May accountability thread vol. LETS GET IT B4 SUMMER

Accomplishments on my plate for May:
Create a better daily schedule of waking up and get my blood pumping before the sun comes up.
Earn the pentest+ certification
Keep my running steady
Spend a couple weekends on the motorcycle
Plan a vacay with my girl
Submit 12 job applications.
Create a plan to launch a webpage for IT vendors
gonna sell 500 copies of my book, do 5 live readings, and get that electric scooter...mfs look Ever So Pleased zipping around on those.

also planning to stop speaking English offline for the year by the end of the summer.
- make ~$4,000 trading based on my schedule... stick to my compounding plan
- gratitude and accomplishment/goal diary everyday + visualization (I get on a great morning call at 9am est and he gets on again sometimes at midnight called Mornings w Neno @Longlivneno on IG, if anyone wants the zoom link or telegram chat hmu)
- get under 300lbs (should hit that one tomorrow so staying is another goal in itself)- SMACKED 5/7/2021
- read a book on personal development and a book on trading
- shoot and upload either a vlog youtube video or a training video for my trading group, either are both WAY outside my comfort zone so that's the benefit there
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Accomplishments on my plate for May:
Create a better daily schedule of waking up and get my blood pumping before the sun comes up. - got a gym membership and got a good schedule going
Earn the pentest+ certification- decided to pursue another cert which I should work to get in June
Keep my running steady- haven't ran much since im pumping iron more now.
Spend a couple weekends on the motorcycle- accomplished
Plan a vacay with my girl- still working out details for a july trip
Submit 12 job applications.- had 2 great interviews that didn't work out.
Create a plan to launch a webpage for IT vendors- cancelled this idea stirring the pot on some others

wil go ahead and make a list for June
month flew by1!!
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I've been cutting my sugar intake.
I work out at least 3-times a week.
Laying off of the fast food and cooking more at home.
I have to update portfolio for my artwork.
I have to commit to jogging 3 days a week like I used to.
- finish my website
- update my resume and portfolio
- consistently hit the gym every week
- new design or photography project each week
End of the month recap:
- website finished and published
- resume and portfolio updated. Been applying for positions
- did not hit the gym consistently enough. Gotta do better with that
- successfully completed a new project each week, and actually did more than I anticipated
Finally obtain my security +
Workout and get to at least 200 pounds
Finish this appeal letter
Start a new side hustle
Only was able to take care of the appeal letter :smh:

Definitely trying to lose some weight for June and get the security + before the switch
Hit the gym 15 times last month and started hooping again. Aiming for 20 trips this month. Been keeping a gratitude journal the past 2 months. Been consistent with meditating and visualizing in the mornings and evenings. Wanna read 4-8 books this month, stretch everyday, keep a dream journal and cop some random gifts for the family
- looking to hit the gym at least 15 times this month. Gotta treat it like a job and just do it
- Add depth to my portfolio
- apply for at least 20 jobs this month
- begin doing the research on a comptia course to take. A career change may be what I need
- Less photography this month, more design.
- Design at least 2 t shirts
I like this thread.

I've been cutting my sugar intake.
I work out at least 3-times a week.
Laying off of the fast food and cooking more at home.
I have to update portfolio for my artwork.
I have to commit to jogging 3 days a week like I used to.
I pretty much knocked most of these down aside from the Art Portfolio.
My Cholesterol dipped and my blood sugar dipped.

Current goals for July:
-Jog at least 30 minutes each time minimum.
-Work on my core muscle group and squats for legs.
-Daily stretching(back, legs, shoulders mostly).
-Buy a new drawing tablet and refine my abilities by watching tutorials online.
-Get my body used to eating more fiber, I went too hard on that last week and my stomach was ****** up for a few days so I gotta ease my body into it.
We all get left OG
and one day, we’ll do the leaving
don’t focus on her being gone
focus on the time you had with her
God could’ve given you any other mother in the world but he gave you her .
remember that
cherish that
remember the good times
be grateful for the good times
think of things that are going to put a smile on your face when you think about her
Want to get over the pain I feel over my mom's passing.
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