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I thought they were just going to drop ‘Reality’ on MAX today but looks like they are debuting it on HBO at 10:05PM (after White House Plumbers) so it won’t be available until tonight.
Didn’t realize the movie was eponymous and her first name is Reality…Reality Winner. What a name.

Anyhow, I really don’t think y’all will like this movie but I am open to be proven wrong. Don’t ask me for your 90 minutes back if you don’t rock with with, though
Started Industry after Succession. It's ok I guess. I finished season one.

You minus whale go through Season 2 now since you're already halfway through the series :lol: I know Season 3 was greenlit but I don't think a premiere date (or even ballpark) was announced yet
That's funny that's how she got to the articles. Seems like most companies intranet is like that, search for one thing and some things show up that you shouldn't be privy to.
Wow, I thought the Love & Death slander for becoming slow would trickle down to this but I guess not! Glad you guys enjoyed it. I didn't know about this story so beyond the acting, the story was intriguing to me. I stopped with the intranet as an intern before I even started full-time because I just it was so trash. But you're right, sometimes the most random **** can come up like docs, PPTs, spreadsheets, etc. that someone saved on a server or SharePoint that they didn't know was unsecure.

Reality's situation sounds like what we refer to as 'News Clips'. It basically collates all company and industry-related articles and puts them in this database but it's all stuff from commercial platforms. I wonder how this highly sensitive ended up wherever it did and she was able access it outside of a SCIF and print it without setting something off.
Reality was legit.

2016 - 2020 was such a surreal time in this nation. They hit it on the head when they said how just tuning into any news outlet just made you extremely angry.
I’m just not seeing the horrible side of The IDOL.
I think everything matches.
The shotty editing, bad lighting, terrible delivery of lines…the Story, it just feels authentically Terrible in a way that screams Reality.

That character that the Depp girl plays and Destiny. The best friend slash assistant, Weekend’s cringy *** Cult vibe.

I definitely liked it.
It all felt very interesting.
The idol had potential. But reports say the production of it was a **** show.

As for the first ep, way to much screentime with the artist “team” of nitwits. It went from forced funny to forced rauchyness.

Im just interested in the type of cult abel runs.

Ill give it an episode or two more.
The concept is interesting


The acting is flat (The two leads especially)
The pacing is slow
The dialogue is uninteresting
The characters as a result are uninteresting
The presentation is boring

The cinematography is nice. That is like the only positive from episode one.

Copy and pasting Euphoria's presentation would have probably helped this show.

The critics are right. This joint started off weak and the promo for the upcoming episodes looks boring as hell.

Again the concept sounds interesting, but the execution is bad. Really bad.
I’m going to watch it again.
I was disappointed to know I had just watched Episode1, the show was new and I didn’t have a 2nd Episode to watch.

Things I’d agree on..
Acting is flat(two leads)- I think that works and we’ll find out as the show goes and their characters are built a little more, that it’s not really bad acting, it’s just an unentertaining uninterested Verizon of their life we get to see, instead of the ENTOURAGE everyone’s a winner type vibe.

Pacing is slow and dialogue is uninteresting.
I also would agree. I wanted a lot Lot more than what I got in episdoe1, specifically the dialogue.

I mean the scene where Tedros is introduced and he’s Mcee’ing at his club, the choice of words they give him to get his club hype, was just so vanilla and like something I’d hear from a real life Mcee who isn’t that, good.

I think that’s who his character is or will be, someone we see as not up to Joss’ standards. I don’t know man, reading the reviews and having just finished the show, I was just on a much different page than those critics.

Rewatching it now not to see if I really like it, I just want a bit more before episode2 so, ******* watching it again.
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