Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

NOPE! This isn't racial nor political!

NOPE! Not political, nor racial!

a list of random people to kill and random girls to rape is not political nor racist. the other example of him being radicalized by trump is political. not racist, since he sprayed at everyone. its like yall dont care that your point CANT be proven.


"police have said there was nothing in the background of 24-year-old Connor Betts that would have prevented him from purchasing the .223-caliber rifle" bingo. the fact that he was suspended for something like making two hit-lists like this shouldve been a permanent red-flag on him preventing him from ever touching a weapon. but those laws dont exist, and even if he was baker acted for that **** trump repealed the law that wouldve prevented him still. this stuff has to change. ive said it time and time again, a background check will only catch criminal activity. and if u havent committed a crime YET, that check no matter how strict or universal wont do anything. they HAVE to enable red-flag laws. they HAVE to.

this says an altercation happened. two people fighting one gets shot. not a mass murder kinda thing
a list of random people to kill and random girls to rape is not political nor racist. the other example of him being radicalized by trump is political. not racist, since he sprayed at everyone. its like yall dont care that your point CANT be proven.


"police have said there was nothing in the background of 24-year-old Connor Betts that would have prevented him from purchasing the .223-caliber rifle" bingo. the fact that he was suspended for something like making two hit-lists like this shouldve been a permanent red-flag on him preventing him from ever touching a weapon. but those laws dont exist, and even if he was baker acted for that **** trump repealed the law that wouldve prevented him still. this stuff has to change. ive said it time and time again, a background check will only catch criminal activity. and if u havent committed a crime YET, that check no matter how strict or universal wont do anything. they HAVE to enable red-flag laws. they HAVE to.
I guess you don't think that it is misogynistic to want to rape a woman either, right? Sexism and misogyny isn't political, nor is being an admitted white supremacist racial NOR political.

War on Video Games.

Dawg if they mess up GTA VI and Last of Us 2...I'm gonna lose my ****.

Trump to launch crackdown on violent video games after mass shootings
'Gruesome and grisly video games' must be discouraged, says president

Video games are partly to blame for mass shootings, Donald Trump has said.

Games that "celebrate violence" should be discouraged and made harder to buy, the president suggested.

"We must stop the glorification of violence in our society," he said during a speech in the wake of a spate of shootings. "This includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace.

"It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence. We must stop or substantially reduce this, and it has to begin immediately."
"Let's blame the videogames so we don't have to think about what we're doing to cause these problems."
I can definitely see video games having negative effects on someone who already has mental issues... but it's not making a "sane" person do something crazy.

It's about to be 2020 and they're playing the same ol songs... not sure how they keep getting away with that.
I guess you don't think that it is misogynistic to want to rape a woman either, right? Sexism and misogyny isn't political, nor is being an admitted white supremacist racial NOR political.


what point are you even trying to make at this point. you just went from "killing at random and raping at random are both political and racist" to "you dont think rape is misogynistic?" so rape = misogyny = sexist = political? thats what u wanna go with right now? you think when a man rapes a woman its because of politics? rape is automatically sexist? imma just leave these here and let you boil in your own ideas by yourself.

  1. 1.
    characterized by or showing prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex


  1. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

    synonyms: government, local government, affairs of state, public affairs, diplomacy, party politics
    "a career in politics"
    • the activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries.
      plural noun: politics
      "in the conduct of global politics, economic status must be backed by military capacity"
    • the academic study of government and the state.

  1. relating to the government or the public affairs of a country.
    "a period of political and economic stability"
    synonyms: governmental, government, local government, ministerial, parliamentary, party political, diplomatic, legislative, policy-making, constitutional, public, civic, state, administrative, bureaucratic
    "the political affairs of the nation"
    • relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics.
      "a decision taken for purely political reasons"
      synonyms: activist, active, militant, factional, partisan, party, party political
      "he certainly wasn't a political animal"
    • interested in or active in politics.

Have a good day weirdo.

what point are you even trying to make at this point. you just went from "killing at random and raping at random are both political and racist" to "you dont think rape is misogynistic?" so rape = misogyny = sexist = political? thats what u wanna go with right now? you think when a man rapes a woman its because of politics? rape is automatically sexist? imma just leave these here and let you boil in your own ideas by yourself.

  1. 1.
    characterized by or showing prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex


  1. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

    synonyms: government, local government, affairs of state, public affairs, diplomacy, party politics
    "a career in politics"
    • the activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries.
      plural noun: politics
      "in the conduct of global politics, economic status must be backed by military capacity"
    • the academic study of government and the state.

  1. relating to the government or the public affairs of a country.
    "a period of political and economic stability"
    synonyms: governmental, government, local government, ministerial, parliamentary, party political, diplomatic, legislative, policy-making, constitutional, public, civic, state, administrative, bureaucratic
    "the political affairs of the nation"
    • relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics.
      "a decision taken for purely political reasons"
      synonyms: activist, active, militant, factional, partisan, party, party political
      "he certainly wasn't a political animal"
    • interested in or active in politics.

Have a good day weirdo.
they been tryna take the easy way out and blame games for 20 yrs now. C. Delores Tucker used to blame Pac and Eminem for violence in the black community.

So much deflection.
they been tryna take the easy way out and blame games for 20 yrs now. C. Delores Tucker used to blame Pac and Eminem for violence in the black community.

So much deflection.
remember the uproar over GTA 3 iirc? And that game manhunt from back in the day solely about stalking and killing people? Theyve BEEN trying to say this... but if video games are to blame... why do they only seem to affect white males? Strange.
Japan has highest per capita video game purchases <10 gun deaths/year. We had more gun deaths last week than them in the year. It's not video games.

Japan had a mass arson attack last month killing 35 and injuring an additional 33. Which is more deaths than the El Paso and Dayton shootings combined. The point is not to compare tragedies. But while this particular thread is focused on mass deaths by shooting, there is an issue of people wanting to end the lives of other people.
Japan had a mass arson attack last month killing 35 and injuring an additional 33. Which is more deaths than the El Paso and Dayton shootings combined. The point is not to compare tragedies. But while this particular thread is focused on mass deaths by shooting, there is an issue of people wanting to end the lives of other people.

What does arson have to do with gun violence . Stay on topic numnuts
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