came to the conclusion that they were no longer valide source of information. 

Yo I am not sure about Christianity, but I know in Islam everything in religion can go up for "peer review". The Azhar University in Cairo is always pursuing any falsifications. And on top of that the University it self is from 9th century, not that age has any importance, but surely they must have aquired massive manuscripts in all fields of study.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Not if you believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing creator.
Uh. No.
People sometimes provide explanations for why they disagree. 
Because you always have a choice of what you want to do and what you want to believe in life.
You said No. Not if you believe in faith.

As if one no longer makes his or her choices in everyday life. Like someone is a puppet/a vegetable of a human because one believes in "A/The word".

If someone believes today. They might not choose to tmw.

So i dont get how someone CANT have a choice if they believe in a allknowing/allpowerful being.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

you don't see the point. judas didn't have a choice because jesus predicted it.


You can stop yelling at me. Judas had a choice in denying Christ those 3 times. The action is what mattered in the end.


yeah that wasn't Judas that was Peter.
Didn't have Wikipedia open like silly putty. My fault. Haha. I still stand by the notion that we all have free will.
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