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I'm also someone who never saw more than couple episodes of Sopranos before and started watching few weeks back and through 2 seasons so far. Really enjoying it thus far and as I have more time over the holidays should be able to finish by end of the year. When I initially watched it years ago I just didn't care for all the dialogue between Tony and the therapist but really enjoy those scenes now. Maybe it's because I wasn't in the right headspace or had the patience back then lol.
How far have you gotten? I’ve been trying to binge heavy.

On season 5 so far. There is the gangster element. But the analysis of the human condition. Alcoholism. Drug abuse. Infidelity. Mental health. Racism. Political Correctness. Family. Trauma.
How far have you gotten? I’ve been trying to binge heavy.

On season 5 so far. There is the gangster element. But the analysis of the human condition. Alcoholism. Drug abuse. Infidelity. Mental health. Racism. Political Correctness. Family. Trauma.
I'm about half way through season 3 now. The rape scene and the part where Ralph beats the pregnant girl/stripper to death were hard to watch. Outside of that I'm still really enjoying the show and all the aspects like you mentioned.

I actually know Ralph's (Joe Pantoliano) son a little bit in real life as he was a cross training instructor. A former co worker of mine was HS friends with the son. Really humble guy who tried his hand in Hollywood for a time but he never got too far it seemed and didn't like the industry that much. Not sure how close his son was to Joe but he had lots of respect for his fathers career and hard work.
But that’s part of it. The ugly of humanity. Chris physically abusing his girl. Chris not able to cope with the life or the death of his friend and turning to drugs. Tony’s womanizing and anger due to the trauma of his childhood and lifestyle.

The rape was uncomfortable. There’s so much more. I’m about to get to season six part a. I already know I’ll be disappointed at the end like GoT. It’s difficult to maintain a high level of quality over a long period of time.
Yea i quit on Sopranos halfway through season 3. I was in my late 20s at the time, so I'm not sure it'll change much for me. Will try again eventually.
I’m in my mid 40s. I’ve had ups and downs. I can relate and/or appreciate it.

But obviously there’s so much to watch/binge that if it’s not your thing badda bing, eh.
I mean I tried while it aired in my teens tried like 10 years ago. Tried when it was hype around the final season.

Has nothing to do with content or subject matter. Those s1 eps just don't grab my attention compared to other shows.
I liked Suicide Squad and the Snyder Cut as well.

Probably Judas and the Black Messiah was objectively a the only good-great movie.

Some might complain about the pacing, action and climax to Dune not being good.

I’ll check out King Richard during the Holiday.
Dune was great. The people not understanding the pacing have to know this is part one. It’s just the intro and setup to the main story. I couldn’t imagine them rushing through all that info in 20-30 mins then doing the rest of the movie.
:rofl: @ these renters/movers turning in to an ambulance.

All that blood :rofl: I just wanna blink yall. I've never had to blink so much before :rofl:

Then this choir competition with cops participating

Gang day :lol: the ruthless chimichangas.

Rhymefest cameo bartending :lol:
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